[izpack-changes] r1579 - in izpack-src/branches: . branch-3.9 branch-3.9/bin/langpacks/installer branch-3.9/src branch-3.9/src/dist-files branch-3.9/src/doc-ng/XHTML branch-3.9/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/panels

noreply at berlios.de noreply at berlios.de
Thu Sep 7 03:18:48 CEST 2006

Author: jponge
Date: 2006-09-07 03:18:30 +0200 (Thu, 07 Sep 2006)
New Revision: 1579

Branching for 3.9.x

Copied: izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9 (from rev 1575, izpack-src/trunk)

Deleted: izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/IzPack-head.iml
--- izpack-src/trunk/IzPack-head.iml	2006-09-06 21:22:14 UTC (rev 1575)
+++ izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/IzPack-head.iml	2006-09-07 01:18:30 UTC (rev 1579)
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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-      <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/src/lib" isTestSource="false" />
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-      <excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/_dist" />
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-          <root url="jar://$MODULE_DIR$/lib/ant.jar!/" />
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-    <orderEntry type="library" name="JUnit" level="application" />
-    <orderEntryProperties />
-  </component>

Copied: izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/IzPack-head.iml (from rev 1576, izpack-src/trunk/IzPack-head.iml)

Deleted: izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/IzPack-head.ipr
--- izpack-src/trunk/IzPack-head.ipr	2006-09-06 21:22:14 UTC (rev 1575)
+++ izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/IzPack-head.ipr	2006-09-07 01:18:30 UTC (rev 1579)
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
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-      <entry name="?*.xml" />
-      <entry name="?*.gif" />
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-      <entry name="?*.jpeg" />
-      <entry name="?*.jpg" />
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-    <option name="ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS_STRING" value="" />
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-      <item class="com.intellij.uiDesigner.VSpacer" tooltip-text="Vertical Spacer" icon="/com/intellij/uiDesigner/icons/vspacer.png" removable="false">
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-        </initial-values>
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-        </default-constraints>
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-        </default-constraints>
-      </item>
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-        <default-constraints vsize-policy="6" hsize-policy="6" anchor="0" fill="3">
-          <preferred-size width="150" height="50" />
-        </default-constraints>
-      </item>
-      <item class="javax.swing.JComboBox" icon="/com/intellij/uiDesigner/icons/comboBox.png" removable="false">
-        <default-constraints vsize-policy="0" hsize-policy="2" anchor="8" fill="1" />
-      </item>
-      <item class="javax.swing.JTable" icon="/com/intellij/uiDesigner/icons/table.png" removable="false">
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-          <preferred-size width="150" height="50" />
-        </default-constraints>
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-      <item class="javax.swing.JList" icon="/com/intellij/uiDesigner/icons/list.png" removable="false">
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-          <preferred-size width="150" height="50" />
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-      <item class="javax.swing.JTree" icon="/com/intellij/uiDesigner/icons/tree.png" removable="false">
-        <default-constraints vsize-policy="6" hsize-policy="6" anchor="0" fill="3">
-          <preferred-size width="150" height="50" />
-        </default-constraints>
-      </item>
-      <item class="javax.swing.JTabbedPane" icon="/com/intellij/uiDesigner/icons/tabbedPane.png" removable="false">
-        <default-constraints vsize-policy="3" hsize-policy="3" anchor="0" fill="3">
-          <preferred-size width="200" height="200" />
-        </default-constraints>
-      </item>
-      <item class="javax.swing.JSplitPane" icon="/com/intellij/uiDesigner/icons/splitPane.png" removable="false">
-        <default-constraints vsize-policy="3" hsize-policy="3" anchor="0" fill="3">
-          <preferred-size width="200" height="200" />
-        </default-constraints>
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-      <item class="javax.swing.JSpinner" icon="/com/intellij/uiDesigner/icons/spinner.png" removable="false">
-        <default-constraints vsize-policy="0" hsize-policy="6" anchor="8" fill="1" />
-      </item>
-      <item class="javax.swing.JSlider" icon="/com/intellij/uiDesigner/icons/slider.png" removable="false">
-        <default-constraints vsize-policy="0" hsize-policy="6" anchor="8" fill="1" />
-      </item>
-    </group>
-  </component>
-  <component name="ProjectModuleManager">
-    <modules>
-      <module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/IzPack-head.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/IzPack-head.iml" />
-    </modules>
-  </component>
-  <component name="ProjectRootManager" version="2" assert-keyword="true" jdk-15="false" project-jdk-name="IDEA 4267" />
-  <component name="RmicSettings">
-    <option name="IS_EANABLED" value="false" />
-    <option name="DEBUGGING_INFO" value="true" />
-    <option name="GENERATE_NO_WARNINGS" value="false" />
-    <option name="GENERATE_IIOP_STUBS" value="false" />
-    <option name="ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS_STRING" value="" />
-  </component>
-  <component name="XSLT-Support.FileAssociationsManager" />
-  <component name="libraryTable" />
-  <component name="uidesigner-configuration">
-    <option name="INSTRUMENT_CLASSES" value="true" />
-    <option name="COPY_FORMS_RUNTIME_TO_OUTPUT" value="true" />
-  </component>
-  <UsedPathMacros />

Copied: izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/IzPack-head.ipr (from rev 1576, izpack-src/trunk/IzPack-head.ipr)

Deleted: izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/Versions.txt
--- izpack-src/trunk/Versions.txt	2006-09-06 21:22:14 UTC (rev 1575)
+++ izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/Versions.txt	2006-09-07 01:18:30 UTC (rev 1579)
@@ -1,907 +0,0 @@
-[ The list of the different public versions of IzPack ]
-  > 3.9.0 (build 2006.mm.dd)
-- Fix for ComboBox in SearchField of UserInputPanel returning
-  java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
-  if no options added.(Fabrice Mirabile, thanks to Oliver Kiddle)
-- Fix for the header of the window runs the message into
-  the filename (Fabrice Mirabile, thanks to Oliver Kiddle)
-- Added TroubleShooting for ShellLink.dll missing in help (DocBook and XHTML)
-  (Fabrice Mirabile).
-- Swing threading fixes (Julien Ponge).
-- Some fixes adviced by IntelliJ IDEA 5.1 code inspector (Julien Ponge).  
-- Spanish langpack update (Cesar Martinez Izquierdo).
-- New Polish langpack (Fabrice Mirabile, thanks to Radek)
-- Fixed the createPWD.sh (Fabrice Mirabile, thanks to Radek)
-- Workaround for crashes at end of installation with java VM version
-  1.5 (also known as 5.0) (Klaus Bartz).
-- Updated russian langpack (Fabrice Mirabile)
-- Fixed indent of ShortcutPanels Headline (Marc Eppelmann)
-- Made available all IzPack Variable in the ShortCut Specs (Marc Eppelmann)
-- Configurable heading panel added to InstallerFrame (Klaus Bartz).
-- Panels counter (text or progressbar) useable in the heading or 
-  navigation panel (Klaus Bartz).
-- Fixed logfile for AntActions (Eric Rose).
-- PacksPanels: fixed disk space requirements (Ryan Shillington, via Julien
-  Ponge).
-- Compiler fix (Ryan Shillington, via Julien Ponge).
-- fixed Shotcut(s)(Panel) for Administrators on Win32 (Marc Eppelmann)
-- Fixes on Launcher, handling stuff (Julien Ponge)
-- MAC OS: Launcher is built as universal (ie, i386/ppc) binary  (Julien Ponge)
-- MAC OS: Qt is embedded in the application bundle  (Julien Ponge)
-- Added a variable for install log, InstallerFrame.logfilePath (Klaus Bartz).
-- Added the docu for install log (Fabrice Mirabile).
-- TwoColumnLayout fix (Amit Bhayani @JBoss/RedHat).
-- New compiler (packager) comandline argument -h for IZPACK_HOME; try to 
-  automatic resolving of IZPACK_HOME if not specified (Klaus Bartz).
-- New layout manager (IzPanelLayout) for simplify layouting of IzPanels. 
-  Configurable anchor, gaps, stretch rules etc. (Klaus Bartz).
-- Documentation figures refreshment (Julien Ponge).
-- Throw an IllegalArgumentException in the compiler if the declared panel
-  name differs in case from the founded class name (Klaus Bartz).
-- Re-Activated Shortcut Support for the Automated Installation (Marc Eppelmann).
-- Expanded Debug.log()'s possibility to log with Timestamp and or new Date()
-  Default is now: with both. (Marc Eppelmann).
-- Suppress a NullPointerException in the RuleInputField (Dennis Reil, via Marc
-  Eppelmann).
-- Merged normal installer and registry-enabled installers (Julien Ponge).
-- A potential null pointer exception has been discovered in Unpacker with a
-  custom action. (Dennis Reil, via Julien Ponge).
-- implemented  the X-KDE subsitute user - shortcut attribute (see Unix_shortcutSpec.xml) 
-  (Marc Eppelmann).
-- write Desktop shortcuts to all known local and ypbinded users "desktop" folders. 
-  (Marc Eppelmann)
-- write common shortcuts and their icons to the new freedesktop.org common 
-  "/usr/share/applications"   and "/usr/share/pixmaps" folders to display 
-  these in the commons [start].menu (Marc Eppelmann)
-  > 3.8.1 (build 2006.01.06)
-- Added Greek language support (Fabrice Mirabile, thanks to Panayotis
-  Katsaloulis for the translation and flag).
-- New splashscreen artwork (Nicolas Deschaume).
-- Added IPAdress and ClassPath variable (Fabrice Mirabile).
-- Added HostName variable (Fabrice Mirabile, thanks to Oliver Kiddle).
-- Fixes for IPAdress (Fabrice Mirabile).
-- Patch for WebAccessor: indeterminate progress bar (Julian Payne).
-- Finish language support update (Ari Voutilainen).
-- Script parser fix when no application URL is given.
-- Fix for installer spanning screens with xinerama.
-- Fix for bug #4551 (Weiji Guo).
-- Subgrouping of shortcuts (Weiji Guo).
-- Added Korean language support (Fabrice Mirabile, thanks to Dongsu Jang).
-- Added new panel SelectedPrinterPanel which allows the user to chose any local
-  printer installed and set it to the $SELECTED_PRINTER variable. (Hal Vaughan 
-  and Fabrice Mirabile).
-  > 3.8.0 (build 2005.10.27)
-- Added 2 processor classes having the ability to fill a combobox 
-  with all available unix user and groups (Thorsten Kamann)
-- All default values for the InputPanel (the values of the set attribute)
-  can conatins variables at now.  All
-  variables will be replaces by the VariableSubstitutor (Thorsten Kamann)
-- The resources of the target panel can contains variables at now. All
-  variables will be replaces by the VariableSubstitutor (Thorsten Kamann)
-- Fixed chinese Flag.
-- Patch for InstallerFrame to support user confirmation after pressing 
-  windows "X" closing button.
-- Update the IzPackTask to support an embedded xml installation document that
-  replaces @{x} property references with the corresponding ant property.
-  (patch #442 - Scott Stark).
-- Compiler refactor into an xml parser and xml independent compiler + Pack
-  group, installGroups (patch #439/440 - Scott Stark).
-- IzPack is now released under the terms of the Apache Software License 2.0.
-- Support for a jar attribute on the listener element (patch #432 - Scott Stark).
-- PacksPanels: translations loading fix (patch #446 - Stefan Heidrich).
-- Fixing bug with comboboxes. There was no text shown if you do not use a
-  processor to generate the choices. At now you can us the id or txt attribute
-  (Thorsten Kamann)
-- Uninstaller: use the system Look and Feel instead of the cross-platform one
-  (feature request #470).
-- The uninstaller name can be changed (Thomas Girard).
-- Documentation on the panels creation updates (Elmar Grom).
-- New SummaryPanel (Klaus Bartz).
-- New SummaryLoggerInstallerListener which loggs the summary
-  into a log file (Klaus Bartz).
-- Langpack up-to-date check script (Oscar Sierra | Klaus Bartz).
-- Custom langpacks (Klaus Bartz).
-- New variable APPLICATIONS_DEFAULT_ROOT (Klaus Bartz).
-- Bugfix in MultiLineLabel; now a line break will be performed also
-  it is needed at the last word of the line (Klaus Bartz).
-- Bugfix in JDKPathPanel: now it is possible to select an out-of-version
-  JDK (Klaus Bartz).
-- Properties can be substituted at compile time from the environment,
-  command line, java properties, ant, or <property> tag (Chad McHenry
-  and Scott Stark).
-- New Turkish langpack (Levent Bayindir).
-- Mac OS X: better Swing integration.
-- Configurable notation of language names in the language selection dialog 
-  (Christian Murphy | Klaus Bartz).
-- Fail message in SimpleFinishPanel (Klaus Bartz).
-- Interrupt handling changed (Klaus Bartz).
-- Fixed shortcuts for RedHat and Mandrake (Fabrice Mirabile, thanks to Vitor 
-  Rodrigues for the code).
-- New ConditionalUserInputPanel (Andreas Breiter, patches #407, #408).
-- ExecuteForPack, allow processing depending on the selected pack (Fabrice
-  Mirabile, thanks to Johannes Gutleber for the code).
-- Ant file cleanup: requires ant 1.6. Incremental builds of jar files.
-- Macrodefs instead of antcalls (Chad McHenry).
-- createForUnselectedPack, show a userinputapanel if a pack is not selected 
-  (Fabrice Mirabile, thanks to Stefano Gamma)
-- Registry support on Windows (Klaus Bartz).
-- New CheckedHelloPanel which checks already installed products (Klaus Bartz).
-- Most IzPackTask output for ant is only dumped in VERBOSE mode (Chad McHenry).
-- Introduction of a JUnit test suite.
-- Scripts for easier built of password validation and encrytion addon classes (Fabrice Mirabile)
-- standalone-compiler.jar no longer has duplicate entries (bug #3928).
-- Building process: Java source and target compatibility enforced to 1.4.
-- IzPack installer: use JGoodies Looks on *nix as MlF is buggy on 1.5.
-- "Made with IzPack label": enforce a specific font for the label, making it
-  look finally good with JGoodies Looks.
-- ImgPacksPanel: removed the useless/ugly border around the description area.
-- New compressor pack added to support different compression algorithm for the
-  packs; initial supported are "raw", "deflate" and "bzip2" (Klaus Bartz).
-- New documentation in XHTML Strict 1.0 + CSS (Fabrice Mirabile).
-- New documentation in DocBook (Fabrice Mirabile).
-- Unicode port of shortcuts and registry stuff (Klaus Bartz).
-- New Mac OS X icon (.icns).
-- Added the American Locale XML and Flad (Fabrice Mirabile thanks to Joe Favero)
-  > 3.7.2 (build 2005.04.22)
-- IoHelper.getPrimaryGroup: bugfix for SunOS (Klaus Bartz).
-- Russian langpack fixes (Alexey Makhmutov).
-- Swedish langpack update (Nils Nordman).
-- Spanish langpack update (Juan Alvarez).
-- UserInputPanel: made 'instanceNumber' a protected atribute (patch #406,
-  Andreas Breiter).
-  > 3.7.1 (build 2005.02.15)
-- The Danish langpack was empty by mistake in 3.7.0.
-- Silent installations fix (Oscar Sierra).
-- Free disk space bugfix on Solaris (Oscar Sierra).
-- Installation runable with VM versions < 1.4 again (Klaus Bartz) 
-  (implementation for bug #2268 changed).
-- Italian langpack fixes (Fabrice Mirabille).
-- UserInputPanel: bug fixes by Per Abich (bugs #3233 and #3283).
-- Russian langpack fixes (Alexey Makhmutov).
-- ProcessPanel log file creation fix on Win32 (Anthony Xin Chen).
-- IoHelper.getenv: on Windows keys are not case sensitive (Klaus Bartz).
-  > 3.7.0 (build 2005.01.11)
-- Adding custom action stuff for packaging, installation and uninstallation
-  (Klaus Bartz).
-- The packs files can now be located on disk if needed, for instance to install
-  an application located on a live cd (Erik Artzmark).
-- The attributes "includes" and "excludes" now are supported for filesets
-  (Klaus Bartz).
-- As many sensitive clean-ups as possible have been made after a FindBugs run.
-- Support of native libraries and additional jar files in the uninstaller (Klaus Bartz).
-- InfoPanel: variables substitution is now allowed (Borje Jonsson).
-- InstallPanel supports internationalized package names (Gaganis Giorgos).
-- Support for package dependencies (Gaganis Giorgos).
-- ShortcutPanel: can be optionally skipped on non-supported platforms.
-- PacksPanels: free disk space stuff (Klaus Bartz).
-- New Malaysian langpack (Redhuan Daniel Oon).
-- System properties can now be used as variables (Borje Jonsson).
-- New Norwegian langpack (Mohammed Sourouri).
-- New Chinese langpack (Xi Ping Wang).
-- The language selection box will now appear in the Windows tasks list (Harald
-  Spfle).
-- Spanish langpack update (David Perez Carmona).
-- Fix that prevented the correct detection of OS X.
-- Custom actions for ant calls (Klaus Bartz).
-- IzPanel.setInitialFocus( Component ) stuff added (Klaus Bartz).
-- Configurable button and label icons (Klaus Bartz).
-- Configurable subpath for $INSTALL_PATH default (Klaus Bartz).
-- New base class PathInputPanle for TargetPanel; new JDKPathPanel (Klaus Bartz).
-- Common helper in IzPanel (Klaus Bartz).
-- JGoodies loading fix.
-- Unified OS detection in OsVersion (Hani Suleiman).
-- Default installation path on unix now checks for writable 'usr/local' instead
-  of 'root' username (Hani Suleiman).
-- Removed incomplete and non-functional support for Mac OS9 (Hani Suleiman).
-- Fixed punctuation and some wording in English langpack (Hani Suleiman).
-- Logfile for ProcessPanel (Klaus Bartz).
-- Automatic scrolling of ProcessPanel output (Anthony Xin Chen).
-- Fixed bug parsing some brace enclosed variables (Chad McHenry) (bug #2451).
-- New Serbian translation (Filip Brcic).
-- Bug at loading Panels from other packages fixed (Klaus Bartz).
-- Unix (KDE/Gnome) shortcuts support (Marc Eppelmann).
-- ShortcutPanel: going to a previous panel could lead to strange situations
-  (bug #2713).
-- Installers: avoid showing an empty JFrame behind the languages selection
-  dialog (observed on X11).
-- UserInputPanel: the autodetect button is hidden if not needed 
-  (Michael Hagedorn).
-- A tutorial is now available.
-- New Czech langpack (Jan Pavlovic).
-- German langpack: the uninstaller checkbox string was confusing about the
-  uninstaller performing a full deletion, including the files not unpacked
-  by an IzPack installer.
-- Liquid LnF: version bump (0.2.9-alpha5).
-  > 3.6.1 (build 2004.10.09)
-- Slovak translation updates (Milan Madzia).
-- Java class execution bug fix (Erik Artzmark).
-- ImgPacksPanel was not aware of i18n by using the packsLang.xml_xxx resource.
-- Portuguese langpack updates (Flavio Fonseca).
-- Blocking the GUI interaction (like in InstallPanel) was only working with the
-  mouse events. It now works with the keyboard ones too (Eduard Jodas Samper).
-- TargetPanel: refuse selecting read-only directories.
-- Documentation fixes.
-- TargetPanel: more sanity checks (Andreas Vox).
-- InstallPanel: register errors as failures (Andreas Vox).
-- Polish translation updates (Bronek Truzkowski).
-  > 3.6.0 (build 2004.07.28)
-- New Danish langpack (Frank Bille Jensen).
-- Web installers can now prompt for passwords and a proxy (Chad McHenry).
-- Fixed all javadoc warnings and errors (Chad McHenry).
-- ImgPacksPanel has been reworked to offer some features that only PacksPanel
-  had (Volker Friedritz).
-- Panels can be from any package (Chad McHenry)
-- Uninstaller not included, if it is not to be written anyway (Chad McHenry).
-- Packager and Compiler refactored.
-- Changed the JFrame icon shown in the installers and uninstallers.
-- New SimpleFinishPanel that don't have the automated installers feature.
-- Heavy refactorings on the look and feels side. The Kunststoff packagers have
-  been removed. The look and feels can now be specified on a per-OS basis. If
-  no look and feel is specified for a particular OS, then the platform default
-  one will be used.
-- The IzPack own installer uses the ImgPacksPanel again with some refreshed
-  packages pictures.
-- UserInputPanel: more parameters and a regular expressions validator have been
-  added (Mike Cunneen).
-- 3 new UserInputPanel validators (Thorsten Kamann):
-  * PortValidator (checks whether a port on localhost is available)
-  * IsPortValidator (checks whether the enterd value is a port in the range
-    between 0 and 32000)
-  * HostAddressValidator (checks whether the combination host:port is available)
-- 1 new UserInputPanel processor that checks checks whether the combination of
-  host:port is available. If not the port will be arised until it is available.
-  (Thorsten Kamann)
-- Web install location specified in xml, not resource. (Chad McHenry)
-- Web installer packs are in separate jars to minimize downloads. (Chad McHenry)
-- fix bug so <fileset> uses same default excludes as ant. (Chad McHenry)
-- added 'defaultexcludes' attribute to <fileset> (Chad McHenry)
-- More elements in dtd are optional, fixed bugs causing errors if certain
-  optional elements were omitted. (Chad McHenry)
-- It is now possible to have a specific picture for a specific panel by using
-  the Installer.image.n resources where n is the panel 0-based index.
-  (Peter Mikula).
-- Adding support for i18n to the pack panel (Thorsten Kamann)
-- Removing limtation the going backward is disabled if a pack not selected and
-  the pack using a panel (Thorsten Kamann)
-- Adding support for floating text in a langpack file (Thorsten Kamann).
-- At now you can specify a processor class to pre process the set value of a
-  RuleInputField (Thorsten Kamann).
-- The choices of a combo box can be generated throug a processor class
-  (Thorsten Kamann).
-- The message of a validator can be a i18n message (Thorsten Kamann).
-- If a translation string value cannot be found, then the key will be returned
-  instead of null, avoiding null exceptions when new strings are added.
-- The finish panels are now setting the quit button text to 'Finish' instead of
-  'Quit', which could confuse some users (Dario Yuri).
-- Many Windows shortcuts code fixes and enhancements (Bill Wong).
-- UserInputPanel and PacksPanel i18n support (Gaganis Giorgos).
-- ProcessPanel can now execute Java classes (Alex Bradley).
-- TargetPanel: pressing enter in the target editor will move to the next panel
-  (Gaganis Giorgos).
-- Polish langpack fix (Bronek Truszkowski).
-  > 3.5.4 (build 2004.06.05)
-- German langpack fixes once again (Klaus Bartz).
-- Slovak langpack fix (pbe at whitestein.com).
-- The variable for the ISO3 language code was IS03_LANG instead of ISO3_LANG (a
-  zero instead of a 'o'). This stupid bug is now fixed (bug report #1883).
-- Catalan langpack update (Oscar Aubareda Fernandez).
-- UserInputPanel: fix for the directory detection failure (bug #1849) + added
-  the possibility to use a '*' in the choices
-  (ex: <choice value="/opt/java/*"/>). Patch by Thorsten Kamann.
-  > 3.5.3 (build 2004.05.15)
-- German langpack punctuation fixes (jonelo).
-- TargetPanel: the target path could be written several times in the automated
-  install XML descriptor (bug #1864).
-- TargetPanel: the path is now always converted to absolute (could cause
-  problems in variables substitutions). (bug #1866).
-- Target Panel: the path input field could be a bit short if a picture was used.
-  Fixed by Klaus Bartz (bug #1875).
-- German langpack: spelling correction (Dustin Sacks)
-- Fixed probelems creating a web-kunststoff installer (bug #1904)
-- IzPack installer: simpler and refreshed readme text.
-  > 3.5.2 (build 2004.05.01)
-- Fixed moving empty directory to root (pbe at whitestein.com).
-- UserInputPanel getResult() fix (bug #1769).
-- Slovak langpack fix (patch #88).
-- A new mailing-list izpack-changes at lists.berlios.de has been set up to receive
-  various development-related notifications.
-- German langpack fix (bug #1828).
-- Web installer fix: wrong jar was getting izpack classes
-- RuleTextField input bug fix (bug #1618)
-  > 3.5.1 (build 2004.03.16)
-- No custom look and feel will be applied on Mac platforms (Chad McHenry).
-- A message box is now raised when the installer detects that the Java version
-  it is running on is lower than the one required by the package provider.
-- The Win32 documentation shortcuts are now back again.
-- If 'user.home' is set to something like 'C:' on Windows, it will be changed to
-  'C:\'.
-- German langpack: minor fix on 'LicencePanel.agree' translation.
-- UserInputPanel.getResult(): path construction fix (bug #1634).
-  > 3.5.0 (build.2004.02.26)
-- The developer services have moved to BerliOS (http://developer.berlios.de/).
-- Uninstaller is now able to delete itself and the install directory
-  (Chad McHenry)
-- Upate Checking: The installer is now able to "update" an already installed
-  package, therefore removing superfluous files after installation
-  (Tino Schwarze).
-- Dutch langpack update (Hans Aikema).
-- The compiler now emits some warnings when processing an incorrect installation
-  file (Chad McHenry / Marcus Stursberg).
-- New SudoPanel (Jan Blok).
-- ShortcutPanel: the action is now performed when the 'next' button is pressed
-  (Jan Blok).
-- Nasty bug in AutomatedInstallData variables setting fix.
-- Ant build: 'clean' target fix (Chad McHenry).
-- Language selection dialog: the 'ok' button gains the focus by default (Chad
-  Mchenry).
-- Uninstaller: various fixes (Chad McHenry).
-- Installer: the 'next' button requests focus whenever it is available.
-- Switched to the Crystal icons from KDE 3.2.
-- Uninstaller: proper use of the ButtonFactory.
-- Packs can now be restricted to a certain OS list (Jan Blok).
-- Fixed a bug that caused the automated installers to produce broken installers
-  (bug #1472).
-- Files with the same file source are never stored more than once anymore in the
-  resulting installer jar (Jan Blok).
-- Various documentation refreshments. The PostScript[tm] version is not produced
-  anymore (PDF + HTML are the 2 targets).
-- Language selection box: UI rendering fix (Chad McHenry).
-  > 3.4.0 (build 2003.12.06)
-- The frontend which had been deprecated in 3.3.0 has been removed. There won't
-  be another frontend until someone volunteers to make a new one.
-- The files executor has been fixed when dealing with classpath arguments
-  passing.
-  > 3.3.0 (build 2003.11.15)
-- Various bugs fixed (taken from the bugs database).
-- The current GUI frontend is deprecated. The project is looking for people to
-  take over the development of a new one.
-- The compiler now returns a sensible exit code on error. This way, it can be
-  used in scripts.
-- Italian localization updates by Cristian Ghezzi.
-- Win32: Rewrote the localization of "Program Files" and added support for all
-  24 localized versions of Windows 2000/XP (Dennis Lundberg).
-- Portuguese localization updates from Alex Carlos Braga Antao.
-- Swedish localization updates from Dennis Lundberg.
-- InstallPanel: the overall progress bar makes steps forward only after a pack
-  has been fully processed. The previous behaviour was to step forward at the
-  beginning of a pack extraction.
-- CompilePanel: disable Start button after successful compilation (T.Schwarze).
-- improve search field of the UserInputPanel: add checkfilename (T.Schwarze).
-- XInfoPanel: UI fix.
-  > 3.2.1 (build 2003.09.19)
-- Added a new built-in variable ISO3_LANG that contains the selected language
-  ISO3 code (Elmar's idea).
-- Added a new 'run.installer' target to the Ant build file.
-- Added an uninstall target to the documentation makefile.
-  > 3.2.0 (build 2003.09.18)
-- Added 3 built-in variables that you can use with the variables substitutor:
-  o APP_NAME for the application name
-  o APP_URL for the application URL
-  o APP_VER for the application version.
-- New ProcessPanel (Tino Schwarze).
-- The documentation is now licensed under a Commons Creative license.
-- The documentation now has a nicer cover page.
-- Jar file execution fix on the classpath arguments passing.
-- Win32: "Program Files" can now be localised (resolves problems with German
-  Windows for instance).
-- com.izforge.izpack.util.OsConstraint was missing in uninstaller.jar .
-- Small documentation typing errors fixed.
-- Added an install target to the documentation Makefile.
-- Frontend: Jar files could be listed in the panels tab. Fixed.
-- The scripts execution flag is now set to every users on Unix-like systems
-  (chmod a+x), regardless of who the user is (i.e. root or a single user).
-- Reformatting (imports, Ant build file).
-  > 3.1.0b (build 2003.08.22)
-- Fix in the standalone compiler (Tino Schwarze).
-  > 3.1.0a (build 2003.08.15)
-- Fixes a bug while generating a Kunststoff installer.
-  > 3.1.0 (build 2003.08.11)
-- Added the possibility to use a standalone compiler (Tino Schwarze).
-- Added a new target to the Ant build system in order to fix the files CR/LF and
-  encodings.
-- Includes the following enhancements from Jonathan Halliday and Tino Schwarze.
-- Added overall progress bar to InstallPanel
-- Added SearchField to the UserInputPanel which allows to search for
-  files or directories at installation time
-- Added CompilePanel which allows Java classes to be compiled after
-  installation
-- Add infrastructure for automated installation - after installation,
-  the FinishPanel allows the user to save an XML file which can later be
-  used for automated installation (simply pass it to the installer as an
-  argument, for example:
-    java -jar my_super_program.jar super_program_autoinstall.xml
-  )
-- (internal) add infrastructure for GUI abstraction
-- Improved documentation:
-  o build better PDF using pdflatex (with hyperlinks and bookmarks)
-  o reorganize documentation for the <packs> section
-- Add <singlefile> tag which is useful if a file's name after
-  installation is different from the source file name
-- Add support for os attribute and <os> tag to all pack entries
-  (hopefully, the DTD is correct)
-- Allow files to be kept after execution
-- Allow packs to be preselected for installation or not
-- Allow packs to be OS dependent
-- Provide finer control when overwriting files:
-  o ask for overwriting, default yes
-  o ask for overwriting, default no
-  o update (only considers mtime - no real update)
-- Allow absolute paths in source files (might already be in 3.0.9)
-- Finer error handling - report missing attributes
-- (internal) TwoColumnLayout now supports WESTONLY and EASTONLY
-- (internal) made the ResourceManager a singleton
-- Add new kind of script parsing: shell - used %{variable} syntax to
-  avoid clashes within shell scripts
-  > 3.0.9 (build 2003.06.29)
-- New Romanian language pack (Dani Orza).
-- Absolute paths problems patch (Tom Moore).
-- DTD, documentation fixes.
-  > 3.0.8a (build 2003.05.02)
-- A bug had been introduced in 3.0.8 during the files extraction. Fixed.
-- Polish langpacks update.
-  > 3.0.8 (build 2003.04.26)
-- Packs OS-targeting (Fran Taylor).
-- OS selection improved accuracy (Sanjay Linganna).
-- The standard installers can now use the native look and feel if the
-  'useNativeLAF' resource is specified (nice feature especially with the
-  incoming JDK 1.4.2).
-- The standard installers get back the button icons and highlighting effects.
-- Russian langpack update (Igor Anikeev).
-- Directory creation patch (Jonathan Halliday).
-  > 3.0.7 (build 2003.04.04)
-- Slovakian langpack thanks to Milan Madzia.
-- Japanese, Russian and Dutch langpacks updates.
-- The uninstallers can now run scripts thanks to a patch from Hani Suleiman.
-  > 3.0.6 (build 2003.02.27)
-- Updated the French and German langpacks.
-- Fixed the building process to take care of all classes related to the InputPanel.
-- Made some fixes on the installers DTD.
-- Elmar Grom / UserInputPanel:
-  o Fixed a bug with the drop down box that always return the value for the last
-    option in it, regardless of what had been selected during installation.
-  o Implemented the automated installer mode.
-  o RuleInputTextField can now be validated and processed with custom code
-    (documentation to come soon).
-  o A password field is now available and can also be validated and processed
-    with custom code (documentation to come soon).
-  > 3.0.5 (build 2003.02.14)
-- This release becomes the new stable version, waiting for the 3.1 release which
-  is not yet ready. The stable/unstable versions separation is suspended.
-- Fixed a TargetPanel inconsistency when the target directory is empty.
-- Fixed Ant filesets-related problems.
-- UI fonts fixes for Linux/Sun JDK-1.4.
-- Empty directories can now be included.
-- IzPack's own installer now makes uses of the Ant-style filesets.
-- Splitted the documentation pack into several ones.
-- MacOS X UI fixes (Hani Suleiman).
-  > 3.1.0 pre5 (build 2003.01.12)
-- Included Elmar's new UserInputPanel documentation.
-- A panel can now be added several times in an installation. This is mostly
-  useful for the new UserInputPanel.
-- Separated the installer generation from the 'dist' target in the Ant building
-  process. The new target is 'generate.installer'.
-- Move the com.izforge.izpack.util.EtchedBorder class to com.izforge.izpack.gui.
-  The class has also been rewritten because the original code was introduced
-  with a proprietary license notice.
-  > 3.1.0 pre4 (build 2002.12.08)
-- A lot of installer GUI improvements by Jan Blok :
-  o an image can be shown in the installer left side
-  o buttons will look great under OSX
-  o HelloPanel : don't display authors if not present
-  o InstallPanel : immediate installation launching (the silly install button
-    has gone to heaven)
-  o LicencePanel : better GUI
-  o PackPanel : use table and display description, complete rewrite of this
-    panel
-  o IzPackMetalTheme : Tahoma is used if present on the target machine.
-- New UserInputPanel that allows to prompt the users for some values that can
-  later be stored as variables that can be parsed for in files (Elmar Grom).
-  Sorry but I did not have time to include the related documentation at the
-  release time.
-  > 3.1.0 pre3 (build 2002.11.24)
-- Restyled, cleaned, javadoc'ed the whole IzPack source code.
-- The full IzPack source code Javadocs are generated when making a release.
-- Wiped the Enroll* classes that were polluting IzPack.
-- Added the creation of shortcuts for the IzPack documentation and the
-  > 3.1.0 pre2 (build 2002.10.19)
-- New (and clean) ResourceManager thanks to Marcus Stursberg.
-- Shorcut fixes by Elmar Grom.
-  > 3.1.0 pre1 (build 2002.09.21)
-- When InstallPanel was the last panel, it unlocked the next button and this was
-  of course not the desired behaviour.
-- ImgPacksPanel and PacksPanel can now display the total disk space required
-  (Adam Barclay for this task).
-- MacOSX GUI fix thanks to Hani Suleiman.
-- GUI Frontend fixes by Andrew De Torres.
-- Support for files overriding behaviour (override or keep old version if
-  present) by Adam Barclay.
-- New Italian langpack thanks to Franco Graziosi.
-  > 3.0.0 (build 2002.08.13)
-- First stable release of the 3.x series ;-)
-- Ant task : the trailing '/' is appended on the IzPack directory when it is
-  omitted (Gareth Cronin).
-- Many improvements on the documentation which should be quite fine - Elmar Grom
-  helped a lot on this.
-- Updated ant.jar from the Ant 1.5 stable release.
-- German language pack fixes by Jonelo.
-  > 3.0.0 rc3 (build 2002.07.28)
-- The Japanese langpack has been fixed by Akky Akimoto (now Windows shortcuts
-  compliant).
-- Windows shortcuts counterpart is now fully working thanks to the big efforts
-  of Elmar Grom with the additional help of Marcus Stursberg.
-- Documentation mispelling fixes and additions by Elmar Grom.
-  > 3.0.0 rc2 (build 2002.07.06)
-- Added some documentation on the *LicencePanel and *InfoPanel panels.
-- Bugfix in HTMLLicencePanel.
-- The uninstaller is now able to take care of the jar new location (under the
-  install path) and wipes everything cleanly.
-- The 'create shortcut' button in ShortcutPanel is now disabled after the
-  shortcuts are created.
-  > 3.0.0 rc1 (build 2002.07.03)
-- Fixes on the shortcuts sytem.
-- New Hungarian language pack thanks to Harsan Peter.
-- New Japanese language pack thanks to Hiroki Akimoto.
-- New documentation.
-- Fixed many source coding style errors.
-- Coding guidelines publication.
-- Some Javadoc text is now generated for those who need to make panels.
-  > 3.0.0 pre4 (build 2002.06.15)
-- Polish language pack thanks to Piotr Bzdyl.
-- Shortcut system fixes.
-- The IzPack installer is now able to create shortcuts on Windows systems
-  while not creating any problem on another Operating System.
-- Catalan language pack thanks to Oscar Aubareda Fernandez.
-- The uninstaller is now copied under $INSTALL_PATH/Uninstaller.
-- Closing the language selection box of an installer will (finally !) close
-  the installer.
-- Removed the same named directories and files from the installers jars.
-- The ShortcutPanel now uses the IzPack highlighted buttons.
-- Many improvements from the e-xmlmedia.fr people including the Ant fileset
-  support, all these features will be documented in the coming new
-  documentation.
-  > 3.0.0 pre3 (build 2002.05.19)
-- HTML licence panel agreement system fix by Jonelo.
-- Official inclusion of Elmar Grom's Windows library to create some shortcuts on
-  this operating system.
-( following : Johannes Lehtinen )
-- Cleaned up the InstallData interface and added utility methods.
-- Made the special variables (such as $INSTALL_PATH) available to panels using
-  the standard interface.
-- Made InstallData a singleton class.
-- Added InstallData properties for Panel interoptability.
-- Added a new variable : $FILE_SEPARATOR.
-  > 3.0.0 pre2 (build 2002.04.27)
-- Fixes & enhancements in the executable files support (Olexij Tkatchenko).
-- 2 new splash screens by Nicolas Deschaume.
-- The launching scripts of the pre1 were corrupted.
-  > 3.0.0 pre1 (build 2002.04.21)
-- Enhanced splash #5 by Nicolas Deschaume.
-- Improved uninstalling system giving an access to the panels.
-- Image support at the language selection dialog through an optionnal resource
-  (installer.langsel.img).
-- Added executable element support (Olexij Tkatchenko).
-- /usr/local is now the default installation directory only for root user,
-  normal users will have $HOME instead (Unix* - Olexij Tkatchenko).
-- New Ukrainian language support (Olexij Tkatchenko).
-- The uninstaller now deletes itself after the uninstallation job is done.
-- Modified the IzPack Ant building process to integrate IzPack itself in order
-  to generate a ready-to-distribute installer.
-  > 2.12.0 (build 2002.03.31)
-- Removed the JScrollPane for the panels container.
-- Improved panels sizing policy due to the JScrollPane removing.
-  > 2.12.0 pre3 (build 2002.03.02)
-- Fixed a problem with the default compiler output file naming.
-- Added the Dutch language packs thanks to Fridjof Jansen.
-- Modified the Ant makefile so that any inner class of a panel can be
-  copied too.
-  > 2.12.0 pre2 (build 2002.02.22)
-- Changed the font sizes to 12 as it really looks better.
-- Removed the "All rights reserved" portions in the frontend languages
-  packs as it is not really usefull and it now makes the About Box look
-  better.
-- Fix in PacksPanel thanks to Marcus Wolschon.
-- Fixes in both Unix and Windows new startup scripts.
-- Paul Wilkinson added the integration with Ant.
-- Native libraries can now be specified to be added to the IzPack
-  installers through a new optionnal tag.
-  > 2.12.0 pre1 (build 2002.02.15)
-- Made some modifications to get the source code pass through the
-  IBM Jikes compiler checkings successfully.
-- Updated the Readme.txt file (I forgot to make it reflect the fact that
-  IzPack has a GUI frontend :-)
-- Updated the installer english langpack file so that 'installer.quit.message'
-  is not wrong anymore.
-- Added a complete Javadoc comments set to com.izforge.izpack.installer.IzPanel
-- Inclusion of the IzPack installer XML file in the source directory.
-- The compiler and the frontend can now be invoked outside of the bin/ directory
-  without any problem. This provide a *noticeable* improvement ;-)
-  > 2.11.1 (build 2002.02.09)
-- Inclusion of the Kunststoff Look And Feel version 2.
-  > 2.11.0 (build 2002.01.18)
-- Pre-versions modifications have been validated.
-- Improved documentation HTML version.
-- IzPack's own installer : use the ImgPacksPanel instead of the classic
-  PacksPanel.
-- 2 new frontend splash screens thanks to Nicolas Deschaume.
-- HelloPanel : displays the email adresses enclosed by '<' and '>'.
-- This version is compiled with IBM Jikes.
-  > 2.11.0 pre2 (build 2001.12.17)
-- Frontend : added a toolbar.
-- Ant makefile : removed the 'clean' dependency for the 'all' target.
-- Installer : the next button will automatically lock if the last panel is
-  reached but does not already lock it.
-  > 2.11.0 pre1 (build 2001.12.09)
-- Installer : cached languages flags.
-- Installer : the languages flags are now grayed when not active (it creates
-  a rollover-effect when choosing the language in the list).
-- Frontend : the about box can't be resized.
-- Errors : now reported on the error output stream (System.err) instead of
-  the output stream (System.out).
-- Frontend : better GUI interaction.
-- ImgPacksPanel : fixed the bug that caused the snapshots not to switch as
-  expected when using the keyboard.
-- Updated Brazilian and Russian flags to conform with the other flags.
-  > 2.10.0 (build 2001.12.02)
-- Pre-versions modifications have been validated.
-- A panel can now specify some custom variables (Serge Sivkov).
-- New Brazilian-Portuguese translation thanks to Joao Marcelo Pereira Alves.
-- New Russian translation thanks to Serge Sivkov.
-  > 2.10.0 pre 2 (build 2001.11.25)
-- TargetPanel : it is now possible to specify a specific default installation
-  directory for a specific Operating System thanks to Michael Peterson.
-- Ant makefile : generation of the lib/ directory if not present (Michael
-  Peterson).
-- Documentation : updated to reflect the TargetPanel enhancements.
-  > 2.10.0 pre 1 (build 2001.11.11)
-- A CVS server is now available thanks to TuxFamily.org .
-- 2 New frontend splash screens pictures by Nicolas Deschaume.
-- Safer command-line compiler invocation.
-- New variable substitution backend by Johannes Lehtinen (backward compatible).
-- Better exceptions reporting system to the end-user.
-- Installer : centered labels at the language selection prompt.
-- LicencePanel : now locks the 'next' button if the 'yes' radio is not selected.
-- TargetPanel : now warns if the specified target is an empty string.
-- InstallPanel : now removes the last processed file path when the installation
-  is over.
-  > 2.9.0 (build 2001.10.26)
-- Faster and safer I/O thanks to Johannes Lehtinen.
-- Faster frontend splash screen.
-- Removed the finalizers in the code.
-- Windows icon file added.
-  > 2.8.0 (build 2001.10.20)
-- New Frontend splash screen.
-- New file saving stupid bug fix in the Frontend.
-- FinishPanel : tooltip for the script button.
-- InstallPanel : new animated icon for the install button.
-- XInfoPanel : adaptative text panel.
-- Frontend : recent files list (support for the imported files also).
-- Fixed some size problems with the installer language selection dialog.
-- XML Frontend preferences file spec auto-upgrade.
-- New Finnish language pack thanks to Johannes Lehtinen.
-  > 2.7.0 (build 2001.09.26)
-- Frontend localisation support.
-- The Frontend remembers the last opened directory.
-- Flags for the language selection for the installers.
-- Language pre-selection for the installers.
-- TargetPanel : warns when the selected directory exists.
-- InstallPanel : animated icon for the install button.
-- New spanish langpack thanks to Carlos Rueda.
-  > 2.6.1 (build 2001.09.22)
-- Added an image to the frontend about box.
-- Fix in the Ant Makefile that caused it to fail in case of a first-time build.
-  > 2.6.0 (build 2001.09.20)
-- Cleaner installer icons loading using an XML file.
-- Installation DTD mistake fix.
-- New GUI Frontend.
-- Sample installation XML comment fix.
-- German langpack small fixes.
-- Better internationalisation on Swing-specific strings.
-- Minor bug fixes.
-- Threaded compiling process.
-- Fix in the packs panel.
-- Better installer navigation buttons locking/unlocking.
-  > 2.5.0 (build 2001.09.07)
-- New web installers support.
-  > 2.4.0 (build 2001.09.05)
-- Automated installations support.
-- New XPM icons.
-- Improved build.xml.
-- MacOS and MacOSX installation paths support.
-- Minor bug fix in the TargetPanel path selection.
-  > 2.3.0 (build 2001.08.29)
-- Uninstaller support.
-- Fix on InstallPanel : it does not change its size each time that a new
-  file is processed.
-- Bug fix in the IzPack variables translation system.
-- German langpack thanks to Klaus Hartlage.
-- Made a real documentation (it was time to do it :-) .
-  > 2.2.0 (build 2001.08.18)
-- New panels available : ImgPacksPanel, HTMLInfoPanel, HTMLLicencePanel.
-- Use of Kunststoff 1.1.1 instead of 1.0.
-- Jakarta Ant script thanks to Pierre Dittgen.
-- API changes to allow a panel to ask for being skipped.
-- Wheights for some panels components fixed.
-- Added a Thanks.txt file :-)
-  > 2.1.0 (build 2001.08.14)
-- Fixed a problem with the base path and the installation xml file, they don't
-  need to be in the same directory anymore.
-- 2 tips in the source code from Brad Cox have been included.
-- A new kind of installer is available : standard-kunststoff (same as standard
-  but with the Kunststoff Look and Feel support).
-- Fix in TargetPanel : you can specify the installation path by typing it
-  without having to validate it with the enter key.
-- Fixed the bottom components wheights in the installer frame : now it looks
-  much better.
-  > 2.0.1 (build 2001.08.11)
-- No more warnings when the user wants to quit the installer and the
-  installation is done with the panel InstallPanel.
-  > 2.0.0 (build 2001.08.10)
-- ... a brand new IzPack !
-- Now it is an XML-based compiler.
-- A more modular architecture (you can create your own panels for instance).
-- No GUI builder for the moment, it will come in the next versions.
-- More kinds of installers to come.
-  > 1.1.1 (build 2001.04.21)
-- Faster installer building / installation process.
-- String comparisons are now using the equalsIgnoreCase method instead of an
-  objects equality test '==' (safest).
-- Modified the about box.
-- Clearly made a difference between images & icons in the jar files
-  (restructuration).
-- Tested successfully on BlackDown Linux JVM.
-  > 1.1 (build 2001.04.10)
-- Adds the extensions to the filenames in the builder if it was omited.
-- Adjusted the fonts in the Metal theme; now it should look right.
-- Adjusted the thread priority of the splash & progress windows, it should be
-  faster.
-- The setup now recognizes the os so that the default installation path is
-  appropriated.
-- Editors now place the caret at the beginning when a need (ex : a new text
-  is loaded).
-- Enhanced the language packs selection in the builder.
-- Added the french language packs.
-- Parses the script files for special variables.
-- Now comes along with a documentation.
-  > 1.0 (build 2001.03.18)
-- Adjusted the fonts in the Metal theme.
-- Fixed the very stupid bugs with the files in pack deletion.
-- Improved the behaviour of the packs tab functions.
-- Made some small optimizations on various gui code parts.
-- Changed the text editors from JEditorPane to JTextArea : no more lines
-  wrappings problems.
-- Gained 5kb on Setup.jar.
-- Blocks user interaction in the builder during the installer creation.
-  > 1.0 beta 1 (build 2001.03.11)
-- The first public release :-)
-- There are a lot of features to add and enhance in the next releases, of
-  course.

Copied: izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/Versions.txt (from rev 1577, izpack-src/trunk/Versions.txt)

Deleted: izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/bin/langpacks/installer/fra.xml
--- izpack-src/trunk/bin/langpacks/installer/fra.xml	2006-09-06 21:22:14 UTC (rev 1575)
+++ izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/bin/langpacks/installer/fra.xml	2006-09-07 01:18:30 UTC (rev 1579)
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes" ?>
-<!-- The French langpack -->
-    <!-- General installer strings -->
-    <str id="installer.title" txt="IzPack - Installation de "/>
-    <str id="installer.next" txt="Suivant"/>
-    <str id="installer.prev" txt="Précédent"/>
-    <str id="installer.quit" txt="Quitter"/>
-    <str id="installer.madewith" txt="(Créé avec IzPack - http://www.izforge.com/)"/>
-    <str id="installer.quit.title" txt="Voulez vous vraiment quitter ?"/>
-    <str id="installer.quit.message" txt="Ceci va cesser l'installation !"/>
-    <str id="installer.warning" txt="Attention !"/>
-    <str id="installer.yes" txt="Oui"/>
-    <str id="installer.no" txt="Non"/>
-    <str id="installer.cancel" txt="Annuler"/> 
-    <str id="installer.error" txt="Erreur"/>
-    <!-- Uninstaller specific strings -->
-    <str id="uninstaller.warning" txt="Ceci va enlever l'(es) application(s) installée(s) !"/>
-    <str id="uninstaller.destroytarget" txt=" Forcer la suppression de : "/>
-    <str id="uninstaller.uninstall" txt="Désinstaller"/>
-    <!-- HelloPanel strings -->
-    <str id="HelloPanel.welcome1" txt="Bienvenue dans l'installation de "/>
-    <str id="HelloPanel.welcome2" txt=" !"/>
-    <str id="HelloPanel.authors" txt="Le(s) auteur(s) de ce logiciel est(sont) : "/>
-    <str id="HelloPanel.url" txt="La page d'accueil de ce logiciel est : "/>
-    <!-- LicensePanel strings -->
-    <str id="LicencePanel.info" txt="Veuillez lire attentivement l'accord de licence suivant :"/>
-    <str id="LicencePanel.agree" txt="J'accepte les termes de cet accord de licence"/>
-    <str id="LicencePanel.notagree" txt="Je n'accepte pas les termes de cet accord de licence"/>
-    <str id="LicencePanel.yes" txt="Oui"/>
-    <str id="LicencePanel.no" txt="Non"/>
-    <!-- PrinterSelect Panel -->
-    <str id="PrinterSelectPanel.select_printer" txt="Sélectionner l'imprimante à utiliser durant l'installation et les tests." />
-    <!-- InfoPanel strings -->
-    <str id="InfoPanel.info" txt="Veuillez lire les informations suivantes :"/>
-    <!-- PathInputPanel strings -->
-    <str id="PathInputPanel.required" txt="Le répertoire choisi devrait exister."/>
-    <str id="PathInputPanel.notValid" txt="Le répertoire choisi ne contient pas le produit requis"/>
-    <!-- TargetPanel strings -->
-    <str id="TargetPanel.info" txt="Choisissez le chemin d'installation :"/>
-    <str id="TargetPanel.browse" txt="Parcourir ..."/>
-    <str id="TargetPanel.warn" txt="Le répertoire existe déjà ! Etes-vous sur de vouloir installer dans celui-ci ?"/>
-    <str id="TargetPanel.nodir" txt="Vous avez spécifié le nom d'un fichier existant ! Veuillez choisir un autre chemin d'installation."/>
-    <str id="TargetPanel.notwritable" txt="Le répertoire que vous avez choisi n'autorise pas l'écriture. Veuillez en choisir un autre." />
-    <str id="TargetPanel.empty_target"txt="Vous avez spécifié un nom de répertoire vide ! Etes-vous sûr(e) ?"/>
-    <str id="TargetPanel.createdir" txt="Le répertoire de destination sera créé :" />
-    <!-- JDKPathPanel strings -->
-    <str id="JDKPathPanel.intro" txt="The installed application needs a JDK. A java runtime environment (JRE) will be not sufficient."/>
-    <str id="JDKPathPanel.info" txt="Choisissez le chemin du JDK:"/>
-    <str id="JDKPathPanel.badVersion1" txt="La version du JDK choisi est incompatible (disponible:"/>
-    <str id="JDKPathPanel.badVersion2" txt=" requis "/>
-    <str id="JDKPathPanel.badVersion3" txt=") voulez-vous vraiment utiliser cette version?"/>
-    <!-- PacksPanel strings -->
-    <str id="PacksPanel.info" txt="Choisissez ici les paquetages à installer :"/>
-    <str id="PacksPanel.tip" txt="Note : les paquetages grisés ne sont pas optionnels."/>
-    <str id="PacksPanel.space" txt="Espace total requis :" />
-    <str id="PacksPanel.description" txt="Description"/>
-    <str id="PacksPanel.freespace" txt="Espace disque disponible :"/>
-    <str id="PacksPanel.dependencyList" txt="Les paquetages selectionnés nécessitent également les suivants :"/>
-    <str id="PacksPanel.notEnoughSpace" txt="L'espace disque disponible est insuffisant."/>
-    <str id="PacksPanel.notAscertainable" txt="incertain"/>
-    <!-- InstallPanel strings -->
-    <str id="InstallPanel.info" txt="Vous pouvez lancer le processus d'installation ici :"/>
-    <str id="InstallPanel.install" txt="Installer !"/>
-    <str id="InstallPanel.tip" txt="Progression de l'installation :"/>
-    <str id="InstallPanel.begin" txt="[Rien]"/>
-    <str id="InstallPanel.finished" txt="[Terminé]"/>
-    <str id="InstallPanel.progress" txt="Progression de l'installation totale :"/>
-    <str id="InstallPanel.overwrite.title" txt="Le fichier existe déjà."/>
-    <str id="InstallPanel.overwrite.question" txt="Le fichier suivant existe déjà. Faut-il l'écraser ?"/>
-    <!-- FinishPanel strings -->
-    <str id="FinishPanel.success" txt="L'installation est réussie !"/>
-    <str id="FinishPanel.done" txt="Terminer"/>
-    <str id="FinishPanel.fail" txt="L'installation a échouée ..."/>
-    <str id="FinishPanel.uninst.info" txt="Un désinstallateur a été créé :"/>
-    <str id="FinishPanel.auto" txt="Générer un script d'installation automatisée"/>
-    <str id="FinishPanel.auto.tip" txt="Génère un fichier qui permet de refaire automatiquement la meme installation sur une autre machine."/>
-    <!-- ImgPacksPanel strings -->
-    <str id="ImgPacksPanel.dependencyList" txt="Dépendences"/>
-  	<str id="ImgPacksPanel.packs" txt="Les paquetages suivants sont disponibles :"/>
-    <str id="ImgPacksPanel.snap" txt="Capture d'écran associée :"/>
-    <str id="ImgPacksPanel.checkbox" txt=" Installer ce paquetage"/>
-    <!-- ShortcutPanel strings -->
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.regular.list" txt="Sélectionnez un groupe pour les raccourcis :"/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.regular.default" txt="Remise à 0"/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.regular.desktop" txt="Créer un raccourci sur le bureau"/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.regular.create" txt="Créer les raccourcis"/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.regular.userIntro" txt="Créer un raccourci pour :"/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.regular.currentUser" txt="utilisateur courant"/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.regular.allUsers" txt="tous les utilisateurs"/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.alternate.apology" txt="Désolé, mais IzPack ne supporte pas la création de raccourcis pour ce système d'exploitation. Veuillez vous référer à son manuel pour créer des raccourcis."/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.alternate.targetsLabel" txt="La liste suivante contient les cibles auxquelles le créateur de ce logiciel voulait vous donner accès."/>  
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.alternate.textFileExplanation" txt="Vous pouvez enregistrer les informations détaillées concernant les cibles dans un fichier texte pour vous y référer plus tard."/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.alternate.saveButton" txt="Enregistrer le fichier texte"/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.textFile.header" txt="Informations des raccourcis\n====================\n\nVoici une liste des informations intéressantes concernant les raccourcis.\n Ces informations devraient rendre possible la création manuelle de raccourcis.\n"/> 
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.textFile.name"         txt="Raccourci             : "/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.textFile.location"     txt="Emplacement           : "/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.textFile.description"  txt="Description           : "/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.textFile.target"       txt="Cible                 : "/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.textFile.command"      txt="Ligne de commande     : "/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.textFile.iconName"     txt="Icone                 : "/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.textFile.iconIndex"    txt="Index de l'icone      : "/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.textFile.work"         txt="Répertoire de travail :"/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.location.desktop"      txt="Bureau"/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.location.applications" txt="Menu applications"/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.location.startMenu"    txt="Menu démarrer"/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.location.startup"      txt="Groupe de démarrage"/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.headline" txt="Configuration des raccourcis"/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.regular.StartMenu:Start-Menu" txt="Menu démarrer"/>
-    <str id="ShortcutPanel.regular.StartMenu:K-Menu" txt="Menu K"/>
-    <!-- UserInputPanel strings -->
-    <str id="UserInputPanel.error.caption"        txt="Problème de saisie"/>
-    <str id="UserInputPanel.search.autodetect"    txt="Détection automatique"/>
-    <str id="UserInputPanel.search.autodetect.failed.message" txt="La détection automatique a échouée."/>
-    <str id="UserInputPanel.search.autodetect.failed.caption" txt="La détection automatique a échouée."/>
-    <str id="UserInputPanel.search.autodetect.tooltip" txt="Vérifiez le fichier ou répertoire dans les chemis suivants :"/>
-    <str id="UserInputPanel.search.location" txt="Entrez l'emplacement de "/>
-    <str id="UserInputPanel.search.browse" txt="Parcourir ..."/>
-    <str id="UserInputPanel.search.wrongselection.message" txt="Le fichier ou le répertoire que vous avez choisi n'existe pas ou n'est pas convenable." />
-    <str id="UserInputPanel.search.wrongselection.caption" txt="Sélection invalide."/>
-    <str id="UserInputPanel.search.location.checkedfile" txt="L'existence de {0} est vérifiée."/>
-    <!-- CompilePanel strings -->
-    <str id="CompilePanel.heading" txt="Compilation" />
-    <str id="CompilePanel.tip" txt="Progression de la compilation :" />
-    <str id="CompilePanel.browse" txt="Parcourir ..." />
-    <str id="CompilePanel.browse.approve" txt="Utiliser en tant que compilateur" />
-    <str id="CompilePanel.start" txt="Démarrer" />
-    <str id="CompilePanel.progress.initial" txt="[Appuyez sur le bouton de démarrage]" />
-    <str id="CompilePanel.progress.finished" txt="[Fini]" />
-    <str id="CompilePanel.progress.overall" txt="Progression de la compilation totale :" />
-    <str id="CompilePanel.error" txt="La compilation a échouée." />
-    <str id="CompilePanel.error.reconfigure" txt="Re-configurer" />
-    <str id="CompilePanel.error.ignore" txt="Ignorer" />
-    <str id="CompilePanel.error.abort" txt="Abandonner" />
-    <str id="CompilePanel.error.seebelow" txt="Voyez ci-dessous la commande qui a échouée ainsi que sa sortie." />
-    <str id="CompilePanel.error.nofiles" txt="Erreur pendant la recherche des fichiers à compiler." />
-    <str id="CompilePanel.error.compilernotfound" txt="Le compilateur n'a pas pu etre exécuté." />
-    <str id="CompilePanel.error.invalidarguments" txt="Le compilateur n'aime pas les arguments fournis." />
-    <str id="CompilePanel.error.noclassfile" txt="Le compilateur n'a pas génére de fichier .class pour le fichier source " />
-    <str id="CompilePanel.choose_compiler" txt="Compilateur à utiliser :" />
-    <str id="CompilePanel.additional_arguments" txt="Arguments supplémentaires du compilateur : " />
-    <!-- ProcessPanel strings -->
-    <str id="ProcessPanel.heading" txt="En cours de traitement" />
-    <!-- SummaryPanel strings -->
-    <str id="SummaryPanel.info" txt="Prêt à installer. Les données importantes sont listées ci-dessous. Appuyez sur &quot;Suivant&quot; pour commencer l'installation, "/>
-    <str id="TargetPanel.summaryCaption" txt="Chemin de l'installation"/>
-    <str id="JDKPathPanel.summaryCaption" txt="Chemin du JDK"/>
-    <str id="PacksPanel.summaryCaption" txt="Paquet(s) d'installation choisis"/>
-    <str id="ImgPacksPanel.summaryCaption" txt="Paquet(s) d'installation choisis"/>
-    <!-- Strings for the Registry -->
-    <str id="functionFailed.RegOpenKeyEx" txt="Impossible d'ouvrir la clé de registre {0}\\{1}."/>
-    <!-- CheckedHelloPanel strings -->
-    <str id="CheckedHelloPanel.productAlreadyExist0" txt="Ce logiciel est déjà installe depuis le chemin "/>
-    <str id="CheckedHelloPanel.productAlreadyExist1" txt=" . Etes-vous certain de vouloir installer une autre entité ?" />
-    <str id="CheckedHelloPanel.infoOverUninstallKey" txt="La clé de désinstallation sera : " />
-    <!-- Add your own panels specific strings here if you need -->

Copied: izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/bin/langpacks/installer/fra.xml (from rev 1578, izpack-src/trunk/bin/langpacks/installer/fra.xml)

Deleted: izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/src/build.xml
--- izpack-src/trunk/src/build.xml	2006-09-06 21:22:14 UTC (rev 1575)
+++ izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/src/build.xml	2006-09-07 01:18:30 UTC (rev 1579)
@@ -1,1123 +0,0 @@
-<project name="IzPack" default="all" basedir="..">
-    <!--
-  $Id$
-  build.xml first written by Pierre Dittgen (pierre.dittgen at criltelecom.com)
-  This file is intended to be used with ant (http://jakarta.apache.org/ant),
-  a java/xml makefile utility.
-    14.8.2001: (by Pierre Dittgen)
-  Creation of the build.xml. It only compile all the src files.
-    16.8.2001: (by Pierre Dittgen)
-  Added creation of compiler.jar, installer.jar and compilation of the
-  panels.
-    28.8.2001: (by Pierre Dittgen)
-  Added compile.uninstaller and build.uninstaller targets to create the
-  uninstaller.jar jar file.
-    02.9.2001: (by Julien Ponge)
-        Improved compilation options (optimizations, deprecation warnings) and
-        changed the build dir to src/build. Fixed the compiling/building of the
-        uninstaller.
-    12.9.2001: (by Julien Ponge)
-        Added creation/compilation of the frontend and its associated jar file.
-    22.9.2001: (by Julien Ponge)
-        Small fix in the all target that caused an error if the build dir was
-        not yet created.
-    14.10.2001: (by Julien Ponge)
-        Added the XPanel compilation call.
-    12.12.2001: (by Julien Ponge)
-        Removed the 'clean' dependency for the 'all' target.
-    12.02.2002: (by Julien Ponge)
-        Moved the 'build' directory out of the src/ scope (usefull for my CVS
-        files moving scripts).
-        Added a markup to specify IBM Jikes as the compiler (just comment out to
-        use another one).
-    21.02.2002: (by Paul Wilkinson)
-        Added tasks to compiler.compiler and build.compiler to build ant task class.
-    02.03.2002: (by Julien Ponge)
-        Modified the building of the panels so that the inner classes can be copied
-        too.
-    18.04.2002: (by Julien Ponge)
-        Added the new com.izforge.izpack.util & com.izforge.izpack.util.os
-        packages to the installer.jar build process.
-    19.04.2002: (by Olexij Tkatchenko & Julien Ponge)
-        Added "dist" target for bootstrapped IzPack package creation.
-    01.06.2002: (by Julien Ponge)
-        Changed the panels building process in order to enable the ShortcutData
-        classes to be move in the same directory as the ShortcutPanel classes.
-    15.06.2002: (by Julien Ponge)
-        Added the ant-generated manifests in the clean target scope.
-    03.07.2002: (by Julien Ponge)
-        Added a target to generate some javadoc.
-    12.01.2003: (by Julien Ponge)
-        Separated the installer generation from the dist target so that it is
-        much cleaner.
-    13.01.2003: (by Julien Ponge)
-        Enhanced the clean target.
-    27.02.2003: (by Julien Ponge)
-        Fixed the UserInputPanel building process to include all the required
-        files.
-    30.04.2003: (by Jonathan Halliday)
-        Change to panel compilation target, for panel automation
-        (silent install) support.
-    05.07.2003: (by Julien Ponge)
-        Added a target to fix the files encoding and cr/lf (fix.crlf).
-    10.09.2003: (by Julien Ponge)
-        Reformatting, 4 spaces tabs, got rid of residual hard tabs.
-    19.09.2003: (by Julien Ponge)
-        Added a run.installer target to test an installer.
-    06.12.2003: (by Julien Ponge)
-        Removed the frontend-related sections.
-    16.12.2003: (by Julien Ponge)
-        Added the SudoPanel building call.
-    18.02.2004: (by Julien Ponge)
-        New installer naming scheme (IzPack-install-{version}.jar).
-    29.05.2004: (by Julien Ponge)
-        New SimpleFinishPanel.
-    30.07.2004: (by Klaus Bartz)
-        Simple CustomAction stuff added.
-    09.09.2004: (by Klaus Bartz)
-        Clean up of CustomActions added.
-        New uninstaller-ext.jar with native helper stuff for native libs
-           in uninstaller.
-    14.10.2004: (by Klaus Bartz)
-        New izevent.jar with the base classes of the custom action stuff
-          to support creation of custom action jars without IzPack source tree
-    25.10.2004: (by Klaus Bartz)
-        "Standard" CustomActions AntActionInstallerListener and
-        AntActionUninstallerListener added
-    03.05.2005: (by Klaus Bartz)
-        Target generated.installer-reg added:
-        Creates an installer for IzPack with registry support
-    09.05.2005: (by Marc Eppelman)
-        Target dist+run added:
-        convenient :) makes a complete dist an installer and run them
-    11.05.2005: (by Fabrice Mirabile)
-        Target cleandistreg added:
-        Clean, Regenerate installer and installer with reg support. Avoid use of bad jars during installation.
-    18.07.2005: (by Julien Ponge)
-    	Enforce source / target compatibility, now 1.4 / 1.4.
-    02.09.2005: (by Klaus Bartz)
-    	Unicode support of ShellLink.
-    09.09.2005: (Marc.Eppelmann)
-		Added start.sh to the shipped files in bin-folder.
-	10.01.2006: (by Fabrice Mirabile)
-		Added the splashscreen to the cleandistreg target
-	06.04.2006: (Marc Eppelmann)
-	    Inserted the fix.crlf target in the depends-list of target "all" to prevent encoding problems.
-	26.06.2006: (Marc Eppelmann)
-	    Extracted / Reordered some dist related targets to prevent double copy actions.
-        Also fixed the fix.crlf basedir
-  27.08.27: (Marc Eppelmann)
-      Embedd ShortcutPanel*.java        
-  Mini-HowTo:
-  To compile and package the compiler.jar jar file, type:
-    ant build.compiler
-  To compile and package the installer.jar jar file, type:
-    ant build.installer
-  To compile and package the uninstaller.jar jar file, type:
-    ant build.uninstaller
-  To compile the panels and put them in the bin/panels directory, type:
-    ant build.panels
-    To compile and package the frontend.jar jar file, type:
-        ant build.frontend
-  To make all, type:
-    ant all
-  or
-    ant
-  (this is the default target)
-    To compile and create IzPack distribution package type:
-    ant dist
-    To delete the classes directory after packaging, just type:
-    ant clean
-  -->
-    <!-- Compiler to use put your own here (jikes, modern, gcj, ...) -->
-    <!--<property name="build.compiler" value="jikes" />-->
-    <!-- Define directories -->
-    <property name="cwd" value="${basedir}" />
-    <property file="src/ant.properties" />
-    <property name="ver" value="3.9" />
-    <property name="rel" value="0-preview1" />
-    <property name="build.number" value="${ver}.${rel}" />
-    <property name="src.dir" value="${basedir}/src/lib" />
-    <property name="img.dir" value="${basedir}/src/img" />
-    <property name="bin.dir" value="${basedir}/bin" />
-    <property name="doc.dir" value="${basedir}/doc" />
-    <property name="langpacks.subdir" value="langpacks" />
-    <property name="langpacks.dir" value="${basedir}/bin/${langpacks.subdir}" />
-    <property name="build.subdir" value="_build" />
-    <property name="build.dir" value="${basedir}/${build.subdir}" />
-    <property name="dist.subdir" value="_dist" />
-    <property name="dist.dir" value="${basedir}/${dist.subdir}" />
-    <property name="dist-files.dir" value="${basedir}/src/dist-files" />
-    <!-- Define Main-Classes -->
-    <property name="compiler.class" value="com.izforge.izpack.compiler.Compiler" />
-    <property name="installer.class" value="com.izforge.izpack.installer.Installer" />
-    <property name="uninstaller.class" value="com.izforge.izpack.uninstaller.Uninstaller" />
-    <!-- Define file paths -->
-    <property name="compiler.jar" value="${basedir}/lib/compiler.jar" />
-    <property name="standalone-compiler.jar" value="${basedir}/lib/standalone-compiler.jar" />
-    <property name="installer.jar" value="${basedir}/lib/installer.jar" />
-    <property name="uninstaller.jar" value="${basedir}/lib/uninstaller.jar" />
-    <property name="uninstaller-ext.jar" value="${basedir}/lib/uninstaller-ext.jar" />
-    <property name="izevent.jar" value="${basedir}/lib/izevent.jar" />
-    <!-- Compilation parameters -->
-    <property name="debug" value="true" />
-    <property name="debuglevel" value="lines,vars,source" />
-    <property name="compat.source" value="1.4" />
-    <property name="compat.target" value="1.4" />
-    <!-- paths -->
-    <path id="classpath">
-        <fileset id="ext.libs" dir="${basedir}/lib">
-            <!-- older ant jar, which izpack distributes and uses for fileset behavior -->
-            <include name="ant.jar" />
-            <include name="jakarta-regexp-1.3.jar" />
-        </fileset>
-        <!-- current ant jar, for compiling IzPackTask which uses modern ant features -->
-        <fileset dir="${ant.home}/lib" includes="ant.jar" />
-    </path>
-    <!-- Checking target -->
-    <target name="check">
-        <echo message="basedir=${basedir}" />
-        <echo message="dist.dir=${dist.dir}" />
-        <echo message="build.dir=${build.dir}" />
-        <echo message="debug=${debug}" />
-    </target>
-    <!-- Creates the classes directory -->
-    <target name="prepare" depends="time">
-        <mkdir dir="${build.dir}" />
-        <mkdir dir="${basedir}/lib" />
-        <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}" />
-    </target>
-    <!-- Compiles the compiler src files -->
-    <target name="compile.compiler" depends="prepare">
-        <javac srcdir="${src.dir}"
-               classpath="${basedir}/lib/jakarta-regexp-1.3.jar"
-               destdir="${build.dir}"
-               optimize="on"
-               source="${compat.source}"
-               target="${compat.target}"
-               deprecation="on"
-               debug="${debug}"
-               debuglevel="${debuglevel}">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/*.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/compiler/*.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/compressor/*.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/ant/*.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/Debug.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/OsConstraint.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/JarOutputStream.java" />
-            <include name="net/n3/nanoxml/*.java" />
-        </javac>
-        <copy todir="${build.dir}/com/izforge/izpack/ant/langpacks">
-            <fileset dir="${src.dir}/com/izforge/izpack/ant/langpacks" />
-        </copy>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Package compiler.jar -->
-    <target name="build.compiler" depends="compile.compiler">
-        <jar jarfile="${compiler.jar}">
-            <manifest>
-                <attribute name="Built-By" value="IzPack" />
-                <attribute name="Class-Path" value="ant.jar" />
-                <attribute name="Main-Class" value="${compiler.class}" />
-            </manifest>
-            <fileset dir="${build.dir}">
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/*.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/compiler/*.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/compressor/*.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/OsConstraint.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/Debug.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/*Validator.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/*Processor.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/VariableSubstitutor.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/JarOutputStream.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/ant/*.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/ant/langpacks/*.properties" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/event/CompilerListener.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/event/SimpleCompilerListener.class" />
-                <include name="net/n3/nanoxml/*.class" />
-            </fileset>
-        </jar>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Package standalone-compiler.jar -->
-    <target name="build.standalone-compiler"
-            depends="compile.compiler, build.installer, build.uninstaller, build.uninstaller-ext, build.panels, build.listeners">
-        <jar jarfile="${standalone-compiler.jar}" duplicate="preserve">
-            <manifest>
-                <attribute name="Built-By" value="IzPack" />
-                <attribute name="Class-Path" value="ant.jar" />
-                <attribute name="Main-Class" value="${compiler.class}" />
-            </manifest>
-            <zipfileset src="${installer.jar}" />
-            <zipfileset src="${compiler.jar}">
-                <!-- skip files already included via installer.jar -->
-                <exclude name="com/izforge/izpack/*.class" />
-                <exclude name="com/izforge/izpack/installer/*.class" />
-                <exclude name="com/izforge/izpack/util/*.class" />
-                <exclude name="net/n3/nanoxml/*.class" />
-            </zipfileset>
-            <zipfileset src="lib/ant.jar" />
-            <fileset dir="${basedir}">
-                <include name="bin/langpacks/flags/*" />
-                <include name="bin/langpacks/installer/*" />
-                <include name="bin/native/izpack/*" />
-                <include name="bin/native/3rdparty/*" />
-                <include name="bin/panels/*Panel.jar" />
-                <include name="bin/customActions/*.jar" />
-                <include name="lib/uninstaller.jar" />
-                <include name="lib/uninstaller-ext.jar" />
-                <include name="lib/installer.jar" />
-                <include name="lib/kunststoff.jar" />
-                <include name="lib/liquidlnf.jar" />
-                <include name="lib/metouia.jar" />
-                <include name="lib/looks.jar" />
-                <include name="lib/ant.jar" />
-                <exclude name="**/CVS" />
-            </fileset>
-        </jar>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Compiles the installer src files -->
-    <target name="compile.installer" depends="prepare">
-        <javac srcdir="${src.dir}"
-               classpath="${basedir}/lib/jakarta-regexp-1.3.jar"
-               destdir="${build.dir}"
-               optimize="on"
-               source="${compat.source}"
-               target="${compat.target}"
-               deprecation="on"
-               debug="${debug}"
-               debuglevel="${debuglevel}">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/*.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/gui/*.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/installer/*.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/*.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/os/*.java" />
-            <include name="net/n3/nanoxml/*.java" />
-        </javac>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Package installer.jar -->
-    <target name="build.installer" depends="compile.installer">
-        <jar jarfile="${installer.jar}">
-            <manifest>
-                <attribute name="Built-By" value="IzPack" />
-                <attribute name="Class-Path" value="" />
-                <attribute name="Main-Class" value="${installer.class}" />
-            </manifest>
-            <fileset dir="${build.dir}">
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/*.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/gui/*.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/installer/*.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/*.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/**/*.class" />
-                <include name="net/n3/nanoxml/*.class" />
-            </fileset>
-            <zipfileset src="${basedir}/lib/jakarta-regexp-1.3.jar">
-                <include name="org/apache/regexp/*.class" />
-            </zipfileset>
-            <fileset dir="${src.dir}">
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/installer/*.xml" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/installer/*.properties" />
-            </fileset>
-            <fileset dir="${img.dir}/installer" />
-        </jar>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Compiles the uninstaller src files -->
-    <target name="compile.uninstaller" depends="prepare">
-        <javac srcdir="${src.dir}"
-               destdir="${build.dir}"
-               optimize="on"
-               source="${compat.source}"
-               target="${compat.target}"
-               deprecation="on"
-               debug="${debug}"
-               debuglevel="${debuglevel}">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/LocaleDatabase.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/gui/*.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/*.java"/>
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/os/*.java"/>
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/os/unix/*.java"/>
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/uninstaller/*.java" />
-            <exclude name="com/izforge/izpack/gui/IzPackKMetalTheme.java" />
-            <include name="net/n3/nanoxml/*.java" />
-        </javac>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Package uninstaller.jar -->
-    <target name="build.uninstaller" depends="compile.uninstaller">
-        <jar jarfile="${uninstaller.jar}">
-            <manifest>
-                <attribute name="Built-By" value="IzPack" />
-                <attribute name="Class-Path" value="" />
-                <attribute name="Main-Class" value="${uninstaller.class}" />
-            </manifest>
-            <fileset dir="${build.dir}">
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/LocaleDatabase.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/gui/*.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/uninstaller/*.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/ExecutableFile.class" />                
-                <exclude name="com/izforge/izpack/gui/IzPackKMetalTheme.class" />
-                <include name="net/n3/nanoxml/*.class" />
-            </fileset>
-            <fileset dir="${build.dir}/com/izforge/izpack/util"/>
-            <fileset dir="${img.dir}/uninstaller" />
-        </jar>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Compiles the extended uninstaller src files -->
-    <target name="compile.uninstaller-ext" depends="prepare">
-        <javac srcdir="${src.dir}"
-               destdir="${build.dir}"
-               optimize="on"
-               source="${compat.source}"
-               target="${compat.target}"
-               deprecation="on"
-               debug="${debug}"
-               debuglevel="${debuglevel}">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/os/*.java" />
-            <exclude name="com/izforge/izpack/gui/IzPackKMetalTheme.java" />
-            <include name="net/n3/nanoxml/*.java" />
-        </javac>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Package extended uninstaller.jar used if one ore more native libs are
-         declared for uninstallation -->
-    <target name="build.uninstaller-ext" depends="compile.uninstaller-ext">
-        <jar jarfile="${uninstaller-ext.jar}">
-            <fileset dir="${build.dir}">
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/Librarian.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/Housekeeper.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/TargetFactory.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/FreeThread.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/CleanupClient.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/NativeLibraryClient.class" />
-                <!-- Add helper etc. you need for uninstallation -->
-            </fileset>
-        </jar>
-    </target>
-    <!-- 
-         ======================================================================
-           Create Panel Modules
-         ======================================================================
-    -->
-    <!-- Macro to compile a panel's classes and create it's jar file -->
-    <macrodef name="build-panel">
-        <attribute name="name" description="The panels jar will get this name" />
-        <attribute name="srcdir"
-                   default="${src.dir}"
-                   description="Source directory. Defaults to izpack src dir" />
-        <element name="panel-fileset"
-                 implicit="yes"
-                 description="include and exclude elements indicating panel sources" />
-        <sequential>
-            <echo message="build-panel: @{name}" />
-            <mkdir dir="${bin.dir}/panels/@{name}" />
-            <!-- sourcepath is cleared so there's no mistaking what goes into the Panel -->
-            <javac srcdir="@{srcdir}"
-                   destdir="${bin.dir}/panels/@{name}"
-                   classpath="${installer.jar}"
-                   sourcepath=""
-                   optimize="on"
-                   deprecation="on"
-                   debug="${debug}"
-                   source="${compat.source}"
-                   target="${compat.target}"
-                   debuglevel="${debuglevel}">
-                <panel-fileset />
-            </javac>
-            <jar jarfile="${bin.dir}/panels/@{name}.jar" basedir="${bin.dir}/panels/@{name}" />
-        </sequential>
-    </macrodef>
-    <!-- Compile all panels and put them at the right location -->
-    <!-- 
-         If you add a another, and the build fails because it can't find a class, 
-         be sure to explicitly include the .java file in the nested fileset.
-         This also acts as a check to help limit dependancies.
-    -->
-    <target name="build.panels" depends="build.installer">
-        <mkdir dir="${bin.dir}/panels" />
-        <build-panel name="FinishPanel">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/FinishPanel.java" />
-        </build-panel>
-        <build-panel name="HelloPanel">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/HelloPanel.java" />
-        </build-panel>
-        <build-panel name="SelectPrinterPanel">
-	          <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/SelectPrinterPanel.java"/>
-	      </build-panel>
-        <build-panel name="CheckedHelloPanel">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/CheckedHelloPanel.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/HelloPanel.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/os/*RegistryHandler.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/OSClassHelper.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/os/WrappedNativeLibException.java" />
-            <include name="com/coi/tools/os/win/NativeLibException.java" />
-            <include name="com/coi/tools/os/win/Reg*.java" />
-            <include name="com/coi/tools/os/win/resources/NativeLibErr*.java" />
-            <include name="com/coi/tools/os/izpack/Registry.java" />
-            <include name="com/coi/tools/os/izpack/COIOSHelper.java" />
-        </build-panel>
-        <build-panel name="InfoPanel">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/InfoPanel.java" />
-        </build-panel>
-        <build-panel name="InstallPanel">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/InstallPanel.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/InstallPanelAutomationHelper.java" />
-        </build-panel>
-        <build-panel name="ExtendedInstallPanel">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/ExtendedInstallPanel.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/ExtendedInstallPanelAutomationHelper.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/InstallPanel.java" />
-        </build-panel>
-        <build-panel name="LicencePanel">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/LicencePanel.java" />
-        </build-panel>
-        <build-panel name="PacksPanel">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/ImgPacksPanelAutomationHelper.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/ImgPacksPanelBase.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/PacksModel.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/PacksPanel.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/PacksPanelAutomationHelper.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/PacksPanelBase.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/PacksPanelInterface.java" />
-        </build-panel>
-        <build-panel name="ImgPacksPanel">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/ImgPacksPanel.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/ImgPacksPanelAutomationHelper.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/PacksModel.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/PacksPanelBase.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/PacksPanelInterface.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/PacksPanelAutomationHelper.java" />
-        </build-panel>
-        <build-panel name="HTMLLicencePanel">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/HTMLLicencePanel.java" />
-        </build-panel>
-        <build-panel name="HTMLInfoPanel">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/HTMLInfoPanel.java" />
-        </build-panel>
-        <build-panel name="TargetPanel">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/PathInputPanel.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/PathSelectionPanel.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/TargetPanel.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/TargetPanelAutomationHelper.java" />
-        </build-panel>
-        <build-panel name="JDKPathPanel">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/JDKPathPanel.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/PathInputPanel.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/PathSelectionPanel.java" />
-        </build-panel>
-        <build-panel name="XInfoPanel">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/XInfoPanel.java" />
-        </build-panel>
-        <build-panel name="ShortcutPanel">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/ShortcutData.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/ShortcutPanel*.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/xml/*.java" />
-        </build-panel>
-        <build-panel name="UserInputPanel">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/PasswordGroup.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/ProcessingClient.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/Processor.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/RuleInputField.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/RuleTextField.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/UserInputPanel.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/UserInputPanelAutomationHelper.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/Validator.java" />
-        </build-panel>
-        <build-panel name="ConditionalUserInputPanel">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/ConditionalUserInputPanel.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/PasswordGroup.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/ProcessingClient.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/Processor.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/RuleInputField.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/RuleTextField.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/UserInputPanel.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/UserInputPanelAutomationHelper.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/Validator.java" />
-        </build-panel>
-        <build-panel name="CompilePanel">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/CompilePanel.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/CompilePanelAutomationHelper.java" />
-        </build-panel>
-        <build-panel name="ProcessPanel">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/ProcessPanel.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/ProcessPanelAutomationHelper.java" />
-        </build-panel>
-        <build-panel name="SudoPanel">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/SudoPanel.java" />
-        </build-panel>
-        <build-panel name="SimpleFinishPanel">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/SimpleFinishPanel.java" />
-        </build-panel>
-        <build-panel name="SummaryPanel">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/panels/SummaryPanel.java" />
-        </build-panel>
-    </target>
-    <!-- 
-         ======================================================================
-           Create Listener Modules
-         ======================================================================
-    -->
-    <!-- Compiles the base custom action classes which should placed into
-         izevent.jar  -->
-    <target name="compile.listener-base">
-        <javac srcdir="${src.dir}"
-               destdir="${build.dir}"
-               optimize="on"
-               source="${compat.source}"
-               target="${compat.target}"
-               deprecation="on"
-               debug="${debug}"
-               debuglevel="${debuglevel}"
-               classpath="${installer.jar};${compiler.jar}">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/event/ActionBase.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/event/Simple*nstallerListener.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/event/InstallerListener.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/event/UninstallerListener.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/IoHelper.java" />
-        </javac>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Package izevent.jar  -->
-    <target name="build.listener-base" depends="compile.listener-base">
-        <jar jarfile="${izevent.jar}">
-            <fileset dir="${build.dir}">
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/event/*.class" />
-                <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/IoHelper.class" />
-                <exclude name="com/izforge/izpack/event/*Compiler*.class" />
-            </fileset>
-        </jar>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Macro to compile a listener's classes and create its jar file -->
-    <macrodef name="build-listener">
-        <attribute name="name" description="The listener jar will get this name" />
-        <attribute name="srcdir"
-                   default="${src.dir}"
-                   description="Source directory. Defaults to izpack src dir" />
-        <attribute name="izeventExcludes"
-                   description="excludes patter for files in the ${izevent.jar} file" />
-        <element name="listener-fileset"
-                 implicit="yes"
-                 description="include and exclude elements indicating listener sources" />
-        <sequential>
-            <echo message="build-listener: @{name}" />
-            <mkdir dir="${bin.dir}/customActions/@{name}" />
-            <!-- sourcepath is cleared so there's no mistaking what goes into the Listener -->
-            <javac srcdir="@{srcdir}"
-                   destdir="${bin.dir}/customActions/@{name}"
-                   classpath="${installer.jar};${compiler.jar};${izevent.jar}"
-                   sourcepath=""
-                   optimize="on"
-                   deprecation="on"
-                   debug="${debug}"
-                   source="${compat.source}"
-                   target="${compat.target}"
-                   debuglevel="${debuglevel}">
-                <listener-fileset />
-            </javac>
-            <jar jarfile="${bin.dir}/customActions/@{name}.jar"
-                 basedir="${bin.dir}/customActions/@{name}">
-                <!-- also include files from the previously built ${izevent.jar} -->
-                <zipfileset src="${izevent.jar}" excludes="@{izeventExcludes}" />
-            </jar>
-        </sequential>
-    </macrodef>
-    <!-- Convenience macro to call build-listener for compiler listeners -->
-    <macrodef name="build-compiler-listener">
-        <attribute name="name" />
-        <attribute name="srcdir" default="${src.dir}" />
-        <element name="compiler-fileset"
-                 implicit="yes"
-                 description="include and exclude elements indicating listener sources" />
-        <sequential>
-            <build-listener name="@{name}"
-                            srcdir="@{srcdir}"
-                            izeventExcludes="**/*Installer*,**/*Uninstaller*">
-                <compiler-fileset />
-            </build-listener>
-        </sequential>
-    </macrodef>
-    <!-- Convenience macro to call build-listener for installer listeners -->
-    <macrodef name="build-installer-listener">
-        <attribute name="name" />
-        <attribute name="srcdir" default="${src.dir}" />
-        <element name="installer-fileset"
-                 implicit="yes"
-                 description="include and exclude elements indicating listener sources" />
-        <sequential>
-            <build-listener name="@{name}" srcdir="@{srcdir}" izeventExcludes="**/*Uninstaller*">
-                <installer-fileset />
-            </build-listener>
-        </sequential>
-    </macrodef>
-    <!-- Convenience macro to call build-listener for uninstaller listeners -->
-    <macrodef name="build-uninstaller-listener">
-        <attribute name="name" />
-        <attribute name="srcdir" default="${src.dir}" />
-        <element name="uninstaller-fileset"
-                 implicit="yes"
-                 description="include and exclude elements indicating listener sources" />
-        <sequential>
-            <build-listener name="@{name}" srcdir="@{srcdir}" izeventExcludes="**/*Installer*">
-                <uninstaller-fileset />
-            </build-listener>
-        </sequential>
-    </macrodef>
-    <!-- Compile all custom actions (listener) and put them at the right location -->
-    <!-- 
-         If you add a another, and the build fails because it can't find a class, 
-         be sure to explicitly include the .java file in the nested fileset.
-         This also acts as a check to help limit dependancies.
-    -->
-    <target name="build.listeners" depends="build.compiler,build.installer,build.listener-base">
-        <build-installer-listener name="AntActionInstallerListener">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/event/AntActionInstallerListener.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/event/AntAction.java" />
-        </build-installer-listener>
-        <build-uninstaller-listener name="AntActionUninstallerListener">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/event/AntActionUninstallerListener.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/event/AntAction.java" />
-        </build-uninstaller-listener>
-        <build-installer-listener name="SummaryLoggerInstallerListener">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/event/SummaryLoggerInstallerListener.java" />
-        </build-installer-listener>
-        <build-installer-listener name="RegistryInstallerListener">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/event/RegistryInstallerListener.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/event/NativeInstallerListener.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/os/*RegistryHandler.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/OSClassHelper.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/os/WrappedNativeLibException.java" />
-            <include name="com/coi/tools/os/win/NativeLibException.java" />
-            <include name="com/coi/tools/os/win/Reg*.java" />
-            <include name="com/coi/tools/os/win/resources/NativeLibErr*.java" />
-            <include name="com/coi/tools/os/izpack/Registry.java" />
-            <include name="com/coi/tools/os/izpack/COIOSHelper.java" />
-        </build-installer-listener>
-        <build-uninstaller-listener name="RegistryUninstallerListener">
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/event/RegistryUninstallerListener.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/event/NativeUninstallerListener.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/os/*RegistryHandler.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/OSClassHelper.java" />
-            <include name="com/izforge/izpack/util/os/WrappedNativeLibException.java" />
-            <include name="com/coi/tools/os/win/NativeLibException.java" />
-            <include name="com/coi/tools/os/win/Reg*.java" />
-            <include name="com/coi/tools/os/win/resources/NativeLibErr*.java" />
-            <include name="com/coi/tools/os/izpack/Registry.java" />
-            <include name="com/coi/tools/os/izpack/COIOSHelper.java" />
-        </build-uninstaller-listener>
-        <!-- CUSTOM ACTION test START
-        <build-compiler-listener name="ChmodCompilerListener">
-            <include name="com/myCompany/tools/install/listener/ChmodCompilerListener.java"/>
-        </build-compiler-listener>
-        <build-installer-listener name="ChmodInstallerListener">
-            <include name="com/myCompany/tools/install/listener/ChmodInstallerListener.java"/>
-        </build-installer-listener>
-        COSTOM ACTION test END -->
-    </target>
-    <!-- ====================================================================== -->
-    <!-- Performs some cleanups -->
-    <target name="clean" description="cleans up the dist">
-        <echo message="Cleaning-up" />
-        <delete includeEmptyDirs="true" quiet="true">
-            <fileset dir="${build.dir}" />
-            <fileset dir="${dist.dir}" />
-            <fileset dir="${basedir}/bin/panels/">
-                <include name="**/*" />
-            </fileset>
-            <fileset dir="${basedir}/bin/customActions/">
-                <include name="**/*" />
-            </fileset>
-            <fileset dir="${basedir}/lib/">
-                <include name="compiler.jar" />
-                <include name="izevent.jar" />
-                <include name="standalone-compiler.jar" />
-                <include name="frontend.jar" />
-                <include name="installer.jar" />
-                <include name="uninstaller.jar" />
-                <include name="uninstaller-ext.jar" />
-            </fileset>
-        </delete>
-    	    <delete file="bin/native/3rdparty/COIOSHelper.dll" />
-        <delete dir="${basedir}/bin/native/izpack" />
-        <delete includeEmptyDirs="true" dir="${basedir}/doc/izpack" />
-    </target>
-    <!-- Builds all compilation targets -->
-    <target name="all"
-            depends="splashscreen, build.compiler, build.installer, build.uninstaller, build.uninstaller-ext, build.panels, build.listeners, build.standalone-compiler" description="base: compiles a developer version"/>
-    <!-- Builds the Javadoc -->
-    <target name="build.javadoc" depends="prepare" description="Builds the javadoc">
-        <mkdir dir="${build.dir}/javadoc" />
-        <javadoc destdir="${build.dir}/javadoc" access="private" classpathref="classpath">
-            <packageset dir="${src.dir}">
-                <exclude name="**/CVS" />
-            </packageset>
-        </javadoc>
-        <copy todir="${doc.dir}/izpack/javadoc">
-            <fileset dir="${build.dir}/javadoc">
-                <include name="**/*" />
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-    </target>
-    <target name="build.docu" description="Builds the customer documentation">
-        <mkdir dir="${doc.dir}/izpack/xhtml" />
-        <copy todir="${doc.dir}/izpack/xhtml">
-            <fileset dir="${basedir}/src/doc-ng/XHTML">
-                <include name="**/*" />
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-    </target>
-    <target name="create.docu"
-            depends="build.javadoc, build.docu"
-            description="Creates the javadoc-api and customer documentation">
-    </target>
-    <!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
-          target: taskdef                      
-         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
-    <target name="taskdef.dist">
-        <!-- Allows us to use the IzPack Ant task -->
-        <taskdef name="izpack"
-                 classpath="${basedir}/lib/compiler.jar"
-                 classname="com.izforge.izpack.ant.IzPackTask" />
-    </target>
-    <!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
-          target: copy.natives                      
-         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
-    <target name="copy.dist.natives">
-        <echo message="Copies the recent changed native files to the ${basedir}/bin directory" />
-        <mkdir dir="${basedir}/bin/native/izpack" />
-        <!-- If unicode support of ShellLink.dll will be not used, change between  both copy blocks -->
-        <!--
-		<copy todir="${basedir}/bin/native/izpack" file="${basedir}/src/native/ShellLink/Release/ShellLink.dll" verbose="true" overwrite="yes"/>
-		<copy todir="${basedir}/bin/native/3rdparty" file="${basedir}/src/native/win/COIOSHelper/Release/COIOSHelper.dll" verbose="true" overwrite="yes"/>
-		-->
-        <copy todir="${basedir}/bin/native/izpack"
-              file="${basedir}/src/native/ShellLink/Release_Unicode/ShellLink.dll"
-              verbose="true"
-              overwrite="yes" />
-        <copy todir="${basedir}/bin/native/3rdparty"
-              file="${basedir}/src/native/win/COIOSHelper/Release_Unicode/COIOSHelper.dll"
-              verbose="true"
-              overwrite="yes" />
-    </target>
-    <!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
-          target: copy.distfiles                      
-         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
-    <target name="copy.dist.files">
-        <echo message="Copies the general files to the dist directory" />
-        <copy todir="${dist.dir}" includeEmptyDirs="yes">
-            <fileset dir="${basedir}">
-                <include name="bin/**" />
-                <include name="lib/*.jar" />
-                <include name="doc/**" />
-                <include name="legal/**" />
-                <include name="src/**" />
-                <include name="sample/**" />
-                <include name="*.txt" />
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-        <echo message="Copies the langpacks to the dist directory" />
-        <copy todir="${dist.dir}/bin" includeEmptyDirs="yes">
-            <fileset dir="${basedir}">
-                <include name="langpacks/**" />
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-        <echo message="Copies the license images and specs to the dist directory" />
-        <copy todir="${dist.dir}" includeEmptyDirs="yes">
-            <fileset dir="${dist-files.dir}">
-                <include name="useNativeLAF" />
-                <include name="*.jpg" />
-                <include name="*.png" />
-                <include name="*.html" />
-                <include name="Licence.txt" />
-                <include name="IzPack-install*.xml" />
-                <include name="shortcutSpec.xml" />
-                <include name="Unix_shortcutSpec.xml" />
-                <include name="RegistrySpec.xml" />
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-        <echo message="Copies the bin files to the dist directory" />
-        <copy todir="${dist.dir}/bin" includeEmptyDirs="yes" overwrite="yes">
-            <fileset dir="${dist-files.dir}">
-                <include name="compile*" />            	
-                <include name="lcp.bat" />
-            	<include name="start.sh"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-    </target>
-    <!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
-          target: replace.dist.buildnumber                      
-         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
-    <target name="replace.dist.buildnumber">
-        <replace file="${dist.dir}/shortcutSpec.xml"
-                 token="@build.number@"
-                 value="${build.number}"
-                 summary="yes" />
-        <replace file="${dist.dir}/shortcutSpec.xml" token="@ver@" value="${ver}" summary="yes" />
-        <replace file="${dist.dir}/Unix_shortcutSpec.xml"
-                 token="@build.number@"
-                 value="${build.number}"
-                 summary="yes" />
-        <replace file="${dist.dir}/Unix_shortcutSpec.xml"
-                 token="@ver@"
-                 value="${ver}"
-                 summary="yes" />
-    </target>
-    <!-- Creates an installer for IzPack -->
-    <target name="exec.izpack.compiler">
-        <!-- We call IzPack -->
-        <echo message="Makes the installer using IzPack" level="verbose" />
-        <izpack input="${dist.dir}/${installer.xmlfile}"
-                output="${dist.dir}/${installer.name}${ver}.${rel}.jar"
-                installerType="standard"
-                basedir="${dist.dir}"
-                izPackDir="${dist.dir}/"
-                compression="raw"
-                compressionlevel="9" />
-    	<echo>
-sucessfully created:
-    	</echo>
-    </target>
-    <!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
-          target: prepare.install.dist                      
-         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
-    <target name="prepare.install.dist" depends="taskdef.dist, copy.dist.natives, copy.dist.files, replace.dist.buildnumber, fix.crlf">
-    </target>
-    <!-- =================================
-	   Creates a normal installer for IzPack 
-	  ================================= -->
-    <target name="generate.installer" depends="prepare.install.dist">
-        <antcall target="exec.izpack.compiler">
-            <param name="installer.xmlfile" value="IzPack-install.xml" />
-            <param name="installer.name" value="IzPack-install-" />
-        </antcall>
-    </target>
-    <!--
-        Fixes CR/LF by applying the Unix convention (\n for endlines).
-        It also fixes the encoding problems by moving it to UTF-8.
-    -->
-    <target name="fix.crlf">
-        <property name="dist.src.dir" location="${dist.dir}/src"/>
-    	<property name="dist.bin.dir" location="${dist.dir}/bin"/>
-        <echo>
-Fixing linefeeds for several files in:
- "${dist.src.dir}"
-   and
- "${dist.bin.dir}"
-        </echo>
-        <fixcrlf srcDir="${dist.src.dir}" eol="lf" eof="remove" encoding="UTF-8">
-            <include name="**/*.java" />
-            <include name="**/*.xml" />
-            <include name="**/*.properties" />
-        </fixcrlf>
-    	<fixcrlf srcdir="${dist.dir}" eol="unix" eof="remove">
-            <include name="**/*.sh"/>
-    	    <include name="dist-files/compile"/>
-        </fixcrlf>
-    	<fixcrlf srcdir="${dist.bin.dir}" eol="unix" eof="remove">
-    	  <include name="**/*.sh"/>
-    	  <include name="compile"/>	    	
-    	</fixcrlf>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Runs a testing installer. -->
-    <target name="run.installer">
-        <java jar="${basedir}/_dist/IzPack-install-${build.number}.jar" fork="true" />
-    </target>
-    <!-- Makes everything, from compilation to generating an installer. -->
-    <target name="quickdist"
-            depends="all, generate.installer"
-            description="makes a installer without docu" />
-    <!-- Makes everything, from compilation, customer and javadoc to generating an installer. -->
-    <target name="dist"
-            depends="all, create.docu, generate.installer"
-            description="makes a complete installer" />
-    <!-- Makes everything, from Cleaning to generating both installers: normal and reg support. -->
-    <target name="cleandistreg"
-            depends="clean, splashscreen, dist, generate.installer"
-            description="creates a full dist with Win32 uninstall registry support" />
-    <!-- convenient :) makes a quick dist (w/o docu), an installer and run them. -->
-    <target name="quickdist+run"
-            depends="quickdist, run.installer"
-            description="makes a quickdist installer and runs them" />
-    <!-- convenient :) makes a complete dist an installer and run them. -->
-    <target name="dist+run"
-            depends="dist, run.installer"
-            description="makes a complete installer and runs them" />
-    <!-- ** splashscreen **
-	  shows some ANT specific- and JAVA-
-	  but Platform and Project-independed Properties.
-	================================================================ -->
-    <target name="splashscreen"
-            depends="time"
-            description="shows the used environment and project settings">
-        <property name="console_line" value="**************************************************" />
-        <!-- Task splash/ ?? -->
-        <echo message="${console_line}" />
-        <echo message="* ${ant.version}" />
-        <!-- N2H: Test if this is the right ANT-Version (implementation of an own JAVA-Class which compares BuildNumbers) -->
-        <echo message="*   Java JRE version ${ant.java.version} ${java.vm.vendor}" />
-        <!-- 1.3 -->
-        <exec executable="${java.home}/bin/java">
-            <arg line="-version" />
-        </exec>
-        <echo message="${console_line}" />
-        <echo message="*  processing file ....... '${ant.file}'" />
-        <!-- D:\ToDo\_2002-11\AntTest\build.xml -->
-        <echo message="*  in base-directory ..... '${basedir}'" />
-        <!-- D:\ToDo\_2002-11\AntTest -->
-        <echo message="*  building project ...... '${ant.project.name}'" />
-        <!-- CIS -->
-        <echo message="*  working in directory .. '${cwd}'" />
-        <echo message="${console_line}" />
-    </target>
-    <!-- ================================= 
-          target: ShellLink.Javah              
-         ================================= -->
-    <target name="ShellLink.Javah"
-            depends="compile.installer"
-            description="--> rebuilds the shelllink jni *.h header file">
-        <javah class="com.izforge.izpack.util.os.ShellLink"
-               destdir="${basedir}/src/native/ShellLink">
-            <classpath path="${build.dir}" />
-        </javah>
-    </target>
-    <!-- ================================= 
-         target: time - takes a timestamp           
-        ================================= -->
-    <target name="time">
-        <tstamp />
-    </target>
-    <!-- ================================= 
-          target: dump.properties - dumps the curent properties into the $os_$timestamp.properties file             
-         ================================= -->
-    <target name="dump.properties" depends="time" description="dump.environment (for debug)">
-        <echoproperties destfile="${basedir}/ant_properties_at_${os.name}-${os.arch}-${os.version}_at_${DSTAMP}-${TSTAMP}.txt" />
-    </target>

Copied: izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/src/build.xml (from rev 1576, izpack-src/trunk/src/build.xml)

Deleted: izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/src/dist-files/IzPack-install.xml
--- izpack-src/trunk/src/dist-files/IzPack-install.xml	2006-09-06 21:22:14 UTC (rev 1575)
+++ izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/src/dist-files/IzPack-install.xml	2006-09-07 01:18:30 UTC (rev 1579)
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-    $Id$
-    IzPack installer XML file
-    By Julien PONGE
-    In order to build an installer for IzPack, let's create a directory
-    named '_dist' in the IzPack root directory. Then copy the files from
-    'src/dist-files' into '_dist'. Copy your IzPack image, that is all
-    the files present at the IzPack root directory. To make it clear,
-    you'll get bin/, lib/, ... and text files like Versions.txt and so
-    on. Now you can invoke the IzPack compiler and it will generate the
-    installer.
-    Alternatively, you can use the IzPack Ant makefile and run 'ant dist'. It's
-    much simpler :-)
-        <!-- The installation -->
-<installation version="1.0">
-    <!-- The info section -->
-    <info>
-        <appname>IzPack</appname>
-        <appversion>3.9.0-preview1 (build 2006.06.23)</appversion>
-        <authors>
-            <author email="" name="Julien Ponge (maintainer and original developer)"/>
-            <author email="" name="Klaus Bartz (developer)"/>
-            <author email="" name="Fabrice Mirabile (developer)"/>
-            <author email="" name="Marc Eppelmann (developer)" />
-            <author email="" name="Oliver Kiddle (contributor)"/>
-            <author email="" name="Cesar Martinez Izquierdo (contributor)"/>
-            <author email="" name="Ryan Shillington (contributor)" />
-            <author email="" name="Eric Rose (contributor)" />
-            <author email="" name="Amit Bhayani @JBoss/RedHat (contributors)" />
-            <author email="" name="Dennis Reil (contributor)" />
-            <author email=""
-                    name="... the many other developers and contributors to the previous releases (see Thanks.txt)"/>
-        </authors>
-        <url>http://www.izforge.com/izpack/</url>
-        <javaversion>1.4</javaversion>
-        <summarylogfilepath>$INSTALL_PATH/installinfo/Summary.htm</summarylogfilepath>
-    </info>
-    <!-- Flexible and in the screen proportions -->
-    <guiprefs height="600" resizable="yes" width="800">
-        <laf name="looks">
-            <os family="unix"/>
-        </laf>
-        <!-- GUI addaption for more informations see "Modifying the GUI" in the documentation -->
-    	<modifier key="layoutAnchor" value="CENTER"/>
-    	<modifier key="headingPanelCounter" value="text"/>
-		<modifier key="headingPanelCounterPos" value="inNavigationPanel"/>
-		<modifier key="allYGap" value="3"/>
-		<modifier key="paragraphYGap" value="10"/>	
-		<modifier key="filler1YGap" value="5"/>
-		<modifier key="filler3XGap" value="10"/>
-    </guiprefs>
-    <variables>
-        <variable name="DesktopShortcutCheckboxEnabled" value="true"/>
-    </variables>
-    <!-- We include every langpack -->
-    <locale>
-        <langpack iso3="eng"/>
-        <langpack iso3="fra"/>
-        <langpack iso3="deu"/>
-        <langpack iso3="ita"/>
-        <langpack iso3="jpn"/>
-        <langpack iso3="spa"/>
-        <langpack iso3="dan"/>
-        <langpack iso3="ell"/>
-        <langpack iso3="cat"/>
-        <langpack iso3="ned"/>
-        <langpack iso3="fin"/>
-        <langpack iso3="swe"/>
-        <langpack iso3="por"/>
-        <langpack iso3="pol"/>
-        <langpack iso3="rus"/>
-        <langpack iso3="ukr"/>
-        <langpack iso3="hun"/>
-        <langpack iso3="svk"/>
-        <langpack iso3="rom"/>
-        <langpack iso3="mys"/>
-        <langpack iso3="nor"/>
-        <langpack iso3="chn"/>
-        <langpack iso3="scg"/>
-        <langpack iso3="cze"/>
-        <langpack iso3="kor"/>
-    </locale>
-    <!-- The resources needed by the various panels -->
-    <resources>
-        <res src="install-readme.html" id="HTMLInfoPanel.info"/>
-        <res src="Licence.txt" id="LicencePanel.licence"/>
-        <res src="splash-sydney.png" id="installer.langsel.img"/>
-        <res src="shortcutSpec.xml" id="shortcutSpec.xml"/>
-        <res src="Unix_shortcutSpec.xml" id="Unix_shortcutSpec.xml"/>
-        <res src="core.png" id="ImgPacksPanel.img.0"/>
-        <res src="doc-html.png" id="ImgPacksPanel.img.1"/>
-        <res src="javadocs.png" id="ImgPacksPanel.img.2"/>
-        <res src="doc-nanoxml.png" id="ImgPacksPanel.img.3"/>
-        <!--    
-            <res src="doc-pdf.png" id="ImgPacksPanel.img.2" />        
-        -->
-        <res src="sample.png" id="ImgPacksPanel.img.4"/>
-        <res src="src.png" id="ImgPacksPanel.img.5"/>
-        <res src="border1.png" id="Installer.image.0"/>
-        <res src="border2.png" id="Installer.image.1"/>
-        <res src="border3.png" id="Installer.image.2"/>
-        <res src="border4.png" id="Installer.image.3"/>
-        <res src="border5.png" id="Installer.image.4"/>
-        <res src="border5.png" id="Installer.image.5"/>
-        <res src="border6.png" id="Installer.image.6"/>
-        <res src="border7.png" id="Installer.image.7"/>
-        <res src="border8.png" id="Installer.image.8"/>
-        <res src="RegistrySpec.xml" id="RegistrySpec.xml"/>
-    </resources>
-    <!-- The panels in a classic order -->
-    <panels>
-        <panel classname="CheckedHelloPanel"/>
-        <panel classname="HTMLInfoPanel"/>
-        <panel classname="LicencePanel"/>
-        <panel classname="TargetPanel"/>
-        <panel classname="ImgPacksPanel"/>
-        <panel classname="SummaryPanel"/>
-        <panel classname="InstallPanel"/>
-        <panel classname="ShortcutPanel"/>
-        <!-- We use temporary the FinishPanel in the 3.9 Release 
-             to get Access to the [Generate an automatic installation script]-Button
-             to get feedback so quick as possible from all of users, 
-             who wants to get back this feature ;-) -->
-        <panel classname="FinishPanel"/>
-    </panels>
-    <!-- The listeners section for CustomActions -->
-    <listeners>
-        <listener installer="SummaryLoggerInstallerListener"/>
-        <listener installer="RegistryInstallerListener" uninstaller="RegistryUninstallerListener">
-            <os family="windows"/>
-        </listener>
-    </listeners>
-    <!-- The packs section -->
-    <packs>
-        <!-- The core files -->
-        <pack name="Core" required="yes">
-            <description>The IzPack core files.</description>
-            <fileset dir="" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH">
-                <include name="*.txt"/>
-                <include name="bin/**/*"/>
-                <include name="lib/**/*"/>
-                <include name="legal/**/*"/>
-            </fileset>
-            <executable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/compile" stage="never"/>
-            <executable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/start.sh" stage="never"/>
-        </pack>
-        <!-- The documentation -->
-        <pack name="XHTML Documentation" required="no">
-            <description>The IzPack documentation (XHTML version).</description>
-            <fileset dir="" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH">
-                <include name="doc/izpack/xhtml/**/*"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </pack>
-        <pack name="Java Documentation" required="no">
-            <description>
-                The IzPack Java documentation (Javadocs for IzPack developers).
-            </description>
-            <fileset dir="" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH">
-                <include name="doc/izpack/javadoc/**/*"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </pack>
-        <!--
-            Disabled while doc-ng not provides a pdf ...
-            <pack name="PDF Documentation" required="no">
-            <description>The IzPack documentation (PDF version).</description>
-            <fileset dir="" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH">
-            <include name="doc/izpack/pdf/**/*" />
-            </fileset>
-            </pack>
-        -->
-        <pack name="NanoXML Documentation" required="no">
-            <description>NanoXML documentation (for IzPack developers).</description>
-            <fileset dir="" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH">
-                <include name="doc/nanoxml/**/*"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </pack>
-        <!-- A trivial sample to get started -->
-        <pack name="Sample" required="no">
-            <description>A sample installation.</description>
-            <fileset dir="" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH">
-                <include name="sample/**/*"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </pack>
-        <!-- The source code of this version -->
-        <pack name="Sources" required="no">
-            <description>The full IzPack source code.</description>
-            <fileset dir="" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH">
-                <include name="src/**/*"/>
-                <exclude name="src/*.manifest"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </pack>
-    </packs>
-    <!-- The native libraries to add -->
-    <native type="izpack" name="ShellLink.dll"/>
-    <native type="3rdparty" name="COIOSHelper.dll" stage="both">
-        <os family="windows"/>
-    </native>

Copied: izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/src/dist-files/IzPack-install.xml (from rev 1576, izpack-src/trunk/src/dist-files/IzPack-install.xml)

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--- izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-ng/XHTML/izpack-doc.html	2006-09-06 21:22:14 UTC (rev 1575)
+++ izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/src/doc-ng/XHTML/izpack-doc.html	2006-09-07 01:18:30 UTC (rev 1579)
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-       Edition of August 22, 2005<br />
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-      Copyright &copy; 2001-2004
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-    <ul>
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-        Julien P<small>ONGE</small><a name="tex2html3" href="mailto:julien at izforge.com"><tt>&lt;julien at izforge.com&gt;</tt></a>
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-        Elmar G<small>ROM</small><a name="tex2html4" href="mailto:elmar at grom.net"><tt>&lt;elmar at grom.net&gt;</tt></a>
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-        Tino S<small>CHWARZE</small><a name="tex2html5" href="mailto:tino.schwarze at informatik.tu-chemnitz.de"><tt>&lt;tino.schwarze at informatik.tu-chemnitz.de&gt;</tt></a>
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-        Klaus B<small>ARTZ</small><a name="tex2html6" href="mailto:klaus.bartz at coi.de"><tt>&lt;klaus.bartz at coi.de&gt;</tt></a>
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-        Fabrice M<small>IRABILE</small><a name="tex2html6" href="mailto:miraodb at hotmail.com"><tt>&lt;miraodb at hotmail.com&gt;</tt></a>
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-      <li>
-        <a name="tex2html38" href="node1.html">Contents</a>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <a name="tex2html39" href="node2.html">Introduction</a> 
-        <ul>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html40" href="node2.html#SECTION00210000000000000000">Welcome to I<small>Z</small>P<small>ACK</small>!</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html41" href="node2.html#SECTION00220000000000000000">The Features</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html42" href="node2.html#SECTION00230000000000000000">The Development</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html43" href="node2.html#SECTION00240000000000000000">3rd party code used in I<small>Z</small>P<small>ACK</small></a>
-          </li>
-        </ul>
-        <br />
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <a name="tex2html44" href="node3.html">Getting started</a> 
-        <ul>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html45" href="node3.html#SECTION00310000000000000000">Overview</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html46" href="node3.html#SECTION00320000000000000000">First Compilation</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html4655" href="node3.html#section00350000000000000000">How to develop and debug IpPack using Eclipse</a>
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html48" href="node3.html#section00351000000000000000">IzPack Installation</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html49" href="node3.html#section00352000000000000000">Custom class sources and build.xml</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html50" href="node3.html#section00353000000000000000">Eclipse</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html51" href="node3.html#section00354000000000000000">Create IzPack project</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html51" href="node3.html#section00355000000000000000">Debug compile (create the installer)</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html51" href="node3.html#section00356000000000000000">Debug installation</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html51" href="node3.html#section00357000000000000000">Debug uninstallation</a>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html47" href="node3.html#SECTION00330000000000000000">The I<small>Z</small>P<small>ACK</small>Architecture</a> 
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html48" href="node3.html#SECTION00331000000000000000">The Compilation System</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html49" href="node3.html#SECTION00332000000000000000">How an Installer Works</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html50" href="node3.html#SECTION00333000000000000000">The Different Kinds of Installers</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html51" href="node3.html#SECTION00334000000000000000">Installers for older VM Versions</a>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-        </ul>
-        <br />
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <a name="tex2html52" href="node4.html">Writing Installation XML Files</a> 
-        <ul>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html53" href="node4.html#SECTION00410000000000000000">What You Need</a> 
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html54" href="node4.html#SECTION00411000000000000000">Your editor</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html55" href="node4.html#SECTION00412000000000000000">Writing XML</a>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html56" href="node4.html#SECTION00420000000000000000">Variable Substitution</a> 
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html57" href="node4.html#SECTION00421000000000000000">The Built-In Variables</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html58" href="node4.html#SECTION00422000000000000000">Environment Variables</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html59" href="node4.html#SECTION00423000000000000000">Parse Types</a>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html60" href="node4.html#SECTION00430000000000000000">The I<small>Z</small>P<small>ACK</small>Elements</a> 
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html61" href="node4.html#SECTION00431000000000000000">The Root Element <tt>&lt;installation&gt;</tt></a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html62" href="node4.html#SECTION00432000000000000000">The Information Element <tt>&lt;info&gt;</tt></a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html63" href="node4.html#SECTION00433000000000000000">The Variables Element <tt>&lt;variables&gt;</tt></a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html64" href="node4.html#SECTION00434000000000000000">The GUI Preferences Element <tt>&lt;guiprefs&gt;</tt></a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html65" href="node4.html#SECTION00435000000000000000">The Localization Element <tt>&lt;locale&gt;</tt></a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html66" href="node4.html#SECTION00436000000000000000">The Resources Element <tt>&lt;resources&gt;</tt></a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html67" href="node4.html#SECTION00437000000000000000">The Panels Element <tt>&lt;panels&gt;</tt></a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html68" href="node4.html#SECTION00438000000000000000">The Packs Element <tt>&lt;packs&gt;</tt></a> 
-                <ul>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html69" href="node4.html#SECTION00438100000000000000">Internationalization of the PacksPanel</a>
-                  </li>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html70" href="node4.html#SECTION00438200000000000000"><tt>&lt;description&gt;</tt>- pack description</a>
-                  </li>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html71" href="node4.html#SECTION00438300000000000000"><tt>&lt;depends&gt;</tt>- pack dependencies</a>
-                  </li>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html72" href="node4.html#SECTION00438400000000000000"><tt>&lt;os&gt;</tt>- OS restrictions</a>
-                  </li>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html73" href="node4.html#SECTION00438500000000000000"><tt>&lt;updatecheck&gt;</tt></a>
-                  </li>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html74" href="node4.html#SECTION00438600000000000000"><tt>&lt;file&gt;</tt>- add files or directories</a>
-                  </li>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html75" href="node4.html#SECTION00438700000000000000"><tt>&lt;singlefile&gt;</tt>- add a single file</a>
-                  </li>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html76" href="node4.html#SECTION00438800000000000000"><tt>&lt;fileset&gt;</tt>: add a fileset</a>
-                  </li>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html77" href="node4.html#SECTION00438900000000000000"><tt>&lt;parsable&gt;</tt>- parse a file after installation</a>
-                  </li>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html78" href="node4.html#SECTION004381000000000000000"><tt>&lt;executable&gt;</tt>- mark file executable or execute it</a>
-                  </li>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html79" href="node4.html#SECTION004381100000000000000"><tt>&lt;os&gt;</tt>- make a file OS-dependent</a>
-                  </li>
-                </ul>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html80" href="node4.html#SECTION00439000000000000000">The Native Element <tt>&lt;native&gt;</tt></a> 
-                <ul>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html81" href="node4.html#SECTION00439100000000000000"><tt>&lt;os&gt;</tt>- make a library OS-dependent</a>
-                  </li>
-                </ul>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html82" href="node4.html#SECTION004310000000000000000">The Jar Merging Element <tt>&lt;jar&gt;</tt></a>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html83" href="node4.html#SECTION00440000000000000000">The Available Panels</a> 
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html84" href="node4.html#SECTION00441000000000000000">HelloPanel</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html85" href="node4.html#SECTION00442000000000000000">InfoPanel and htmlInfoPanel</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html86" href="node4.html#SECTION00443000000000000000">LicencePanel and htmlLicencePanel</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html87" href="node4.html#SECTION00444000000000000000">PacksPanel</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html88" href="node4.html#SECTION00445000000000000000">ImgPacksPanel</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html89" href="node4.html#SECTION00446000000000000000">TargetPanel</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html90" href="node4.html#SECTION00447000000000000000">InstallPanel</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html91" href="node4.html#SECTION00448000000000000000">XInfoPanel</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html92" href="node4.html#SECTION00449000000000000000">FinishPanel</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html93" href="node4.html#SECTION004410000000000000000">SimpleFinishPanel</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html94" href="node4.html#SECTION004411000000000000000">ShortcutPanel</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html95" href="node4.html#SECTION004412000000000000000">UserInputPanel</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html96" href="node4.html#SECTION004413000000000000000">CompilePanel</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html97" href="node4.html#SECTION004414000000000000000">ProcessPanel</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html98" href="node4.html#SECTION004415000000000000000">JDKPathPanel</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-			    <a name="tex2html415" href="node4.html#SECTION004416000000000000000">SelectPrinterPanel</a>
-			  </li>
-              <li>
-			    <a name="tex2html416" href="node4.html#SECTION004417000000000000000">DataCheckPanel</a>
-			  </li>
-              <li>
-			    <a name="tex2html417" href="node4.html#SECTION004418000000000000000">SummaryPanel</a>
-			  </li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-        </ul>
-        <br />
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <a name="tex2html99" href="node5.html">Advanced Features</a> 
-        <ul>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html100" href="node5.html#SECTION00510000000000000000">Ant Integration</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html101" href="node5.html#SECTION00520000000000000000">Embedding the installation file using a config element</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html102" href="node5.html#SECTION00530000000000000000">System properties as variable</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html103" href="node5.html#SECTION00540000000000000000">Automated Installers</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html104" href="node5.html#SECTION00550000000000000000">Picture on the Language Selection Dialog</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html105" href="node5.html#SECTION00560000000000000000">Picture in the installer</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="node5.html#modifyingGui">Modifying the GUI</a>
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <a href="node5.html#modifyingLangDialog">Modifying Language Selection Dialog</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a href="node5.html#modifyingPanels">Modifying IzPack Panels</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a href="node5.html#headingPanels">Using a Separated Heading Panel</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a href="node5.html#quitDialog">Alternative Cancel Dialog</a>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-		      <li>
-		      	<a href="node5.html#Logging">Logging the Installation</a>
-		      </li>	
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html106" href="node5.html#SECTION00570000000000000000">Web Installers</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html107" href="node5.html#SECTION00580000000000000000">More Internationalization</a> 
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html108" href="node5.html#SECTION00581000000000000000">Special resources</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html109" href="node5.html#SECTION00582000000000000000">Packs</a>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-        </ul>
-        <br />
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <a name="tex2html110" href="node6.html">Desktop Shortcuts</a> 
-        <ul>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html111" href="node6.html#SECTION00610000000000000000">Defining Shortcuts</a> 
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html112" href="node6.html#SECTION00611000000000000000">Introduction</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html113" href="node6.html#SECTION00612000000000000000">What to Add to the Installer</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html114" href="node6.html#SECTION00613000000000000000">Why Native Code to do the Job on Windows?</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html115" href="node6.html#SECTION00614000000000000000">The Shortcut Specification</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html116" href="node6.html#SECTION00615000000000000000">Shortcut Attributes</a> 
-                <ul>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html117" href="node6.html#SECTION00615100000000000000">Unix specific shortcut attributes</a>
-                  </li>
-                </ul>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html118" href="node6.html#SECTION00616000000000000000">Selective Creation of Shortcuts</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html119" href="node6.html#SECTION00617000000000000000">Summary</a>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html120" href="node6.html#SECTION00620000000000000000">Shortcut Tips</a> 
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html121" href="node6.html#SECTION00621000000000000000">The Desktop</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html122" href="node6.html#SECTION00622000000000000000">Icons</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html123" href="node6.html#SECTION00623000000000000000">Targets</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html124" href="node6.html#SECTION00624000000000000000">Command Line</a>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html125" href="node6.html#SECTION00630000000000000000">Trouble Shooting</a> 
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html126" href="node6.html#SECTION00631000000000000000">Problems You Can Solve</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html127" href="node6.html#SECTION00632000000000000000">Problems That Have No Solution (yet)</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html128" href="node6.html#SECTION00633000000000000000">A sample shortcut specification file for Unix</a>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-        </ul>
-        <br />
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <a name="tex2html129" href="node7.html">Creating Your Own Panels</a> 
-        <ul>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html130" href="node7.html#SECTION00701000000000000000">How to get started</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html131" href="node7.html#SECTION00702000000000000000">Next Steps</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html132" href="node7.html#SECTION00703000000000000000">Access to the Variable Substitution System</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html133" href="node7.html#SECTION00704000000000000000">Controlling Flow</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html134" href="node7.html#SECTION00705000000000000000">Reading XML</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html135" href="node7.html#SECTION00706000000000000000">Supporting Classes</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html136" href="node7.html#SECTION00707000000000000000">Panels that are not visible</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html137" href="node7.html#SECTION00708000000000000000">A word about building IzPack</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html138" href="node7.html#SECTION00710000000000000000">The <tt>IzPanel</tt>Class</a> 
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html139" href="node7.html#SECTION00711000000000000000">UML Diagram</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html140" href="node7.html#SECTION00712000000000000000">Description</a>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html141" href="node7.html#SECTION00720000000000000000">The <tt>Internationalization</tt>of custom panels</a>
-          </li>
-        </ul>
-        <br />
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <a name="tex2html142" href="node8.html">User Input</a> 
-        <ul>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html143" href="node8.html#SECTION00810000000000000000">The Basic XML Structure</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html144" href="node8.html#SECTION00820000000000000000">Concepts and XML Elements Common to All Fields</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html145" href="node8.html#SECTION00830000000000000000">Internationalization</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html146" href="node8.html#SECTION00840000000000000000">Panel Title</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html147" href="node8.html#SECTION00850000000000000000">Static Text</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html148" href="node8.html#SECTION00860000000000000000">Visual Separation</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html149" href="node8.html#SECTION00870000000000000000">Text Input</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html150" href="node8.html#SECTION00880000000000000000">Radio Buttons</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html151" href="node8.html#SECTION00890000000000000000">Combo Box</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html152" href="node8.html#SECTION008100000000000000000">Check Box</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html153" href="node8.html#SECTION008110000000000000000">Rule Input</a> 
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html154" href="node8.html#SECTION008111000000000000000">Layout and Input Rules</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html155" href="node8.html#SECTION008112000000000000000">Setting Field Content</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html156" href="node8.html#SECTION008113000000000000000">The Output Format</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html157" href="node8.html#SECTION008114000000000000000">Validating the Field Content</a> 
-                <ul>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html158" href="node8.html#SECTION008114100000000000000">NotEmptyValidator</a>
-                  </li>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html159" href="node8.html#SECTION008114200000000000000">RegularExpressionValidator</a>
-                  </li>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html160" href="node8.html#SECTION008114300000000000000">Creation Your Own Custom Validator</a>
-                  </li>
-                </ul>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html161" href="node8.html#SECTION008115000000000000000">Processing the Field Content</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html162" href="node8.html#SECTION008116000000000000000">Summary Example</a>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html163" href="node8.html#SECTION008120000000000000000">Search</a> 
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html164" href="node8.html#SECTION008121000000000000000">Specification</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html165" href="node8.html#SECTION008122000000000000000">Example</a>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-        </ul>
-        <br />
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <a name="tex2html166" href="node9.html">Custom Actions</a> 
-        <ul>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html167" href="node9.html#SECTION00910000000000000000">Overview</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html168" href="node9.html#SECTION00920000000000000000">How It Works</a> 
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html169" href="node9.html#SECTION00921000000000000000">Custom Action Types</a> 
-                <ul>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html170" href="node9.html#SECTION00921100000000000000">Custom Actions At Packaging</a>
-                  </li>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html171" href="node9.html#SECTION00921200000000000000">Custom Actions At Installing Time</a>
-                  </li>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html172" href="node9.html#SECTION00921300000000000000">Custom Actions At Uninstalling Time</a>
-                  </li>
-                </ul>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html173" href="node9.html#SECTION00922000000000000000">Package Path</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html174" href="node9.html#SECTION00923000000000000000">Correlated Stuff</a> 
-                <ul>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html175" href="node9.html#SECTION00923100000000000000">Native Libraries for Uninstallation</a>
-                  </li>
-                </ul>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html176" href="node9.html#SECTION00930000000000000000">What You Have To Do</a> 
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html177" href="node9.html#SECTION00931000000000000000">Custom Actions at Packaging (CompilerListener)</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html178" href="node9.html#SECTION00932000000000000000">Custom Actions at Installation Time (InstallerListener)</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html179" href="node9.html#SECTION00933000000000000000">Custom Actions at Uninstallation Time (UninstallerListener)</a>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html180" href="node9.html#SECTION00940000000000000000">Example</a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="tex2html181" href="node9.html#SECTION00950000000000000000">Ant Actions (InstallerListener and UninstallerListener)</a> 
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <a name="tex2html182" href="node9.html#SECTION00951000000000000000">The Basic XML Struture</a> 
-                <ul>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html183" href="node9.html#SECTION00951100000000000000"><tt>&lt;property&gt;</tt>: define a property</a>
-                  </li>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html184" href="node9.html#SECTION00951200000000000000"><tt>&lt;propertyfile&gt;</tt>: define properties in a file</a>
-                  </li>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html185" href="node9.html#SECTION00951300000000000000"><tt>&lt;target&gt;</tt>: target to call at installation</a>
-                  </li>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="tex2html186" href="node9.html#SECTION00951400000000000000"><tt>&lt;uninstall_target&gt;</tt>: target to call on uninstallation</a>
-                  </li>
-                </ul>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a name="customActionsReg1" href="node9.html#RegistryListener">Registry access (InstallerListener and UninstallerListener)</a>
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <a name="customActionsReg2" href="node9.html#RegListBaseXML">The Basic XML Struture</a>
-                <ul>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="customActionsReg3" href="node9.html#RegListKeyElm"><tt>&lt;key&gt;</tt>: define a key</a>
-                  </li>
-                  <li>
-                    <a name="customActionsReg4" href="node9.html#RegListValueElm"><tt>&lt;value&gt;</tt>: define a value</a>
-                  </li>
-                </ul>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="customActionsReg5" href="node9.html#RegListSpecPacks">Extended Uninstall Key</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="customActionsReg6" href="node9.html#RegListUninst">Uninstall Behavior</a>
-              </li>
-              <li>
-                <a name="customActionsReg7" href="node9.html#RegListExamples">Examples</a>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="node9.html#SECTION00970000000000000000">Summary Logger (InstallerListener)</a> 
-          </li>
-        </ul>
-        <br />
-      </li>
-      		<li>
-				<a name="cookbooksadded" href="node13.html">CookBooks</a>
-			</li>
-      <li>
-        <a name="tex2html187" href="node10.html">The Apache License Version 2.0</a>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <a name="tex2html188" href="node11.html">The Commons Creative Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License</a>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <a name="tex2html189" href="node12.html">About this document ...</a>
-      </li>
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-      Julien Ponge 2005-05-24
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-<p><br />
-<a name="CHILD_linkS"><strong>Subsections</strong></a></p>
-<li><a name="tex2html368" href="node4.html#SECTION00410000000000000000">What You Need</a> 
-<li><a name="tex2html369" href="node4.html#SECTION00411000000000000000">Your editor</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html370" href="node4.html#SECTION00412000000000000000">Writing XML</a></li>
-<br />
-<li><a name="tex2html371" href="node4.html#SECTION00420000000000000000">Variable Substitution</a> 
-<li><a name="tex2html372" href="node4.html#SECTION00421000000000000000">The Built-In Variables</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html373" href="node4.html#SECTION00422000000000000000">Environment Variables</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html374" href="node4.html#SECTION00423000000000000000">Parse Types</a></li>
-<br />
-<li><a name="tex2html375" href="node4.html#SECTION00430000000000000000">The I<small>Z</small>P<small>ACK</small> Elements</a> 
-<li><a name="tex2html376" href="node4.html#SECTION00431000000000000000">The Root Element <tt>&lt;installation&gt;</tt></a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html377" href="node4.html#SECTION00432000000000000000">The Information Element <tt>&lt;info&gt;</tt></a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html378" href="node4.html#SECTION00433000000000000000">The Variables Element <tt>&lt;variables&gt;</tt></a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html379" href="node4.html#SECTION00434000000000000000">The GUI Preferences Element <tt>&lt;guiprefs&gt;</tt></a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html380" href="node4.html#SECTION00435000000000000000">The Localization Element <tt>&lt;locale&gt;</tt></a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html381" href="node4.html#SECTION00436000000000000000">The Resources Element <tt>&lt;resources&gt;</tt></a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html382" href="node4.html#SECTION00437000000000000000">The Panels Element <tt>&lt;panels&gt;</tt></a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html383" href="node4.html#SECTION00438000000000000000">The Packs Element <tt>&lt;packs&gt;</tt></a> 
-<li><a name="tex2html384" href="node4.html#SECTION00438100000000000000">Internationalization of the PacksPanel</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html385" href="node4.html#SECTION00438200000000000000"><tt>&lt;description&gt;</tt> - pack description</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html386" href="node4.html#SECTION00438300000000000000"><tt>&lt;depends&gt;</tt> - pack dependencies</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html387" href="node4.html#SECTION00438400000000000000"><tt>&lt;os&gt;</tt> - OS restrictions</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html388" href="node4.html#SECTION00438500000000000000"><tt>&lt;updatecheck&gt;</tt></a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html389" href="node4.html#SECTION00438600000000000000"><tt>&lt;file&gt;</tt> - add files or directories</a> 
-<li><a name="tex2html390" href="node4.html#SECTION00438610000000000000"><tt>&lt;additionaldata&gt;</tt></a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html391" href="node4.html#SECTION00438700000000000000"><tt>&lt;singlefile&gt;</tt> - add a single file</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html392" href="node4.html#SECTION00438800000000000000"><tt>&lt;fileset&gt;</tt>: add a fileset</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html393" href="node4.html#SECTION00438900000000000000"><tt>&lt;parsable&gt;</tt> - parse a file after installation</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html394" href="node4.html#SECTION004381000000000000000"><tt>&lt;executable&gt;</tt> - mark file executable or execute it</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html395" href="node4.html#SECTION004381100000000000000"><tt>&lt;os&gt;</tt> - make a file OS-dependent</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html396" href="node4.html#SECTION00439000000000000000">The Native Element <tt>&lt;native&gt;</tt></a> 
-<li><a name="tex2html397" href="node4.html#SECTION00439100000000000000"><tt>&lt;os&gt;</tt> - make a library OS-dependent</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html398" href="node4.html#SECTION004310000000000000000">The Jar Merging Element <tt>&lt;jar&gt;</tt></a></li>
-<br />
-<li><a name="tex2html399" href="node4.html#SECTION00440000000000000000">The Available Panels</a> 
-<li><a name="tex2html400" href="node4.html#SECTION00441000000000000000">HelloPanel</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html401" href="node4.html#SECTION00442000000000000000">InfoPanel and HTMLInfoPanel</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html402" href="node4.html#SECTION00443000000000000000">LicencePanel and HTMLLicencePanel</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html403" href="node4.html#SECTION00444000000000000000">PacksPanel</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html404" href="node4.html#SECTION00445000000000000000">ImgPacksPanel</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html405" href="node4.html#SECTION00446000000000000000">TargetPanel</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html406" href="node4.html#SECTION00447000000000000000">InstallPanel</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html407" href="node4.html#SECTION00448000000000000000">XInfoPanel</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html408" href="node4.html#SECTION00449000000000000000">FinishPanel</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html409" href="node4.html#SECTION004410000000000000000">SimpleFinishPanel</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html410" href="node4.html#SECTION004411000000000000000">ShortcutPanel</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html411" href="node4.html#SECTION004412000000000000000">UserInputPanel</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html412" href="node4.html#SECTION004413000000000000000">CompilePanel</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html413" href="node4.html#SECTION004414000000000000000">ProcessPanel</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html414" href="node4.html#SECTION004415000000000000000">JDKPathPanel</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html415" href="node4.html#SECTION004416000000000000000">SelectPrinterPanel</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html416" href="node4.html#SECTION004417000000000000000">DataCheckPanel</a></li>
-<li><a name="tex2html417" href="node4.html#SECTION004418000000000000000">SummaryPanel</a></li>
-<!--End of Table of Child-Links-->
-<hr />
-<h1><a name="SECTION00400000000000000000">Writing Installation XML Files</a></h1>
-<h1><a name="SECTION00410000000000000000">What You Need</a></h1>
-<h2><a name="SECTION00411000000000000000">Your editor</a></h2>
-<p>In order to write your XML installation files, you just need a plain text editor. Of course it's always easier to work with color coded text, so you might rather want to work with a text editor
-having such a feature. Here is a list of free editors that work well :</p>
-	<li>Jext : <tt><a name="tex2html19" href="http://www.jext.org/">http://www.jext.org/</a></tt></li>
-	<li>JEdit : <tt><a name="tex2html20" href="http://www.jedit.org/">http://www.jedit.org/</a></tt></li>
-	<li>classics like Vim and (X)Emacs.</li>
-<p>If you are a developer and tend to write your own patches, extension or features to IzPack sources, or, if you wish to debug your compilation, installation and uninstallation, we recommend two IDE:</p>
-	<li>Jext : <tt><a name="tex2html191" href="http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/">http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/</a></tt></li>
-	<li>JEdit : <tt><a name="tex2html201" href="http://www.eclipse.org/">http://www.eclipse.org/</a></tt></li>
-<p>For the first one, JetBrains has granted us an Open Source License. All project members can ask the Licence Key to one of the project manager.</p>
-<p>The second one is a well know open source (Just like us :-)) IDE. We provide a tutorial on how to develop/debug IzPack using Eclipse in the chapter <a name="GetStarted-HowToDevDebug" href="node3.html#section00350000000000000000">Getting Started -> How to develop and debug IpPack using Eclipse</a></p>
-<h2><a name="SECTION00412000000000000000">Writing XML</a></h2>
-<p>Though you might not know much about XML, you have certainly heard about it. If you know XML you can skip this subsection as we will briefly present how to use XML.<br />
-<p>XML is a markup language, really close to HTML. If you've ever worked with HTML the transition will be fast. However there are a few little things to know. The markups used in XML have the
-following form : <tt>&lt;markup&gt;</tt>. Each markup has to be closed somewhere with its ending tag : <tt>&lt;/markup&gt;</tt>. Each tag can contain text and other markups. If a markup does not
-contain anything, it is just reported once : <tt>&lt;markup/&gt;</tt>. A markup can contain attributes like : <tt>&lt;markup attr1="123" attr2="hello !"/&gt;</tt>. Here is a sample of a valid XML
-structure :</p>
-&lt;chapter title="Chapter 1"&gt;
-  &lt;section name="Introduction"&gt;
-    &lt;paragraph&gt;
-    This is the text of the paragraph number 1. It is available for the very low
-    price of &lt;price currency="dollar"&gt;1 000 000&lt;/price&gt;.
-    &lt;/paragraph&gt;
-  &lt;/section&gt;
-  &lt;section name="xxx"&gt;
-  xxx
-  &lt;/section&gt;
-<p>You should be aware of the following common mistakes :</p>
-<li>markups <b>are</b> case sensitive : <tt>&lt;markup&gt;</tt> is different from <tt>&lt;Markup&gt;</tt>.</li>
-<li>you <b>must</b> close the markups in the same order as you create them : <tt>&lt;m1&gt;&lt;m2&gt;(...)&lt;/m2&gt;&lt;/m1&gt;</tt> is right but <tt>
-&lt;m1&gt;&lt;m2&gt;(...)&lt;/m1&gt;&lt;/m2&gt;</tt> is not.</li>
-<p>Also, an XML file must start with the following header :<br />
-<tt>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1 standalone="yes" ?&gt;</tt>. The only thing you should modify is the encoding (put here the one your text editor saves your files to). The <tt>
-standalone</tt> attribute is not very important for us.<br />
-<p>This (brief !) introduction to XML was just meant to enable you to write your installation specification. For a better introduction there are plenty of books and articles/tutorials dealing with
-XML on the Internet, in book stores, in magazines and so on.<br />
-<h1><a name="SECTION00420000000000000000">Variable Substitution</a></h1>
-<p>During the installation process IzPack can substitute variables in various places with real values. Obvious targets for variable substitution are resource files and launch scripts, however you
-will notice many more places where it is more powerful to use variables rather then hard coded values. Wherever variables can be used it will be explained in the documentation.<br />
-<p>There are three types of variables:</p>
-<li>Built-In variables. These are implemented in IzPack and are all dynamic in nature. This means that the value of each variable depends on local conditions on the target system.</li>
-<li>Environment variables. These are provided by the operating system the installer is run on.</li>
-<li>Variables that you can define. You also define the value, which is fixed for a given installation file.</li>
-<p>You define your own variables in the installation XML file with the <tt>&lt;variable&gt;</tt> tag. How to do this is explained in detail later in this chapter.<br />
-<p><b>Please note</b> that when using variables they must always appear with a '<tt>$</tt>' sign as the first character, even though they are not defined this way.<br />
-<h2><a name="SECTION00421000000000000000">The Built-In Variables</a></h2>
-The following variables are built-in : 
-<li><tt>$INSTALL_PATH</tt> : the installation path on the target system, as chosen by the user</li>
-<li><tt>$APPLICATIONS_DEFAULT_ROOT</tt> : the default path for applications</li>
-<li><tt>$JAVA_HOME</tt> : the Java<sup><small>TM</small></sup> virtual machine home path</li>
-<li><tt>$CLASS_PATH</tt> : the Class Path used mainly for Java Applications</li>
-<li><tt>$USER_HOME</tt> : the user's home directory path</li>
-<li><tt>$USER_name</tt> : the user name</li>
-<li><tt>$APP_name</tt> : the application name</li>
-<li><tt>$APP_URL</tt> : the application URL</li>
-<li><tt>$APP_VER</tt> : the application version</li>
-<li><tt>$ISO3_LANG</tt> : the ISO3 language code of the selected langpack.</li>
-<li><tt>$IP_ADDRESS</tt> : the IP Address of the local machine.</li>
-<li><tt>$HOST_NAME</tt> : the HostName of the local machine.</li>
-<li><tt>$FILE_SEPARATOR</tt> : the file separator on the installation system</li>
-<li><tt>$desktopshortcutcheckboxenabled</tt> : When set to true, it automatically checks the "Create Desktop Shortcuts" button. To see how to use it, go to <a name="tex2html378" href="node4.html#SECTION00433000000000000000">The Variables Element <tt>&lt;variables&gt;</tt></a></li>
-<li><a name="InstLogFile"></a><tt>$InstallerFrame.logfilePath</tt> : The path to the install log. This file contains the paths of all installed files. If set to "default" then the "$INSTALL_PATH/Uninstaller/install.log" path will be used. To see how to use it, go to <a name="tex2html378" href="node4.html#SECTION00433000000000000000">The Variables Element <tt>&lt;variables&gt;</tt></a>. If this variable is not set, no install.log will be created.</li>
-<h2><a name="SECTION00422000000000000000">Environment Variables</a></h2>
-Environment variables can be accessed via the syntax <tt>${ENV[variable]}</tt>. The curly braces are mandatory. Note that variable names are case-sensitive and usually in UPPER CASE. 
-<p>Example: To get the value of the OS environment variable "CATALINA_HOME", use <tt>${ENV[CATALINA_HOME]}</tt>.</p>
-<h2><a name="SECTION00423000000000000000">Parse Types</a></h2>
-Parse types apply only when replacing variables in text files. At places where it might be necessary to specify a parse type, the documentation will mention this. Depending on the parse type, IzPack
-will handle special cases -such as escaping control characters- correctly. The following parse types are available: 
-<li><tt>plain</tt> - use this type for plain text files, where no special substitution rules apply. All variables will be replaced with their respective values as is.</li>
-<li><tt>javaprop</tt> - use this type if the substitution happens in a Java properties file. Individual variables might be modified to function properly within the context of Java property
-<li><tt>xml</tt> - use this type if the substitution happens in a XML file. Individual variables might be modified to function properly within the context of XML files.</li>
-<li><tt>shell</tt> - use this type if the substitution happens in a shell script. Because shell scripts use <tt>$variable</tt> themselves, an alternative variable marker is used: <tt>%variable</tt>
-or <tt>%{variable}</tt>.</li>
-<h1><a name="SECTION00430000000000000000">The i<small>Z</small>P<small>ACK</small> Elements</a></h1>
-<p><i>When writing your installer XML files, it's a good idea to have a look at the i<small>Z</small>P<small>ACK</small> installation DTD</i>.<br />
-<h2><a name="SECTION00431000000000000000"></a> <a name="root-element"></a><br />
-The Root Element <tt>&lt;installation&gt;</tt></h2>
-<p>The root element of an installation is <tt>&lt;installation&gt;</tt>. It takes one required attribute : <tt>version</tt>. The attribute defines the version of the XML file layout and is used by
-the compiler to identify if it is compatible with the XML file. This should be set to <img width="29" height="16" class="alignbottom" src="img4.png" alt="$1.0$" /> for the moment.<br />
-<h2><a name="SECTION00432000000000000000"></a> <a name="info-element"></a><br />
-The Information Element <tt>&lt;info&gt;</tt></h2>
-<p>This element is used to specify some general information for the installer. It contains the following elements :</p>
-<li><tt>&lt;appname&gt;</tt> : the application name</li>
-<li><tt>&lt;appversion&gt;</tt> : the application version</li>
-<li><tt>&lt;appsubpath&gt;</tt> : the subpath for the default of the installation path. A variable substitution and a maskable slash-backslash conversion will be done. If this tag is not defined, the
-application name will be used instead.</li>
-<li><tt>&lt;url&gt;</tt> : the application official website url</li>
-<li><tt>&lt;authors&gt;</tt> : specifies the author(s) of the application. It must contain at least one <tt>&lt;author&gt;</tt> element whose attributes are : 
-<li><tt>name</tt> : the author's name</li>
-<li><tt>email</tt> : the author's email</li>
-<li><tt>&lt;uninstaller&gt;</tt> : specifies whether to create an uninstaller after installation, and which name to use for it. This tag has the <tt>write</tt> attribute, with default value <tt>
-yes</tt>. If this tag is not specified, the uninstaller will still be written. The <tt>name</tt> attribute can be used to change the default name of the generated uninstaller, <i>i.e.</i> <tt>
-<li><tt>&lt;javaversion&gt;</tt> : specifies the minimum version of Java required to install your program. Values can be <tt>1.2</tt>, <tt>1.2.2</tt>, <tt>1.4</tt>, etc. The test is a lexical
-comparison against the <tt>java.version</tt> System property on the install machine.</li>
-<li><tt>&lt;webdir&gt;</tt> : Causes a ``web installer'' to be created, and specifies the URL packages are retrieved from at install time. The content of the tag must be a properly formed URL. See
-section&nbsp;<a href="node5.html#webinstaller">3.7</a> for more details.</li>
-<li><tt>&lt;summarylogfilepath&gt;</tt> : specifies the path for the logfile of the <a href="node9.html#SECTION00970000000000000000">SummaryLoggerInstallerListener</a>.</li>
-<p>Here is an example of a typical <tt>&lt;info&gt;</tt> section :<br />
-  &lt;appname&gt;Super extractor&lt;/appname&gt;
-  &lt;appversion&gt;2.1 beta 6&lt;/appversion&gt;
-  &lt;appsubpath&gt;myCompany/SExtractor&lt;/appsubpath&gt;
-  &lt;url&gt;http://www.superextractor.com/&lt;/url&gt;
-  &lt;authors&gt;
-    &lt;author name="John John Doo" email="jjd at jjd-mail.com"/&gt;
-    &lt;author name="El Goyo" email="goyoman at mymail.org"/&gt;
-  &lt;/authors&gt;
-  &lt;javaversion&gt;1.2&lt;/javaversion&gt;
-<h2><a name="SECTION00433000000000000000"></a> <a name="variables-element"></a><br />
-The Variables Element <tt>&lt;variables&gt;</tt></h2>
-<p>This element allows you to define variables for the variables substitution system. Some variables are built-in, such as <tt>$INSTALL_PATH</tt> (which is the installation path chosen by the user).
-When you define a set of variables, you just have to place as many <tt>&lt;variable&gt;</tt> tags in the file as needed. If you define a variable named <tt>VERSION</tt> you need to type $VERSION in
-the files to parse. The variable substitutor will then replace it with the correct value. One <tt>&lt;variable&gt;</tt> tag take the following attributes :</p>
-<li><tt>name</tt> : the variable name</li>
-<li><tt>value</tt> : the variable value</li>
-<p>Here's a sample <tt>&lt;variables&gt;</tt> section :<br />
-  &lt;variable name="app-version" value="1.4"/&gt;
-  &lt;variable name="released-on" value="08/03/2002"/&gt;
-<p class="ita" >Here's a precise sample on how to use desktopshortcutcheckboxenabled and InstallerFrame.logfilePath variables:<br />
-  &lt;variable name="InstallerFrame.logfilePath" value="$INSTALL_PATH/My-install.log"/&gt; 
-  	&lt;!-- This means that the log name will be My-install and that it will be stored at the root of the installation. --&gt;
-  	&lt;!-- Any path is fine. If value is set to "Default" then "$INSTALL_PATH/uninstall/install.log" is used. --&gt;
-  	&lt;!-- And if variable isn't defined then no log is written. --&gt;
-  &lt;variable name="desktopshortcutcheckboxenabled" value="true"/&gt; 
-  	&lt;!-- This automatically checks the "Create Desktop Shortcuts" button. Default value is "False". --&gt;
-<h2><a name="SECTION00434000000000000000"></a> <a name="guiprefs-element"></a><br />
-The GUI Preferences Element <tt>&lt;guiprefs&gt;</tt></h2>
-<p>This element allows you to set the behavior of your installer GUI. This information will not have any effect on the command-line installers that will be available in future versions of
-i<small>Z</small>P<small>ACK</small> . The arguments to specify are :</p>
-<li><tt>resizable</tt> : takes <tt>yes</tt> or <tt>no</tt> and indicates whether the window size can be changed or not.</li>
-<li><tt>width</tt> : sets the initial window width</li>
-<li><tt>height</tt> : sets the initial window height.</li>
-<p>Here's a sample :</p>
-&lt;guiprefs resizable="no" width="800" height="600"/&gt;
-<p>Starting from IzPack 3.6, the look and feel can be specified in this section on a per-OS basis. For instance you can use the native look and feels on Win32 and OS X but use a third-party one on
-Unix-like platforms. To do that, you have to add some children to the <tt>guiprefs</tt> tag:</p>
-<li><tt>laf</tt>: the tag that specifies a look and feel. It has a <tt>name</tt> parameter that defines the look and feel name.</li>
-<li>Each <tt>laf</tt> element needs at least one <tt>os</tt> tag, specified like in the other parts of the specification that support this tag.</li>
-<li>Like you can add <tt>os</tt> elements, you can add any number of <tt>param</tt> elements to customize a look and feel. A <tt>param</tt> elements has two attribues: <tt>name</tt> and <tt>
-<p>The available look and feels are:</p>
-<li>Kunststoff: <tt>kunststoff</tt></li>
-<li>Liquid: <tt>liquid</tt></li>
-<li>Metouia: <tt>metouia</tt></li>
-<li>JGoodies Looks: <tt>looks</tt></li>
-<p>If you don't specify a look and feel for a particular operating system, then the default native one will be used: Windows on Windows, Aqua on Mac OS X and Metal on the Unix-like variants.<br />
-<p>The <i>Liquid Look and Feel</i> supports the following parameters:</p>
-<li><tt>decorate.frames</tt>: <tt>yes</tt> means that it will render the frames in Liquid style</li>
-<li><tt>decorate.dialogs</tt>: <tt>yes</tt> means that it will render the dialogs in Liquid style</li>
-<p>The <i>JGoodies Looks</i> look and feel can be specified by using the <tt>variant</tt> parameters. The values can be one of:</p>
-<li><tt>extwin</tt>: use the Windows Extension look</li>
-<li><tt>plastic</tt>: use the basic Plastic look</li>
-<li><tt>plastic3D</tt>: use the Plastic 3D look</li>
-<li><tt>plasticXP</tt>: use the Plastic XP look (default).</li>
-<p>Here is a small sample:</p>
-&lt;guiprefs height="600" resizable="yes" width="800"&gt;
-    &lt;laf name="metouia"&gt;
-        &lt;os family="unix" /&gt;
-    &lt;/laf&gt;
-    &lt;laf name="looks"&gt;
-        &lt;os family="windows" /&gt;
-        &lt;param name="variant" value="extwin" /&gt;
-    &lt;/laf&gt;
-<p>Starting from IzPack 3.7, some characteristics can be customized with the <tt>&lt;modifier&gt;</tt> tag. There is a
-separate description in the <a href="node5.html">Advanced Features</a> chapter paragraph 
-<a href="node5.html#modifyingGui">Modifying the GUI</a>.</p>
-<h2><a name="SECTION00435000000000000000"></a> <a name="localization-element"></a><br />
-The Localization Element <tt>&lt;locale&gt;</tt></h2>
-<p>This element is used to specify the language packs (langpacks) that you want to use for your installer. You must set one <tt>&lt;langpack&gt;</tt> markup per language. This markup takes the <tt>
-iso3</tt> parameter which specifies the iso3 language code.<br />
-<p>Here's a sample :<br />
-  &lt;langpack iso3="eng"/&gt;
-  &lt;langpack iso3="fra"/&gt;
-  &lt;langpack iso3="spa"/&gt;
-<p>The supported ISO3 codes are :</p>
-<div class="center">
-<table cellpadding="3" border="1" class="center">
-<th class="textleft"><i>ISO3 code</i></th>
-<th class="textleft"><i>Language</i></th>
-<td class="textleft">cat</td>
-<td class="textleft">Catalunyan</td>
-<td class="textleft">chn</td>
-<td class="textleft">Chinese</td>
-<td class="textleft">cze</td>
-<td class="textleft">Czech</td>
-<td class="textleft">dan</td>
-<td class="textleft">Danish</td>
-<td class="textleft">deu</td>
-<td class="textleft">German</td>
-<td class="textleft">eng</td>
-<td class="textleft">English</td>
-<td class="textleft">fin</td>
-<td class="textleft">Finnish</td>
-<td class="textleft">fra</td>
-<td class="textleft">French</td>
-<td class="textleft">hun</td>
-<td class="textleft">Hungarian</td>
-<td class="textleft">ita</td>
-<td class="textleft">Italian</td>
-<td class="textleft">jpn</td>
-<td class="textleft">Japanese</td>
-<td class="textleft">mys</td>
-<td class="textleft">Malaysian</td>
-<td class="textleft">ned</td>
-<td class="textleft">Nederlands</td>
-<td class="textleft">nor</td>
-<td class="textleft">Norwegian</td>
-<td class="textleft">pol</td>
-<td class="textleft">Polnish</td>
-<td class="textleft">por</td>
-<td class="textleft">Portuguese (Brazilian)</td>
-<td class="textleft">rom</td>
-<td class="textleft">Romanian</td>
-<td class="textleft">rus</td>
-<td class="textleft">Russian</td>
-<td class="textleft">scg</td>
-<td class="textleft">Serbian</td>
-<td class="textleft">spa</td>
-<td class="textleft">Spanish</td>
-<td class="textleft">svk</td>
-<td class="textleft">Slovakian</td>
-<td class="textleft">swe</td>
-<td class="textleft">Swedish</td>
-<td class="textleft">ukr</td>
-<td class="textleft">Ukrainian</td>
-<h2><a name="SECTION00436000000000000000"></a> <a name="resources-element"></a><br />
-The Resources Element <tt>&lt;resources&gt;</tt></h2>
-<p>Several panels, such as the license panel and the shortcut panel, require additional data to perform their task. This data is supplied in the form of resources. This section describes how to
-specify them. Take a look at each panel description to see if it might need any resources. Currently, no checks are made to ensure resources needed by any panel have been included. The <tt>
-&lt;resources&gt;</tt> element is not required, and no <tt>&lt;res&gt;</tt> elements are required within.<br />
-<p>You have to set one <tt>&lt;res&gt;</tt> markup for each resource. Here are the attributes to specify :</p>
-<li><tt>src</tt> : the path to the resource file which can be named freely of course (for instance <tt>my-picture.jpg</tt>).</li>
-<li><tt>id</tt> : the resource id, depending on the needs of a particular panel</li>
-<li><tt>parse</tt> : takes <tt>yes</tt> or <tt>no</tt> (default is <tt>no</tt>) - used to specify whether the resource must be parsed at the installer compilation time. For instance you could set the
-application version in a readme file used by <tt>InfoPanel</tt>.</li>
-<li><tt>type</tt> : specifies the parse type. This makes sense only for a text resource - the default is <tt>plain</tt>, other values are <tt>javaprop, xml</tt> (Java properties file and XML
-<li><tt>encoding</tt> : specifies the resource encoding if the receiver needs to know. This makes sense only for a text resource.</li>
-<p>Here's a sample :</p>
-  &lt;res id="InfoPanel.info" src="doc/readme.txt" parse="yes"/&gt;
-  &lt;res id="LicencePanel.licence" src="legal/License.txt"/&gt;
-<h2><a name="SECTION00437000000000000000"></a> <a name="panels-element"></a><br />
-The Panels Element <tt>&lt;panels&gt;</tt></h2>
-<p>Here you tell the compiler which panels you want to use. They will appear in the installer in the order in which they are listed in your XML installation file. Take a look at the different panels
-in order to find the ones you need. The <tt>&lt;panel&gt;</tt> markup takes a single attribute <tt>classname</tt> which is the classname of the panel.<br />
-<p>Here's a sample :</p>
-  &lt;panel classname="HelloPanel"/&gt;
-  &lt;panel classname="LicencePanel"/&gt;
-  &lt;panel classname="TargetPanel"/&gt;
-  &lt;panel classname="InstallPanel"/&gt;
-  &lt;panel classname="FinishPanel"/&gt;
-<h2><a name="SECTION00438000000000000000"></a> <a name="packs-element"></a><br />
-The Packs Element <tt>&lt;packs&gt;</tt></h2>
-<p>This is a crucial section as it is used to specify the files that need to be installed. The <tt>&lt;packs&gt;</tt> section consists of several <tt>&lt;pack&gt;</tt> tags.</p>
-<p>The <tt>&lt;pack&gt;</tt> takes the following attributes :</p>
-<li><tt>name</tt>: the pack name</li>
-<li><tt>required</tt>: takes <tt>yes</tt> or <tt>no</tt> and specifies whether the pack is optional or not.</li>
-<li><tt>os</tt>: optional attribute that lets you make the pack targeted to a specific <i>operating system</i>, for instance <tt>unix</tt>, <tt>mac</tt> and so on.</li>
-<li><tt>preselected</tt>: optional attribute that lets you choose whether the pack is by default selected for installation or not. Possible values are <tt>yes</tt> and <tt>no</tt>. A pack which is
-not preselected needs to be explicitly selected by the user during installation to get installed.</li>
-<li><tt>loose</tt>: can be used so that the files are not located in the installer Jar. The possible values are <tt>true</tt> or <tt>false</tt>, the default beeing <tt>false</tt>. The author of this
-feature needed to put his application on a CD so that the users could run it directly from this media. However, he also wanted to offer them the possibility to install the software localy. Enabling
-this feature will make IzPack take the files on disk instead of from the installer. <i>Please make sure that your relative files paths are correct !</i></li>
-<li><tt>id</tt>: this attribute is used to give a unique id to the pack to be used for internationalization.</li>
-<h3><a name="SECTION00438100000000000000">Internationalization of the PacksPanel</a></h3>
-<p>In order to provide internationalization for the PacksPanel, so that your users can be presented with a different name and description for each language you support, you have to create a file named
-<tt>packsLang.xml_xyz</tt> where <tt>xyz</tt> is the ISO3 code of the language in lowercase. Please be aware that case is significant. This file has to be inserted in the resources section of <tt>
-install.xml</tt> with the <tt>id</tt> and <tt>src</tt> attributes set at the name of the file. The format of these files is identical with the distribution langpack files located at <tt>
-$IZPACK_HOME/install/langpacks/installer</tt>. For the name of the panel you just use the pack <tt>id</tt> as the txt <tt>id</tt>. For the description you use the pack <tt>id</tt> suffixed with <tt>
-'.description'</tt>. </p>
-<p>The following sections describe the tags available for a <tt>&lt;pack&gt;</tt> section.</p>
-<h3><a name="SECTION00438200000000000000"><tt>&lt;description&gt;</tt> - pack description</a></h3>
-<p>The contents of the <tt>&lt;description&gt;</tt> tag describe the pack contents. This description is displayed if the user highlights the pack during installation.</p>
-<h3><a name="SECTION00438300000000000000"><tt>&lt;depends&gt;</tt> - pack dependencies</a></h3>
-<p>This can be used to make this pack selectable only to be installed only if some other is selected to be installed. The pack can depend on more than one by specifying more than one <tt>
-&lt;depends&gt;</tt> elements. <br />
-Circular depedencies are not supported and the compiler reports an error if one occurs. </p>
-<p>This tag takes the following attribute:</p>
-<li><tt>packname</tt>: The name of the pack that it depends on</li>
-<h3><a name="SECTION00438400000000000000"><tt>&lt;os&gt;</tt> - OS restrictions</a></h3>
-<p>It is possible to restrict a panel to a certain list of operating systems. This tag takes the following attributes:</p>
-<li><tt>family</tt>: unix, windows or mac</li>
-<li><tt>name</tt>: the exact OS name (ie Windows, Linux, ...)</li>
-<li><tt>version</tt>: the exact OS version (see the JVM <tt>os.version</tt> property)</li>
-<li><tt>arch</tt>: the machine architecture (see the JVM <tt>os.arch</tt> property).</li>
-<h3><a name="SECTION00438500000000000000"><tt>&lt;updatecheck&gt;</tt></a></h3>
-<p>This feature can update an already installed package, therefore removing superfluous files after installation. Here's how this feature author (Tino Schwarze) described it on the IzPack development
-<blockquote><p>Each pack can now specify an <tt>&lt;updatecheck&gt;</tt> tag. It supports a subset of ant fileset syntax, e.g.:</p></blockquote>
-  &lt;include name="lib/**" /&gt;
-  &lt;exclude name="config/local/** /&gt;
-<blockquote><p>If the paths are relative, they will be matched relative to <tt>$INSTALL_PATH</tt>. Update checks are only enabled if at least one <tt>&lt;include&gt;</tt> is specified. See <tt>
-com.izforge.izpack.installer.Unpacker</tt> for details.</p></blockquote>
-<h3><a name="SECTION00438600000000000000"></a><a name="tag:file"></a><br />
-<tt>&lt;file&gt;</tt> - add files or directories</h3>
-<p>The <tt>&lt;file&gt;</tt> tag specifies a file (a directory is a file too) to include into the pack. It takes the following attributes:</p>
-<li><tt>src</tt>: the file location (relative path) - if this is a directory its content will be added recursively</li>
-<li><tt>targetdir</tt>: the destination directory, could be something like <tt>$INSTALL_PATH/subdirX</tt></li>
-<li><tt>os</tt>: can optionally specify a target operating system (<tt>unix, windows, mac</tt>) - this means that the file will only be installed on its target operating system</li>
-<li><tt>override</tt>: if <tt>true</tt> then if the file is already installed, it will be overwritten. Alternative values: <tt>asktrue</tt> and <tt>askfalse</tt> - ask the user what to do and supply
-default value for non-interactive use. Another possible values is <tt>update</tt>. It means that the new file is only installed if it's modification time is newer than the modification time of the
-already existing file (note that this is not a reliable mechanism for updates - you cannot detect whether a file was altered after installation this way.) By default it is set to <tt>
-<h4><a name="SECTION00438610000000000000"></a><a name="tag:additionaldata"></a><br />
-<p>This tag can also be specified in order to pass additional data related to a file tag for customizing.</p>
-<li><tt>&lt;key&gt;</tt>: key to identify the data</li>
-<li><tt>&lt;value&gt;</tt>: value which can be used by a custom action</li>
-<h3><a name="SECTION00438700000000000000"></a><a name="tag:singlefile"></a><br />
-<tt>&lt;singlefile&gt;</tt> - add a single file</h3>
-<p>Specifies a single file to include. The difference to <tt>&lt;file&gt;</tt> is that this tag allows the file to be renamed, therefore it has a <tt>target</tt> attribute instead of <tt>
-<li><tt>src</tt>: the file location (relative path)</li>
-<li><tt>target</tt>: the destination file name, could be something like <tt>$INSTALL_PATH/subdirX/fileY</tt></li>
-<li><tt>os</tt>: can optionally specify a target operating system (<tt>unix, windows, mac</tt>) - this means that the file will only be installed on its target operating system</li>
-<li><tt>override</tt>: see <tt>&lt;file&gt;</tt> (<a href="#tag:file">2.3.8</a>) for description</li>
-<p>A <tt>&lt;additionaldata&gt;</tt> (<a href="#tag:additionaldata">2.3.8</a>) tag can also be specified for customizing. </p>
-<h3><a name="SECTION00438800000000000000"></a><a name="tag:fileset"></a><br />
-<tt>&lt;fileset&gt;</tt>: add a fileset</h3>
-<p>The <tt>&lt;fileset&gt;</tt> tag allows files to be specified using the powerful Jakarta Ant set syntax. It takes the following parameters:</p>
-<li><tt>dir</tt>: the base directory for the fileset (relative path)</li>
-<li><tt>targetdir</tt>: the destination path, works like for <tt>&lt;file&gt;</tt></li>
-<li><tt>casesensitive</tt>: optionally lets you specify if the names are case-sensitive or not - takes <tt>yes</tt> or <tt>no</tt></li>
-<li><tt>defaultexcludes</tt>: optionally lets you specify if the default excludes will be used - takes <tt>yes</tt> or <tt>no</tt>.</li>
-<li><tt>os</tt>: specifies the operating system, works like for <tt>&lt;file&gt;</tt></li>
-<li><tt>override</tt>: see <tt>&lt;file&gt;</tt> for description</li>
-<li><tt>includes</tt>: comma- or space-separated list of patterns of files that must be included; all files are included when omitted. This is an alternative for multiple include tags.</li>
-<li><tt>excludes</tt>: comma- or space-separated list of patterns of files that must be excluded; no files (except default excludes) are excluded when omitted. This is an alternative for multiple
-exclude tags.</li>
-<p>You specify the files with <tt>&lt;include&gt;</tt> and <tt>&lt;exclude&gt;</tt> tags that take the <tt>name</tt> parameter to specify the Ant-like pattern :</p>
-<li><tt>**</tt> : means any subdirectory</li>
-<li><tt>*</tt> : used as a wildcard.</li>
-Here are some examples of Ant patterns : 
-<li><tt>&lt;include name="lib"/&gt;</tt> : will include <tt>lib</tt> and the subdirectories of <tt>lib</tt></li>
-<li><tt>&lt;exclude name="**/*.java"/&gt;</tt> : will exclude any file in any directory starting from the base path ending by <tt>.java</tt></li>
-<li><tt>&lt;include name="lib/*.jar"/&gt;</tt> : will include all the files ending by <tt>.jar</tt> in <tt>lib</tt></li>
-<li><tt>&lt;exclude name="lib/**/*FOO*"/&gt;</tt> : will exclude any file in any subdirectory starting from <tt>lib</tt> whose name contains <tt>FOO</tt>.</li>
-<p>There area set of definitions that are excluded by default file-sets, just as in Ant. IzPack defaults to the Ant list of default excludes. There is currently no equivalent to the
-&lt;defaultexcludes&gt; task. Default excludes are:</p>
-     **/*\~{}
-     **/\#*\#
-     **/.\#*
-     **/%*%
-     **/.\_*
-     **/CVS
-     **/CVS/**
-     **/.cvsignore
-     **/SCCS
-     **/SCCS/**
-     **/vssver.scc
-     **/.svn
-     **/.svn/**
-     **/.DS\_Store
-<p>A <tt>&lt;additionaldata&gt;</tt> (<a href="#tag:additionaldata">2.3.8</a>) tag can also be specified for customizing. </p>
-<h3><a name="SECTION00438900000000000000"><tt>&lt;parsable&gt;</tt> - parse a file after installation</a></h3>
-<p>Files specified by <tt>&lt;parsable&gt;</tt> are parsed after installation and may have variables substituted.</p>
-<li><tt>targetfile</tt> : the file to parse, could be something like<br />
- <tt>$INSTALL_PATH/bin/launch-script.sh</tt><br />
- <a name="tag:slashMasking"></a>A slash will be changed to the system dependant path separator (e.g. to a backslash on Windows) only if no backslash masks the slash.</li>
-<li><tt>type</tt> : specifies the type (same as for the resources) - the default is <tt>plain</tt></li>
-<li><tt>encoding</tt> : specifies the file encoding</li>
-<li><tt>os</tt>: specifies the operating system, works like for <tt>&lt;file&gt;</tt></li>
-<h3><a name="SECTION004381000000000000000"><tt>&lt;executable&gt;</tt> - mark file executable or execute it</a></h3>
-<p>The <tt>&lt;executable&gt;</tt> tag is a very useful thing if you need to execute something during the installation process. It can also be used to set the executable flag on Unix-like systems.
-Here are the attributes :</p>
-<li><tt>targetfile</tt> : the file to run, could be something like<br />
- <tt>$INSTALL_PATH/bin/launch-script.sh</tt><br />
-Slashes are handled special (see attribute <tt>targetfile</tt> of tag <tt>&lt;parsable&gt;</tt><a href="#tag:slashMasking">2.3.8</a>).</li>
-<li><tt>class</tt> : If the executable is a jar file, this is the class to run for a Java<sup><small>TM</small></sup> program</li>
-<li><tt>type</tt> : <tt>bin</tt> or <tt>jar</tt> (the default is <tt>bin</tt>)</li>
-<li><tt>stage</tt> : specifies when to launch : <tt>postinstall</tt> is just after the installation is done and the default value, <tt>never</tt> will never launch it (useful to set the +x flag on
-Unix). <tt>uninstall</tt> will launch the executable when the application is uninstalled. The executable is executed before any files are deleted.</li>
-<li><tt>failure</tt> : specifies what to do when an error occurs : <tt>abort</tt> will abort the installation process, <tt>ask</tt> (default) will ask the user what to do and <tt>warn</tt> will just
-tell the user that something is wrong</li>
-<li><tt>os</tt>: specifies the operating system, works like for <tt>&lt;file&gt;</tt></li>
-<li><tt>keep</tt> : specifies whether the file will be kept after execution. The default is to delete the file after is has been executed. This can be changed by specifying <tt>keep="true"</tt>.</li>
-<p>A <tt>&lt;args&gt;</tt> tag can also be specified in order to pass arguments to the executable: </p>
-<li><tt>&lt;arg&gt;</tt>: passes the argument specified in the <tt>value</tt> attribute. Slashes are handled special (see attribute <tt>targetfile</tt> of tag <tt>&lt;parsable&gt;</tt><a href= 
-<h3><a name="SECTION004381100000000000000"></a><a name="tag:os"></a><br />
-<tt>&lt;os&gt;</tt> - make a file OS-dependent</h3>
-<p>The <tt>&lt;os&gt;</tt> tag can be used inside the <tt>&lt;file&gt;</tt>, <tt>&lt;fileset&gt;</tt>, <tt>&lt;singlefile&gt;</tt>, <tt>&lt;parsable&gt;</tt>, <tt>&lt;executable&gt;</tt> tags to
-restrict it's effect to a specific operating system family, architecture or version:</p>
-<li><tt>family</tt>: <tt>unix, windows, mac</tt> to specify the operating system family</li>
-<li><tt>name</tt>: the operating system name</li>
-<li><tt>version</tt>: the operating system version</li>
-<li><tt>arch</tt>: the operating system architecture (for instance the Linux kernel can run on i386, sparc, and so on)</li>
-<p>Here's an example installation file :</p>
-    &lt;!-- The core files --&gt;
-    &lt;pack name="Core" required="yes"&gt;
-        &lt;description&gt;The IzPack core files.&lt;/description&gt;
-        &lt;file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="bin"/&gt;
-        &lt;file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="lib"/&gt;
-        &lt;file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="legal"/&gt;
-        &lt;file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="Readme.txt"/&gt;
-        &lt;file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="Versions.txt"/&gt;
-        &lt;file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="Thanks.txt"/&gt;
-        &lt;parsable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/izpack-fe"/&gt;
-        &lt;parsable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/izpack-fe.bat"/&gt;
-        &lt;parsable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/compile"/&gt;
-        &lt;parsable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/compile.bat"/&gt;
-        &lt;executable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/compile" stage="never"/&gt;
-        &lt;executable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/izpack-fe" stage="never"/&gt;
-    &lt;/pack&gt;
-    &lt;!-- The documentation (1 directory) --&gt;
-    &lt;pack name="Documentation" required="no"&gt;
-        &lt;description&gt;The IzPack documentation (HTML and PDF).&lt;/description&gt;
-        &lt;file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="doc"/&gt;
-    &lt;/pack&gt;
-<h2><a name="SECTION00439000000000000000"></a> <a name="native-element"></a><br />
-The Native Element <tt>&lt;native&gt;</tt></h2>
-<p>Use this if you want to use a feature that requires a native library. The native libraries are placed under <tt>bin/native/..</tt>. There are 2 kinds of native libraries : the
-i<small>Z</small>P<small>ACK</small> libraries and the third-party ones. The IzPack libraries are located at <tt>bin/native/izpack</tt>, you can place your own libraries at <tt>
-bin/native/3rdparty</tt>. It is possible to place a native library also into the uninstaller. It is useable from CustomActions (<a href="node9.html#cha:customactions">7</a>). If one or more are
-referenced for it, the needed support classes are automatically placed into the uninstaller. To place it only on operating systems for which they are build, it is possible to define an OS
-restriction. This restriction will only be performed for the uninstaller. The markup takes the following attributes :</p>
-<li><tt>type</tt> : <tt>izpack</tt> or <tt>3rdparty</tt></li>
-<li><tt>name</tt> : the library filename</li>
-<li><tt>stage</tt>: stage where to use the library (install|uninstall|both)</li>
-<h3><a name="SECTION00439100000000000000"><tt>&lt;os&gt;</tt> - make a library OS-dependent</a></h3>
-<p>The <tt>&lt;os&gt;</tt> tag can be used to restrict the inclusion into the uninstaller to a specific operating system family, architecture or version. The inclusion into the installer will be
-always done. For more information see <a href="#tag:os">2.3.8</a>.</p>
-<p>Here's a sample :</p>
-&lt;native type="izpack" name="ShellLink.dll"/&gt;
-<h2><a name="SECTION004310000000000000000"></a> <a name="jar-element"></a><br />
-The Jar Merging Element <tt>&lt;jar&gt;</tt></h2>
-<p>If you adapt i<small>Z</small>P<small>ACK</small> for your own needs, you might need to merge the content of another jar file into the jar installer. For instance, this could be a library that you
-need to merge. The <tt>&lt;jar&gt;</tt> markup allows you to merge the raw content of another jar file into the installer and the uninstaller. It is necessary that the paths in the jars are unique
-because only the contained files of the jar are added to the installer jar, not the jar file self. The attributes are:</p>
-<li><tt>src</tt> : the path at compile time</li>
-<li><tt>stage</tt>: stage where to use the contents of the additional jar file (install|uninstall|both)</li>
-<p>A sample :</p>
-&lt;jar src="../nicelibrary.jar"/&gt;
-<h1><a name="SECTION00440000000000000000">The Available Panels</a></h1>
-<p>In this section i will introduce the various panels available in IzPack. The usage for most is pretty simple and described right here. The more elaborate ones are explained in more detail in the
-<i>Advanced Features</i> chapter or in their own chapter. The panels are listed by their class name. This is the name that must be used with the <tt>classname</tt> attribute. Please be aware that the classname is Case-Sensitive, meaning that if the case from the install.xml and the founded class file differs the installation will break. In this last case, the installer will Throw an IllegalArgumentException in the compiler if the declared class name in the xml file differs in case from the founded class file.<br />
-<h2><a name="SECTION00441000000000000000">HelloPanel</a></h2>
-<p>This panel welcomes the user by displaying the project name, the version, the URL as well as the authors.<br />
-<h2><a name="SECTION00442000000000000000">InfoPanel and HTMLInfoPanel</a></h2>
-<p>This is a kind of 'README' panel. It presents text of any length. The text is specified by the <tt>(HTML)InfoPanel.info</tt> resource. Starting from IzPack 3.7.0, variables substitution is
-allowed.<br />To add an image to the HTMLInfoPanel you simply need to add a ressource to your install.xml with an ID decided by you, then you can call this image by refering it by this same ID.<br />
-In install.xml:
-  &lt;res src="logo.jpg" id="GHGHGH"/&gt;
-  .....
-And in file.html:
-&lt;img src="GHGHGH" /&gt;
-<h2><a name="SECTION00443000000000000000">LicencePanel and HTMLLicencePanel</a></h2>
-<p>Note:<i>  There is a mistake in the name - it should be LicensePanel. In France the word is Licence ... and one of my diploma is a 'Licence' so ...:</i> -)<br /></p>
-<p>Adding images to HTMLLicencePanel works exactly the same way as with HTMLInfoPanel.</p>
-<p>These panels can prompt the user to acknowledge a license agreement. They block unless the user selects the 'agree' option. To specify the license agreement text you have to use the <tt>
-(HTML)LicencePanel.licence</tt> resource.<br />
-<h2><a name="SECTION00444000000000000000">PacksPanel</a></h2>
-<p>Allows the user to select the packs he wants to install.<br />
-<h2><a name="SECTION00445000000000000000">ImgPacksPanel</a></h2>
-<p>This is the same as above, but for each panel a different picture is shown to the user. The pictures are specified with the resources <tt>ImgPacksPanel.img.x</tt> where x stands for the pack
-number, the numbers start from 0. Of course it's up to you to specify as many images as needed and with correct numbers. For instance if you have 2 packs <tt>core</tt> and <tt>documentation</tt> (in
-this order), then the resource for <tt>core</tt> will be <tt>ImgPacksPanel.img.0</tt> and the resource for <tt>doc</tt> will be <tt>ImgPacksPanel.img.1</tt>. The supported image formats depend on
-what you JVM supports, but starting from J2SE 1.3, <i>GIF</i>, <i>JPEG</i> and <i>PNG</i> are supported.<br />
-<h2><a name="SECTION00446000000000000000">TargetPanel</a></h2>
-<p>This panel allows the user to select the installation path. It can be customized with the following resources (they are text files containing the path) :</p>
-<li><tt>TargetPanel.dir.f</tt> where f stands for the family (<tt>mac, macosx, windows, unix</tt>)</li>
-<li><tt>TargetPanel.dir</tt> : the directory name, instead of the software to install name</li>
-<li><tt>TargetPanel.dir.d</tt> where d is a "dynamic" name, as returned by the Java<sup><small>TM</small></sup> virtual machine. You should write the name in lowercase and replace the spaces with
-underscores. For instance, you might want a different setting for Solaris and GNU/Linux which are both Unix-like systems. The resources would be <tt>TargetPanel.dir.sunos, TargetPanel.dir.linux</tt>.
-You should have a Unix-resource in case it wouldn't work though.</li>
-<h2><a name="SECTION00447000000000000000">InstallPanel</a></h2>
-<p>You should always have this one as it launches the installation process !<br />
-<h2><a name="SECTION00448000000000000000">XInfoPanel</a></h2>
-<p>A panel showing text parsed by the variable substitutor. The text can be specified through the <tt>XInfoPanel.info</tt> resource. This panel can be useful when you have to show information after
-the installation process is completed (for instance if the text contains the target path).<br />
-<h2><a name="SECTION00449000000000000000">FinishPanel</a></h2>
-<p>A ending panel, able to write automated installer information. For details see the chapter on 'Advanced Features'.<br />
-<h2><a name="SECTION004410000000000000000">SimpleFinishPanel</a></h2>
-<p>Same as <tt>FinishPanel</tt>, but without the automated installer features. It is aimed at making the life easier for end-users who will never encounter the automated installer extra
-feature.<br />
-<h2><a name="SECTION004411000000000000000">ShortcutPanel</a></h2>
-<p>This panel is used to create desktop shortcuts. For details on using the ShortcutPanel see the chapter 'Desktop Shortcuts'.</p>
-<h2><a name="SECTION004412000000000000000">UserInputPanel</a></h2>
-<p>This panel allows you to prompt the user for data. What the user is prompted for is specified using an XML file which is included as a resource to the installer. See chapter <a href= 
-"node8.html#chap:userinput">6</a> on page <a href="node8.html#chap:userinput"><img class="alignbottom1" alt="[*]" src="crossref.png" /></a> for a detailed explanation.</p>
-<h2><a name="SECTION004413000000000000000">CompilePanel</a></h2>
-<p>This panel allows you to compile just installed Java sourcecode. The details for the compilation are specified using the resource <tt>CompilePanel.Spec.xml</tt>. The XML file has the following
-  &lt;global&gt;
-    &lt;compiler&gt;
-      &lt;choice value="$JAVA_HOME/bin/javac" /&gt;
-      &lt;choice value="jikes" /&gt;
-    &lt;/compiler&gt;
-    &lt;arguments&gt;
-      &lt;choice value="-O -g:none" /&gt;
-      &lt;choice value="-O" /&gt;
-      &lt;choice value="-g" /&gt;
-      &lt;choice value="" /&gt;
-    &lt;/arguments&gt;
-  &lt;/global&gt;
-  &lt;jobs&gt;
-    &lt;classpath add="$INSTALL_PATH/src/classes/" /&gt;
-    &lt;job name="optional name"&gt;
-      &lt;directory name="$INSTALL_PATH/src/classes/xyz" /&gt;
-    &lt;/job&gt;
-    &lt;job name="another job"&gt;
-      &lt;packdepency name="some package name" /&gt;
-      &lt;classpath sub="$INSTALL_PATH/" /&gt;
-      &lt;directory name="$INSTALL_PATH/src/classes/abc" /&gt;
-      &lt;file name="$INSTALL_PATH/some/file.java" /&gt;
-    &lt;/job&gt;
-  &lt;/jobs&gt;
-<p>In theory, jobs can be nested but this has not been tested at all. A change to the classpath within a job only affects this job and nested jobs. The classpath should be specified before any files
-or directories.</p>
-<p>The user can change the compiler to use and choose from some default compilation options before compilation is started.</p>
-<p><img width="628" height="455" class="alignbottom" src="./compilePanel.png" alt="Image compilePanel" /></p>
-<h2><a name="SECTION004414000000000000000">ProcessPanel</a></h2>
-<p>This panel allows you to execute arbitrary files after installation. The details for the compilation are specified using the resource <tt>ProcessPanel.Spec.xml</tt>.</p>
-<p>The XML file has the following format:</p>
-  &lt;job name="do xyz"&gt;
-    &lt;os family="windows" /&gt;
-    &lt;executefile name="$INSTALL_PATH/scripts/xyz.bat"&gt;
-      &lt;arg&gt;doit&lt;/arg&gt;&lt;arg&gt;$variable&lt;/arg&gt;
-    &lt;/executefile&gt;
-  &lt;/job&gt;
-  &lt;job name="do xyz"&gt;
-    &lt;os family="unix" /&gt;
-    &lt;executefile name="$INSTALL_PATH/scripts/xyz.sh"&gt;
-      &lt;arg&gt;doit&lt;/arg&gt;&lt;arg&gt;$variable&lt;/arg&gt;
-    &lt;/executefile&gt;
-  &lt;/job&gt;
-<p>Each job may have an <tt>&lt;os&gt;</tt> attribute - see <a href="#tag:os">2.3.8</a> for details.<br />
-<p>It is also possible to execute Java classes from this panel. Here's what this feature author (Alex Bradley) says:</p>
-<blockquote><p>i've been able to work around my requirements by extending the <tt>ProcessPanelWorker</tt> functionality to run user-specified classes. i've extended the DTD of the <tt>
-ProcessPanel.Spec.xml</tt> to include a new element:</p></blockquote>
-&lt;executeclass name="classname"&gt;
-<blockquote><p>i've also added a new sub-class of <tt>Processable</tt> called <tt>executeclass</tt>. This will run a user-specified class in the context of the installer JVM with a single method
-run( AbstractUIProcessHandler handler, String[] args]);
-<blockquote><p>It can do everything i need and more. In particular, it allows me to write a process extension and still be able to provide feedback to the user through the feedback panel, and to add new
-functionality to the installer, after its been built.</p></blockquote>
-<p><a name="ProcessPanelLogFile"></a>New with version 3.7 is the possibility to tee output that is written to the ProcessPanel's textarea into an optional logfile. Using this feature is pretty much straightforward, you only have to
-add a line in <tt>ProcessPanel.Spec.xml</tt> that will tell IzPack the location, where the logfile should be stored.</p>
-<p>Variable substitution is performed, so you can use <tt>$INSTALL_PATH</tt> as example.</p>
-<p>The name of the logfile is not (yet) configurable but should fit in most cases. It will be named</p>
-<p>Here's an example:</p>
-  &lt;logfiledir&gt;$INSTALL_PATH&lt;/logfiledir&gt;
-  &lt;job name="do xyz"&gt;
-    &lt;os family="windows" /&gt;
-    &lt;executefile name="$INSTALL_PATH/scripts/xyz.bat"&gt;
-      &lt;arg&gt;doit&lt;/arg&gt;&lt;arg&gt;$variable&lt;/arg&gt;
-    &lt;/executefile&gt;
-<p>This will generate a logfile named e.g. <tt>Install_V1.3_2004-11-08_19-22-20_43423.log</tt> located in <tt>$INSTALL_PATH</tt>.</p>
-<p><tt>ProcessPanelWorker</tt> will write all output that is directed to <tt>stdout</tt> and <tt>stderr</tt> to this file if <tt>ProcessPanel.Spec.xml</tt> contains the <tt>logfiledir</tt> entry.</p>
-<p>Please note that this one file is used for storing the complete output of all jobs and not a file for each job that is run.</p>
-<h2><a name="SECTION004415000000000000000">JDKPathPanel</a></h2>
-<p>This panel allows the user to select a JDK path. The variable JAVA_HOME does not point to a JDK, else to a JRE also the environment variable points to a JDK. This is not a bug, this is the behavior
-of the VM. But some products needs a JDK, for that this panel can be used. There is not only a selection of the path else a validation. The validation will be done with the file
-JDKPath/lib/tools.jar. If JAVA_HOME points to the VM which is placed in the JDK, the directory will be used as default (JAVA_HOME/..). If there is the variable </p>
-<p>defined with the value "yes", the panel will be skiped if the path is valid. Additional it is possible to make a version control. If one or both variables </p>
-<p>are defined, only a JDK will be accepted which has a version in the range of it. The detection is a little bit pragmatically, therefor it is possible, that the detection can fail at some VMs. The
-values in the install.xml should be like </p>
-  &lt;variable name="JDKPathPanel.minVersion" value="1.4.1" /&gt;
-  &lt;variable name="JDKPathPanel.maxVersion" value="1.4.99" /&gt;
-  &lt;variable name="JDKPathPanel.skipIfValid" value="yes" /&gt;
-<p>If all is valid, the panels isValidated method sets the variable</p>
-<p>to the chosen path. Be aware, this variable exist not until the JDKPanel was quitted once. At a secound activation, the default will be the last selection. </p>
-<h2><a name="SECTION004416000000000000000">SelectPrinterPanel</a></h2>
-<p>This panel will look at the local printers installed and propose a list box with all of them. Once chosen, the variable $SELECTED_PRINTER is set to the user choice.</p>
-<h2><a name="SECTION004417000000000000000">DataCheckPanel</a></h2>
-<p>DataCheckPanel is not for inclusion in an actuall install, but is a debugging resource for developers writing custom panels or code to be included in IzPack.  
-	<br />It creates a list of all the variables in InstallData, their values and a list of all packs, indicating which are selected.  <br />
-	This list is printed to the console and appears in a scrollable text area on the panel.  <br />
-	Put the panel in whereever you to see any variables in InstallData or a listing of the packs with a line like this in the &lt;panels&gt; section of install.xml:
-&lt;panel classname="DataCheckPanel" /&gt;
-It will automatically give you a full list of all the variables and packs whenever the panel is made active.
-<h2><a name="SECTION004418000000000000000">SummaryPanel</a></h2>
-<p>This panel gives a summary of all shown panels. The best place for it is just infront of the InstallPanel. Normaly it contains a warning that this is the last 
-panel before installation. The panel contains a scrollable HTML text area to display the summary. The informations are collected from each panel by calling the methods
-<tt>getSummaryCaption</tt> and <tt>getSummaryBody</tt>. <tt>getSummaryCaption</tt> is implemented in <tt>IzPanel</tt> with a panel name default text.
-<tt>getSummaryBody</tt> has to be implemented in all panels which should be presented in the summary. If the secound method is not implemented, no summary of this
-panel will be shown.
-<p>Additional it is possible to <a href="node9.html#SECTION00970000000000000000">log the contents</a> of the summary panel into a HTML file.</p>
-<hr />
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-"node3.html">Getting started</a> <b><a name="tex2html365" href="node1.html">Contents</a></b></td>
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-<address>Julien Ponge 2005-05-24</address>

Copied: izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/src/doc-ng/XHTML/node4.html (from rev 1576, izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-ng/XHTML/node4.html)

Copied: izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/panels/InstallationGroupPanel.java (from rev 1576, izpack-src/trunk/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/panels/InstallationGroupPanel.java)

Copied: izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/panels/InstallationGroupPanelAutomationHelper.java (from rev 1576, izpack-src/trunk/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/panels/InstallationGroupPanelAutomationHelper.java)

Deleted: izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/panels/PacksPanelBase.java
--- izpack-src/trunk/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/panels/PacksPanelBase.java	2006-09-06 21:22:14 UTC (rev 1575)
+++ izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/panels/PacksPanelBase.java	2006-09-07 01:18:30 UTC (rev 1579)
@@ -1,635 +0,0 @@
- * IzPack - Copyright 2001-2006 Julien Ponge, All Rights Reserved.
- * 
- * http://www.izforge.com/izpack/
- * http://developer.berlios.de/projects/izpack/
- * 
- * Copyright 2002 Marcus Wolschon
- * Copyright 2002 Jan Blok
- * Copyright 2004 Klaus Bartz
- * 
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *     
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.izforge.izpack.panels;
-import java.awt.Color;
-import java.awt.Component;
-import java.awt.Dimension;
-import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
-import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
-import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
-import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import javax.swing.AbstractCellEditor;
-import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
-import javax.swing.Box;
-import javax.swing.BoxLayout;
-import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
-import javax.swing.JLabel;
-import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
-import javax.swing.JPanel;
-import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
-import javax.swing.JTable;
-import javax.swing.JTextArea;
-import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel;
-import javax.swing.border.Border;
-import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
-import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
-import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer;
-import javax.swing.table.TableCellEditor;
-import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer;
-import net.n3.nanoxml.XMLElement;
-import com.izforge.izpack.LocaleDatabase;
-import com.izforge.izpack.Pack;
-import com.izforge.izpack.gui.LabelFactory;
-import com.izforge.izpack.installer.InstallData;
-import com.izforge.izpack.installer.InstallerFrame;
-import com.izforge.izpack.installer.IzPanel;
-import com.izforge.izpack.installer.ResourceManager;
-import com.izforge.izpack.util.Debug;
-import com.izforge.izpack.util.IoHelper;
- * The base class for Packs panels. It brings the common member and methods of the different packs
- * panels together. This class handles the common logic of pack selection. The derived class should
- * be create the layout and other specific actions. There are some helper methods to simplify layout
- * creation in the derived class.
- *
- * @author Julien Ponge
- * @author Klaus Bartz
- */
-public abstract class PacksPanelBase extends IzPanel implements PacksPanelInterface,
-        ListSelectionListener
-    // Common used Swing fields
-    /**
-     * The free space label.
-     */
-    protected JLabel freeSpaceLabel;
-    /**
-     * The space label.
-     */
-    protected JLabel spaceLabel;
-    /**
-     * The tip label.
-     */
-    protected JTextArea descriptionArea;
-    /**
-     * The dependencies label.
-     */
-    protected JTextArea dependencyArea;
-    /**
-     * The packs table.
-     */
-    protected JTable packsTable;
-    /**
-     * The tablescroll.
-     */
-    protected JScrollPane tableScroller;
-    // Non-GUI fields
-    /**
-     * Map that connects names with pack objects
-     */
-    private Map names;
-    /**
-     * The bytes of the current pack.
-     */
-    protected int bytes = 0;
-    /**
-     * The free bytes of the current selected disk.
-     */
-    protected long freeBytes = 0;
-    /**
-     * Are there dependencies in the packs
-     */
-    protected boolean dependenciesExist = false;
-    /**
-     * The packs locale database.
-     */
-    private LocaleDatabase langpack = null;
-    /**
-     * The name of the XML file that specifies the panel langpack
-     */
-    private static final String LANG_FILE_NAME = "packsLang.xml";
-    /**
-     * The constructor.
-     *
-     * @param parent The parent window.
-     * @param idata  The installation data.
-     */
-    public PacksPanelBase(InstallerFrame parent, InstallData idata)
-    {
-        super(parent, idata);
-        // Load langpack.
-        try
-        {
-            this.langpack = parent.langpack;
-            InputStream inputStream = ResourceManager.getInstance().getInputStream(LANG_FILE_NAME);
-            this.langpack.add(inputStream);
-        }
-        catch (Throwable exception)
-        {
-            Debug.trace(exception);
-        }
-        // init the map
-        computePacks(idata.availablePacks);
-        createNormalLayout();
-    }
-    /**
-     * The Implementation of this method should create the layout for the current class.
-     */
-    abstract protected void createNormalLayout();
-    /*
-     * (non-Javadoc)
-     * 
-     * @see com.izforge.izpack.panels.PacksPanelInterface#getLangpack()
-     */
-    public LocaleDatabase getLangpack()
-    {
-        return (langpack);
-    }
-    /*
-     * (non-Javadoc)
-     * 
-     * @see com.izforge.izpack.panels.PacksPanelInterface#getBytes()
-     */
-    public int getBytes()
-    {
-        return (bytes);
-    }
-    /*
-     * (non-Javadoc)
-     * 
-     * @see com.izforge.izpack.panels.PacksPanelInterface#setBytes(int)
-     */
-    public void setBytes(int bytes)
-    {
-        this.bytes = bytes;
-    }
-    /*
-     * (non-Javadoc)
-     * 
-     * @see com.izforge.izpack.panels.PacksPanelInterface#showSpaceRequired()
-     */
-    public void showSpaceRequired()
-    {
-        if (spaceLabel != null) spaceLabel.setText(Pack.toByteUnitsString(bytes));
-    }
-    /*
-     * (non-Javadoc)
-     * 
-     * @see com.izforge.izpack.panels.PacksPanelInterface#showFreeSpace()
-     */
-    public void showFreeSpace()
-    {
-        if (IoHelper.supported("getFreeSpace") && freeSpaceLabel != null)
-        {
-            String msg = null;
-            freeBytes = IoHelper.getFreeSpace(IoHelper.existingParent(
-                    new
-                            File(idata.getInstallPath())).getAbsolutePath());
-            if (freeBytes < 0)
-                msg =
-                        parent.langpack.getString("PacksPanel.notAscertainable");
-            else
-                msg = Pack.toByteUnitsString(freeBytes);
-            freeSpaceLabel.setText(msg);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Indicates wether the panel has been validated or not.
-     *
-     * @return true if the needed space is less than the free space, else false
-     */
-    public boolean isValidated()
-    {
-        if (IoHelper.supported("getFreeSpace") && freeBytes >= 0 && freeBytes <= bytes)
-        {
-            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, parent.langpack
-                    .getString("PacksPanel.notEnoughSpace"), parent.langpack
-                    .getString("installer.error"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
-            return (false);
-        }
-        return (true);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Asks to make the XML panel data.
-     *
-     * @param panelRoot The XML tree to write the data in.
-     */
-    public void makeXMLData(XMLElement panelRoot)
-    {
-        new ImgPacksPanelAutomationHelper().makeXMLData(idata, panelRoot);
-    }
-    /*
-     * (non-Javadoc)
-     * 
-     * @see javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener#valueChanged(javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent)
-     */
-    public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e)
-    {
-        int i = packsTable.getSelectedRow();
-        if (i < 0) return;
-        // Operations for the description
-        if (descriptionArea != null)
-        {
-            Pack pack = (Pack) idata.availablePacks.get(i);
-            String desc = "";
-            String key = pack.id + ".description";
-            if (langpack != null && pack.id != null && !"".equals(pack.id))
-            {
-                desc = langpack.getString(key);
-            }
-            if ("".equals(desc) || key.equals(desc))
-            {
-                desc = pack.description;
-            }
-            descriptionArea.setText(desc);
-        }
-        // Operation for the dependency listing
-        if (dependencyArea != null)
-        {
-            Pack pack = (Pack) idata.availablePacks.get(i);
-            List dep = pack.dependencies;
-            String list = "";
-            for (int j = 0; dep != null && j < dep.size(); j++)
-            {
-                String name = (String) dep.get(j);
-                // Internationalization code
-                Pack childPack = (Pack) names.get(name);
-                String childName = "";
-                String key = childPack.id;
-                if (langpack != null && childPack.id != null && !"".equals(childPack.id))
-                {
-                    childName = langpack.getString(key);
-                }
-                if ("".equals(childName) || key.equals(childName))
-                {
-                    childName = childPack.name;
-                }
-                // End internationalization
-                list += childName;
-                if (j != dep.size() - 1) list += ", ";
-            }
-            dependencyArea.setText(list);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Layout helper method:<br>
-     * Creates an label with a message given by msgId and an icon given by the iconId. If layout and
-     * constraints are not null, the label will be added to layout with the given constraints. The
-     * label will be added to this object.
-     *
-     * @param msgId       identifier for the IzPack langpack
-     * @param iconId      identifier for the IzPack icons
-     * @param layout      layout to be used
-     * @param constraints constraints to be used
-     * @return the created label
-     */
-    protected JLabel createLabel(String msgId, String iconId, GridBagLayout layout,
-                                 GridBagConstraints constraints)
-    {
-        JLabel label = LabelFactory.create(parent.langpack.getString(msgId), parent.icons
-                .getImageIcon(iconId), TRAILING);
-        if (layout != null && constraints != null) layout.addLayoutComponent(label, constraints);
-        add(label);
-        return (label);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a panel containing a anonymous label on the left with the message for the given msgId
-     * and a label on the right side with initial no text. The right label will be returned. If
-     * layout and constraints are not null, the label will be added to layout with the given
-     * constraints. The panel will be added to this object.
-     *
-     * @param msgId       identifier for the IzPack langpack
-     * @param layout      layout to be used
-     * @param constraints constraints to be used
-     * @return the created (right) label
-     */
-    protected JLabel createPanelWithLabel(String msgId, GridBagLayout layout,
-                                          GridBagConstraints constraints)
-    {
-        JPanel panel = new JPanel();
-        JLabel label = new JLabel();
-        if (label == null) label = new JLabel("");
-        panel.setAlignmentX(LEFT_ALIGNMENT);
-        panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
-        panel.add(LabelFactory.create(parent.langpack.getString(msgId)));
-        panel.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue());
-        panel.add(label);
-        if (layout != null && constraints != null) layout.addLayoutComponent(panel, constraints);
-        add(panel);
-        return (label);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a text area with standard settings and the title given by the msgId. If scroller is
-     * not null, the create text area will be added to the scroller and the scroller to this object,
-     * else the text area will be added directly to this object. If layout and constraints are not
-     * null, the text area or scroller will be added to layout with the given constraints. The text
-     * area will be returned.
-     *
-     * @param msgId       identifier for the IzPack langpack
-     * @param scroller    the scroller to be used
-     * @param layout      layout to be used
-     * @param constraints constraints to be used
-     * @return the created text area
-     */
-    protected JTextArea createTextArea(String msgId, JScrollPane scroller, GridBagLayout layout,
-                                       GridBagConstraints constraints)
-    {
-        JTextArea area = new JTextArea();
-        //area.setMargin(new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2));
-        area.setAlignmentX(LEFT_ALIGNMENT);
-        area.setCaretPosition(0);
-        area.setEditable(false);
-        area.setEditable(false);
-        area.setOpaque(false);
-        area.setLineWrap(true);
-        area.setWrapStyleWord(true);
-        area.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(parent.langpack.getString(msgId)));
-        area.setFont(getControlTextFont());
-        if (layout != null && constraints != null)
-        {
-            if (scroller != null)
-            {
-                layout.addLayoutComponent(scroller, constraints);
-            }
-            else
-                layout.addLayoutComponent(area, constraints);
-        }
-        if (scroller != null)
-        {
-            scroller.setViewportView(area);
-            add(scroller);
-        }
-        else
-            add(area);
-        return (area);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates the table for the packs. All parameters are required. The table will be returned.
-     *
-     * @param width       of the table
-     * @param scroller    the scroller to be used
-     * @param layout      layout to be used
-     * @param constraints constraints to be used
-     * @return the created table
-     */
-    protected JTable createPacksTable(int width, JScrollPane scroller, GridBagLayout layout,
-                                      GridBagConstraints constraints)
-    {
-        JTable table = new JTable();
-        table.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 2, 0, 2));
-        table.setIntercellSpacing(new Dimension(0, 0));
-        table.setBackground(Color.white);
-        table.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION);
-        table.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(this);
-        table.setShowGrid(false);
-        scroller.setViewportView(table);
-        scroller.setAlignmentX(LEFT_ALIGNMENT);
-        scroller.getViewport().setBackground(Color.white);
-        scroller.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, (idata.guiPrefs.height / 3 + 30)));
-        if (layout != null && constraints != null)
-            layout.addLayoutComponent(scroller, constraints);
-        add(scroller);
-        return (table);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Computes pack related data like the names or the dependencies state.
-     *
-     * @param packs
-     */
-    private void computePacks(List packs)
-    {
-        names = new HashMap();
-        dependenciesExist = false;
-        for (int i = 0; i < packs.size(); i++)
-        {
-            Pack pack = (Pack) packs.get(i);
-            names.put(pack.name, pack);
-            if (pack.dependencies != null) dependenciesExist = true;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Called when the panel becomes active. If a derived class implements this method also, it is
-     * recomanded to call this method with the super operator first.
-     */
-    public void panelActivate()
-    {
-        try
-        {
-            packsTable.setModel(new PacksModel(idata.availablePacks, idata.selectedPacks, this));
-            CheckBoxEditorRenderer packSelectedRenderer = new CheckBoxEditorRenderer(false);
-            packsTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0).setCellRenderer(packSelectedRenderer);
-            CheckBoxEditorRenderer packSelectedEditor = new CheckBoxEditorRenderer(true);
-            packsTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0).setCellEditor(packSelectedEditor);
-            packsTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0).setMaxWidth(40);
-            DefaultTableCellRenderer renderer1 = new DefaultTableCellRenderer()
-            {
-                /**
-                 * 
-                 */
-                private static final long serialVersionUID = 3256438101604710708L;
-                public void setBorder(Border b)
-                {
-                    // TODO: border support?
-                }
-            };
-            packsTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(1).setCellRenderer(renderer1);
-            DefaultTableCellRenderer renderer2 = new DefaultTableCellRenderer()
-            {
-                /**
-                 * 
-                 */
-                private static final long serialVersionUID = 4121128130480976185L;
-                public void setBorder(Border b)
-                {
-                    // TODO: border support?
-                }
-                // public void setFont(Font f)
-                // {
-                // super.setFont(new Font("Monospaced",Font.PLAIN,11));
-                // }
-            };
-            renderer2.setHorizontalAlignment(RIGHT);
-            packsTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2).setCellRenderer(renderer2);
-            packsTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2).setMaxWidth(100);
-            // remove header,so we don't need more strings
-            tableScroller.remove(packsTable.getTableHeader());
-            tableScroller.setColumnHeaderView(null);
-            tableScroller.setColumnHeader(null);
-            // set the JCheckBoxes to the currently selected panels. The
-            // selection might have changed in another panel
-            java.util.Iterator iter = idata.availablePacks.iterator();
-            bytes = 0;
-            while (iter.hasNext())
-            {
-                Pack p = (Pack) iter.next();
-                if (p.required)
-                {
-                    bytes += p.nbytes;
-                    continue;
-                }
-                if (idata.selectedPacks.contains(p)) bytes += p.nbytes;
-            }
-        }
-        catch (Exception e)
-        {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        showSpaceRequired();
-        showFreeSpace();
-    }
-    /*
-     * (non-Javadoc)
-     * 
-     * @see com.izforge.izpack.installer.IzPanel#getSummaryBody()
-     */
-    public String getSummaryBody()
-    {
-        StringBuffer retval = new StringBuffer(256);
-        Iterator iter = idata.selectedPacks.iterator();
-        boolean first = true;
-        while (iter.hasNext())
-        {
-            if (!first)
-            {
-                retval.append("<br>");
-            }
-            first = false;
-            Pack pack = (Pack) iter.next();
-            if (langpack != null && pack.id != null && !"".equals(pack.id))
-            {
-                retval.append(langpack.getString(pack.id));
-            }
-            else
-                retval.append(pack.name);
-        }
-        return (retval.toString());
-    }
-    static class CheckBoxEditorRenderer extends AbstractCellEditor implements TableCellRenderer,
-            TableCellEditor, ActionListener
-    {
-        /**
-         * 
-         */
-        private static final long serialVersionUID = 4049072731222061879L;
-        private JCheckBox display;
-        /**
-         * Creates a check box renderer. If useAsEditor is set,
-         * an action listener will be added, else not.
-         * @param useAsEditor
-         */
-        public CheckBoxEditorRenderer(boolean useAsEditor)
-        {
-            display = new JCheckBox();
-            display.setHorizontalAlignment(CENTER);
-            if (useAsEditor) display.addActionListener(this);
-        }
-        public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value,
-                                                       boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column)
-        {
-            if (isSelected)
-            {
-                display.setForeground(table.getSelectionForeground());
-                display.setBackground(table.getSelectionBackground());
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                display.setForeground(table.getForeground());
-                display.setBackground(table.getBackground());
-            }
-            int state = ((Integer) value).intValue();
-            display.setSelected((value != null && Math.abs(state) == 1));
-            display.setEnabled(state >= 0);
-            return display;
-        }
-        /**
-         * @see javax.swing.table.TableCellEditor#getTableCellEditorComponent(javax.swing.JTable,
-         *      Object, boolean, int, int)
-         */
-        public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table, Object value,
-                                                     boolean isSelected, int row, int column)
-        {
-            return getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, false, row, column);
-        }
-        public Object getCellEditorValue()
-        {
-            return new Integer(display.isSelected() ? 1 : 0);
-        }
-        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
-        {
-            stopCellEditing();
-        }
-    }

Copied: izpack-src/branches/branch-3.9/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/panels/PacksPanelBase.java (from rev 1577, izpack-src/trunk/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/panels/PacksPanelBase.java)

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