[izpack-changes] r2039 - izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST

noreply at berlios.de noreply at berlios.de
Sat Feb 9 19:00:17 CET 2008

Author: jponge
Date: 2008-02-09 19:00:15 +0100 (Sat, 09 Feb 2008)
New Revision: 2039

The PDF is now correctly built!

Modified: izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/build.py
--- izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/build.py	2008-02-09 13:01:47 UTC (rev 2038)
+++ izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/build.py	2008-02-09 18:00:15 UTC (rev 2039)
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
 		print('    ' + pic)
 		shutil.copyfile(pic, 'html/' + pic)
 		shutil.copyfile(pic, 'pdf/' + pic)
+		shutil.copyfile('picins.sty', 'pdf/picins.sty')
 def generate_html(rest_files):
 	print('Generating html...')
@@ -84,7 +85,7 @@
 	for i in xrange(1,4):
 		print('    pdflatex pass #%i' % i)
 		os.system('pdflatex --interaction=batchmode manual.tex')
-		os.chdir('..')
+	os.chdir('..')
 if __name__ == '__main__':
 	parser = OptionParser()

Added: izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/picins.sty
--- izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/picins.sty	2008-02-09 13:01:47 UTC (rev 2038)
+++ izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/picins.sty	2008-02-09 18:00:15 UTC (rev 2039)
@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
+%       PICINS.STY --- Style File zum Einbinden von Bildern
+%       Autor:  J. Bleser, E. Lang
+%       Hochschulrechenzentrum
+%       Technische Hochschule Darmstadt
+%       !!!  Dieses Style-File ist urheberrechtlich geschuetzt  !!!
+%       !!!  Aenderungen nur mit Zustimmung der Autoren         !!!
+\message{Option `picins' Version 3.0  Sep. 1992, TH Darmstadt/HRZ}
+\newdimen\d at breite%
+\newdimen\d at hoehe%
+\newdimen\d at xoff%
+\newdimen\d at yoff%
+\newdimen\d at shad%
+\newdimen\d at dash%
+\newdimen\d at boxl%
+\newdimen\d at pichskip%
+\newdimen\d at tmp
+\newdimen\d at tmpa
+\newdimen\d at bskip
+\newdimen\p at getot@l%
+\newcount\c at breite
+\newcount\c at hoehe
+\newcount\c at xoff
+\newcount\c at yoff
+\newcount\c at pos
+\newcount\c at shad
+\newcount\c at dash
+\newcount\c at boxl
+\newcount\c at zeilen%
+\newcount\c at piccaption%
+\newcount\c at piccaptionpos%
+\newcount\c at picpos
+\newcount\c at whole%
+\newcount\c at half%
+\newcount\c at tmp
+\newcount\c at tmpa
+\newcount\c at tmpb
+\newcount\c at tmpc
+\newcount\c at tmpd
+\newskip\d at leftskip
+\newif\if at list \@listfalse%
+\newif\if at offset%
+\c at piccaptionpos=1%
+\c at picpos=0
+\d at shad=4pt%
+\d at dash=4pt%
+\d at boxl=10pt%
+\d at pichskip=1em%
+\let\old at par=\par%
+\def\pichskip#1{\d at pichskip #1\relax}
+\def\shadowthickness#1{\d at shad #1\relax}
+\def\dashlength#1{\d at dash #1\relax}
+\def\boxlength#1{\d at boxl #1\relax}
+\def\piccaptionoutside{\c at piccaptionpos=1}%
+\def\piccaptioninside{\c at piccaptionpos=2}%
+\def\piccaptionside{\c at piccaptionpos=3}%
+\def\piccaptiontopside{\c at piccaptionpos=4}%
+\def\piccaption{\@ifnextchar [{\@piccaption}{\@piccaption[]}}
+\def\@piccaption[#1]#2{\c at piccaption=1\def\sh at rtf@rm{#1}\def\capti at nt@xt{#2}}
+\def\make at piccaption{%
+ \hsiz@\d at breite%
+ \ifnum\c at piccaptionpos=2%
+   \advance\hsiz@ -2\fboxsep%
+ \fi%
+ \ifnum\c at piccaptionpos>2%
+   \hsiz@\hsize\advance\hsiz at -\d at breite\advance\hsiz at -\d at pichskip%
+ \fi%
+ \setbox\@TEXT=\vbox{\hsize\hsiz@\caption[\sh at rtf@rm]{\capti at nt@xt}}%
+  \old at par%
+  \addcontentsline{\csname ext@#1\endcsname }{#1}%
+    {\protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}
+  \begingroup\@parboxrestore\normalsize%
+    \@newmakecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}\old at par%
+  \endgroup%
+  \vskip 10pt%
+  \setbox\@tempboxa \hbox {#1: #2}%
+  \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize%
+    \setbox0=\hbox{#1: }\dimen0=\hsize\advance\dimen0 by-\wd0
+    \setbox1=\vtop{\hsize=\dimen0 #2}
+    \hbox{\box0 \box1}
+    \par
+  \else \hbox to\hsize {\hfil \box \@tempboxa \hfil}
+  \fi
+  \@ifnextchar ({\iparpic}{\iparpic(0pt,0pt)}
+  \@ifnextchar ({\@offsettrue\iiparpic(#1,#2)}%
+                {\@offsetfalse\iiparpic(#1,#2)(0pt,0pt)}
+  \@ifnextchar [{\iiiparpic(#1,#2)(#3,#4)}{\iiiparpic(#1,#2)(#3,#4)[l]}
+  \@ifnextchar [{\ivparpic(#1,#2)(#3,#4)[#5]}{\ivparpic(#1,#2)(#3,#4)[#5][]}
+ \let\par=\old at par\par%
+ \hangindent0pt\hangafter1%
+ \setbox\@BILD=\hbox{#7}%
+ \d at breite=#1\d at breite=\the\d at breite%
+ \ifdim\d at breite=0pt\d at breite=\wd\@BILD\fi%
+ \c at breite=\d at breite\divide\c at breite by65536%
+ \multiply\c at piccaption\c at piccaptionpos%
+ \d at hoehe=#2\d at hoehe=\the\d at hoehe%
+ \ifdim\d at hoehe=0pt\d at hoehe=\ht\@BILD\advance\d at hoehe by\dp\@BILD\fi%
+ \c at hoehe=\d at hoehe\divide\c at hoehe by65536%
+ \d at xoff=#3\c at xoff=\d at xoff\divide\c at xoff by65536%
+ \d at yoff=\d at hoehe%
+ \advance\d at yoff by-#4\c at yoff=\d at yoff\divide\c at yoff by65536%
+ \c at pos=1\unitlength1pt%
+ \if at offset%
+   \setbox\@BILD=\hbox{%
+     \begin{picture}(\c at breite,\c at hoehe)%
+       \put(0,0){\makebox(\c at breite,\c at hoehe){}}%
+       \put(\c at xoff,\c at yoff){\box\@BILD}%
+     \end{picture}%
+   }%
+ \else%
+   \setbox\@BILD=\hbox{%
+     \begin{picture}(\c at breite,\c at hoehe)%
+       \put(0,0){\makebox(\c at breite,\c at hoehe)[#6]{\box\@BILD}}%
+     \end{picture}%
+   }%
+ \fi%
+ \ifnum\c at piccaption=2%
+   \make at piccaption%
+   \advance\d at hoehe\ht\@TEXT\advance\d at hoehe\dp\@TEXT%
+   \c at hoehe=\d at hoehe\divide\c at hoehe by65536%
+   \setbox\@BILD=\vbox{\box\@BILD\vspace{-5pt}%
+                       \hbox{\hspace{\fboxsep}\box\@TEXT}%
+                       \vspace{4pt}}%
+ \fi%
+ \@tfor\@tempa := #5\do{%
+   \if\@tempa f\setbox\@BILD=\hbox{\Rahmen(\c at breite,\c at hoehe){\box\@BILD}}\fi%
+   \if\@tempa s\setbox\@BILD=\hbox{\Schatten(\c at breite,\c at hoehe){\box\@BILD}}\fi%
+   \if\@tempa o\setbox\@BILD=\hbox{\Oval(\c at breite,\c at hoehe){\box\@BILD}}\fi%
+   \if\@tempa d\setbox\@BILD=\hbox{\Strich(\c at breite,\c at hoehe){\box\@BILD}}\fi%
+   \if\@tempa x\setbox\@BILD=\hbox{\Kasten(\c at breite,\c at hoehe){\box\@BILD}}\fi%
+   \if\@tempa l\c at pos=1\fi%
+   \if\@tempa r\c at pos=2\fi%
+ }%
+ \ifnum\c at piccaption=1%
+   \make at piccaption%
+   \advance\d at hoehe\ht\@TEXT\advance\d at hoehe\dp\@TEXT%
+   \c at hoehe=\d at hoehe\divide\c at hoehe by65536%
+   \setbox\@BILD=\vbox{\box\@BILD\vspace{-5pt}\hbox{\box\@TEXT}\vspace{4pt}}%
+ \fi%
+ \ifodd\count0\c at picpos=0\else\c at picpos=\@changemode\fi%
+ \pagetotal=\the\pagetotal%
+ \d at tmp=\pagegoal\advance\d at tmp by-\pagetotal\advance\d at tmp by-\baselineskip%
+ \ifdim\d at hoehe>\d at tmp%
+   \vskip 0pt plus\d at hoehe\relax\pagebreak[3]\vskip 0pt plus-\d at hoehe\relax%
+   \ifnum\c at picpos=1\c at picpos=0\else\c at picpos=\@changemode\fi%
+ \fi%
+ \ifnum\c at picpos=1\ifnum\c at pos=1\c at pos=2\else\c at pos=1\fi\fi%
+ \ifnum\@listdepth>0
+   \@listtrue\parshape 0%
+   \advance\hsize -\rightmargin%
+   \d at leftskip \leftskip%
+   \leftskip \@totalleftmargin%
+   \if at inlabel\rule{\linewidth}{0pt}\vskip-\baselineskip\relax\fi%
+ \else\@listfalse\medskip%
+ \fi%
+ \if at list\d at tmpa=\linewidth\else\d at tmpa=\hsize\fi%
+ \ifnum\c at piccaption=3%
+   \make at piccaption%
+   \d at tmp\ht\@TEXT\advance\d at tmp\dp\@TEXT%
+   \ifdim\d at hoehe>\d at tmp%
+     \setbox\@TEXT=\vbox to\d at hoehe{\vfill\box\@TEXT\vspace{.2\baselineskip}\vfill}%
+   \else%
+     \setbox\@BILD=\vbox to\d at tmp{\vfill\box\@BILD\vfill}%
+     \d at hoehe\d at tmp%
+   \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \ifnum\c at piccaption=4%
+   \make at piccaption%
+   \d at tmp\ht\@TEXT\advance\d at tmp\dp\@TEXT%
+   \setbox\@TEXT=\vbox to\d at hoehe{\vspace{-10pt}\box\@TEXT\vfil}%
+   \advance\d at hoehe-\d at tmp%
+ \fi%
+ \ifnum\c at pos=1\d at tmpa=0pt%
+   \ifnum\c at piccaption>2%
+      \setbox\@BILD=\hbox{\box\@BILD\hspace{\d at pichskip}\hbox{\box\@TEXT}}%
+   \fi%
+ \else\advance\d at tmpa by-\wd\@BILD\d at breite=-\d at breite%
+   \ifnum\c at piccaption>2%
+      \d at tmpa=0pt%
+      \setbox\@BILD=\hbox{\hbox{\box\@TEXT}\hspace{\d at pichskip}\box\@BILD}%
+   \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \p at getot@l\the\pagetotal%
+ \d at bskip\d at hoehe\advance\d at bskip by\parskip\advance\d at bskip by.3\baselineskip%
+ {\noindent\hspace*{\d at tmpa}\relax%
+  \box\@BILD\nopagebreak\vskip-\d at bskip\relax\nopagebreak}%
+ \d at tmp=-\d at hoehe\divide\d at tmp by\baselineskip%
+ \c at zeilen=\d at tmp\advance\c at zeilen by-1%
+ \ifdim\d at breite<0pt\advance\d at breite by-\d at pichskip%
+ \else\advance\d at breite by\d at pichskip%
+ \fi%
+ \hangindent=\d at breite%
+ \hangafter=\c at zeilen%
+ \let\par=\x at par%
+ \ifnum\c at piccaption=3%
+    \hangindent0pt\hangafter1\let\par=\old at par%
+    \vskip\d at hoehe\vskip.2\baselineskip%
+ \fi%
+ \c at piccaption=0%
+\def\x at par{%
+ \ptoti\pagetotal%
+ \old at par%
+ \ptotii\pagetotal%
+ \ifdim\ptoti=\ptotii%
+   \d at tmp\d at hoehe%
+ \else%
+   \d at tmp\baselineskip%
+   \multiply\d at tmp by\prevgraf%
+   \advance\d at tmp by\parskip%
+   \global\advance\d at hoehe by-\d at tmp\d at tmp=\d at hoehe%
+ \fi%
+ \ifdim\d at hoehe>0pt%
+   \divide\d at tmp by\baselineskip\c at zeilen=-\d at tmp\advance\c at zeilen by-1%
+   \c at zeilen=\the\c at zeilen%
+ \else\c at zeilen=0
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\c at zeilen<0\hangafter=\c at zeilen\hangindent=\d at breite%
+ \else\let\par=\old at par%
+   \hangindent 0pt%
+   \leftskip \d at leftskip%
+   \if at list\parshape \@ne \@totalleftmargin \linewidth%
+     \advance\hsize \rightmargin%
+   \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \let\par=\old at par%
+ \par%
+ \pagetotal\the\pagetotal%
+ \c at tmp=#1\relax%
+ \ifnum\c at tmp=0%
+   \d at tmp\baselineskip\multiply\d at tmp by\prevgraf\advance\d at tmp\parskip%
+   \ifdim\p at getot@l<\pagetotal
+     \advance\d at hoehe by-\d at tmp\advance\d at hoehe by1ex%
+     \ifdim\d at hoehe>0pt\vspace*{\d at hoehe}\fi%
+   \fi%
+   \ifdim\p at getot@l=\pagetotal%
+     \advance\d at hoehe by-\d at tmp\advance\d at hoehe by1ex%
+     \ifdim\d at hoehe>0pt\vspace*{\d at hoehe}\fi%
+   \fi%
+ \else\hangafter=-\c at tmp\hangindent=\d at breite%
+ \fi%
+ \leftskip \d at leftskip%
+ \if at list\parshape \@ne \@totalleftmargin \linewidth%
+   \advance\hsize \rightmargin%
+ \fi%
+  \@ifnextchar ({\ihpic}{\ihpic(0pt,0pt)}
+  \@ifnextchar ({\@offsettrue\iihpic(#1,#2)}%
+                {\@offsetfalse\iihpic(#1,#2)(0pt,0pt)}
+  \@ifnextchar [{\iiihpic(#1,#2)(#3,#4)}{\iiihpic(#1,#2)(#3,#4)[l]}
+  \@ifnextchar [{\ivhpic(#1,#2)(#3,#4)[#5]}{\ivhpic(#1,#2)(#3,#4)[#5][]}
+  \setbox\@BILD=\hbox{#7}%
+  \d at breite=#1\d at breite=\the\d at breite%
+  \ifdim\d at breite=0pt\d at breite=\wd\@BILD\fi%
+  \c at breite=\d at breite\divide\c at breite by65536%
+  \d at hoehe=#2\d at hoehe=\the\d at hoehe%
+  \ifdim\d at hoehe=0pt\d at hoehe=\ht\@BILD\advance\d at hoehe by\dp\@BILD\fi%
+  \c at hoehe=\d at hoehe\divide\c at hoehe by65536%
+  \d at xoff=#3\c at xoff=\d at xoff\divide\c at xoff by65536%
+  \d at yoff=\d at hoehe%
+  \advance\d at yoff by-#4\c at yoff=\d at yoff\divide\c at yoff by65536%
+  \c at pos=0\d at tmpa=\parindent\parindent=0pt\unitlength1pt%
+  \if at offset
+    \setbox\@BILD=\hbox{%
+      \begin{picture}(\c at breite,\c at hoehe)%
+        \put(0,0){\makebox(\c at breite,\c at hoehe){}}%
+        \put(\c at xoff,\c at yoff){\box\@BILD}%
+      \end{picture}%
+    }%
+  \else%
+    \setbox\@BILD=\hbox{%
+      \begin{picture}(\c at breite,\c at hoehe)%
+        \put(0,0){\makebox(\c at breite,\c at hoehe)[#6]{\box\@BILD}}%
+      \end{picture}%
+    }%
+  \fi%
+  \@tfor\@tempa := #5\do{%
+    \if\@tempa f\setbox\@BILD=\hbox{\Rahmen(\c at breite,\c at hoehe){\box\@BILD}}\fi%
+    \if\@tempa s\setbox\@BILD=\hbox{\Schatten(\c at breite,\c at hoehe){\box\@BILD}}\fi%
+    \if\@tempa o\setbox\@BILD=\hbox{\Oval(\c at breite,\c at hoehe){\box\@BILD}}\fi%
+    \if\@tempa d\setbox\@BILD=\hbox{\Strich(\c at breite,\c at hoehe){\box\@BILD}}\fi%
+    \if\@tempa x\setbox\@BILD=\hbox{\Kasten(\c at breite,\c at hoehe){\box\@BILD}}\fi%
+    \if\@tempa t\c at pos=1\fi%
+    \if\@tempa b\c at pos=2\fi%
+  }%
+ \ifnum\c at pos=0\parbox{\d at breite}{\makebox[0cm]{}\\\box\@BILD\smallskip}\fi%
+ \ifnum\c at pos=1\parbox[t]{\d at breite}{\makebox[0cm]{}\\\box\@BILD\smallskip}\fi%
+ \ifnum\c at pos=2\parbox[b]{\d at breite}{\makebox[0cm]{}\\\box\@BILD\smallskip}\fi%
+ \parindent=\d at tmpa%
+  \c at whole=\@wholewidth\divide\c at whole by65536%
+  \c at half=\@halfwidth\divide\c at half by65536%
+  \c at tmpa=#1\advance\c at tmpa by\c at whole\advance\c at tmpa by\c at whole%
+  \c at tmpb=#2\advance\c at tmpb by\c at whole\advance\c at tmpb by\c at whole%
+  \begin{picture}(\c at tmpa,\c at tmpb)%
+    \put(\c at whole,\c at half){\framebox(#1,#2){#3}}%
+  \end{picture}%
+  \global\advance\d at breite by2\@wholewidth%
+  \global\advance\d at hoehe by2\@wholewidth%
+  \c at whole=\@wholewidth\divide\c at whole by65536%
+  \c at half=\@halfwidth\divide\c at half by65536%
+  \c at shad=\d at shad\divide\c at shad by65536%
+  \c at tmp=\c at whole\advance\c at tmp by\c at whole\c at tmpd=\c at tmp%
+  \advance\c at tmp by\c at shad%
+  \advance\c at tmpd by#1%
+  \advance\c at half by\c at shad%
+  \c at tmpa=#1\advance\c at tmpa by\c at tmp%
+  \c at tmpb=#2\advance\c at tmpb by\c at tmp%
+  \begin{picture}(\c at tmpa,\c at tmpb)%
+    \put(\c at whole,\c at half){\framebox(#1,#2){#3}}%
+    \put(\c at shad,0){\rule{\c at tmpd pt}{\c at shad pt}}%
+    \put(\c at tmpd,0){\rule{\c at shad pt}{#2 pt}}%
+  \end{picture}%
+  \global\advance\d at breite by2\@wholewidth\global\advance\d at breite by\d at shad%
+  \global\advance\d at hoehe by2\@wholewidth\global\advance\d at hoehe by\d at shad%
+  \@wholewidth=0.4pt%
+  \c at tmpa=\the#1\divide\c at tmpa by2%
+  \c at tmpb=\the#2\divide\c at tmpb by2%
+  \begin{picture}(#1,#2)%
+    \put(\c at tmpa,\c at tmpb){\oval(#1,#2)}%
+    \put(0.4,0.4){#3}%
+  \end{picture}%
+  \global\advance\d at breite by1pt\global\advance\d at hoehe by1pt%
+  \c at whole=\@wholewidth\divide\c at whole by65536%
+  \c at half=\@halfwidth\divide\c at half by65536%
+  \c at dash=\d at dash\divide\c at dash by65536%
+  \c at tmp=\c at whole\advance\c at tmp by\c at whole%
+  \c at tmpa=#1\advance\c at tmpa by\c at tmp%
+  \c at tmpb=#2\advance\c at tmpb by\c at tmp%
+  \c at tmpc=#1\advance\c at tmpc by\c at whole%
+  \c at tmpd=#2\advance\c at tmpd by\c at whole%
+  \begin{picture}(\c at tmpa,\c at tmpb)%
+    \put(\c at half,\c at half){\dashbox{\c at dash}(\c at tmpc,\c at tmpd){#3}}%
+  \end{picture}%
+  \global\advance\d at breite by2\@wholewidth%
+  \global\advance\d at hoehe by2\@wholewidth%
+  \@wholewidth=0.4pt%
+  \c at boxl=\d at boxl\divide\c at boxl by65536\c at boxl=\the\c at boxl%
+  \c at tmpa=#1\advance\c at tmpa by\c at boxl%
+  \c at tmpb=#2\advance\c at tmpb by\c at boxl%
+  \c at tmp=#2%
+  \begin{picture}(\c at tmpa,\c at tmpb)%
+    \put(0,\c at boxl){\framebox(#1,#2){#3}}%
+    \put(\c at boxl,0){\line(-1,1){\c at boxl}}%
+    \put(\c at boxl,0){\line(1,0){#1}\line(-1,1){\c at boxl}}%
+    \put(\c at boxl,0){\put(#1,0){\line(0,1){\c at tmp}%
+         \put(0,\c at tmp){\line(-1,1){\c at boxl}}}}%
+  \end{picture}%
+  \global\advance\d at breite by\d at boxl%
+  \global\advance\d at hoehe by\d at boxl%
+\newbox\env at box%
+\newdimen\d at envdp
+\newcount\c at hsize
+\newcount\c at envdp
+\newdimen\d at envb
+\long\def\frameenv{\@ifnextchar [{\@frameenv}{\@frameenv[\textwidth]}}
+ \hsiz@=\textwidth  \textwidth=#1  \d at envb=#1
+ \advance\textwidth by-2\@wholewidth
+ \advance\textwidth by-2\fboxsep
+ \hsize=\textwidth   \linewidth=\textwidth
+ \setbox\env at box=\vbox\bgroup}%
+ \egroup%
+ \hsize=\hsiz@  \textwidth=\hsiz@  \linewidth=\hsiz@
+ \c at breite=\d at envb   \divide\c at breite by65536
+ \advance\d at envb by-2\@wholewidth
+ \c at hsize=\d at envb  \divide\c at hsize by65536%
+ \d at envdp=\dp\env at box  \advance\d at envdp by\ht\env at box%
+ \advance\d at envdp by2\fboxsep%
+ \d at hoehe=\d at envdp   \advance\d at hoehe by2\@wholewidth
+ \c at hoehe=\d at hoehe   \divide\c at hoehe by65536
+ \c at envdp=\d at envdp   \divide\c at envdp by65536%
+ \c at tmp=\@wholewidth \divide\c at tmp by65536
+ \vskip\@wholewidth%
+ \unitlength 1pt\noindent%
+ \begin{picture}(\c at breite,\c at hoehe)(0,0)
+   \put(\c at tmp,\c at tmp){\framebox(\c at hsize,\c at envdp){\box\env at box}}
+ \end{picture}%
+\long\def\shadowenv{\@ifnextchar [{\@shadowenv}{\@shadowenv[\textwidth]}}
+ \hsiz@=\textwidth  \textwidth=#1  \d at envb=#1
+ \advance\textwidth by-2\@wholewidth
+ \advance\textwidth by-2\fboxsep
+ \advance\textwidth by-\d at shad%
+ \hsize=\textwidth   \linewidth=\textwidth
+ \setbox\env at box=\vbox\bgroup}%
+ \egroup
+ \hsize=\hsiz@  \textwidth=\hsiz@  \linewidth=\hsiz@
+ \d at tmpa=\d at envb
+ \c at breite=\d at envb   \divide\c at breite by65536
+ \advance\d at envb by-2\@wholewidth  \advance\d at envb by-\d at shad
+ \c at hsize=\d at envb  \divide\c at hsize by65536%
+ \d at envdp=\dp\env at box  \advance\d at envdp by\ht\env at box%
+ \advance\d at envdp by2\fboxsep%
+ \c at envdp=\d at envdp   \divide\c at envdp by65536%
+ \d at hoehe=\d at envdp
+ \advance\d at hoehe by2\@wholewidth  \advance\d at hoehe by\d at shad
+ \c at hoehe=\d at hoehe    \divide\c at hoehe by65536
+ \c at shad =\d at shad     \divide\c at shad  by65536
+ \c at tmp=\@wholewidth  \divide\c at tmp by65536
+ \advance\d at tmpa by-2\d at shad
+ \c at xoff =\d at tmpa     \divide\c at xoff by65536
+ \advance\c at xoff by\c at shad  \advance\c at xoff by-1
+ \advance\d at envdp by\@wholewidth
+ \vskip\@halfwidth
+ \unitlength 1pt\noindent%
+ \begin{picture}(\c at breite,\c at hoehe)(0,0)
+    \put(\c at tmp,\c at shad){\framebox(\c at hsize,\c at envdp){\box\env at box}}
+    \put(\c at shad,0){\rule{\d at tmpa}{\d at shad}}%
+    \put(\c at xoff,0){\rule{\d at shad}{\d at envdp}}%
+ \end{picture}%
+ \vskip\@halfwidth
+\long\def\dashenv{\@ifnextchar [{\@dashenv}{\@dashenv[\textwidth]}}
+ \hsiz@=\textwidth  \textwidth=#1  \d at envb=#1
+ \advance\textwidth by-2\@wholewidth  \advance\textwidth by-2\fboxsep
+ \hsize=\textwidth   \linewidth=\textwidth
+ \setbox\env at box=\vbox\bgroup}%
+ \egroup
+ \hsize=\hsiz@  \textwidth=\hsiz@  \linewidth=\hsiz@
+ \c at breite=\d at envb   \divide\c at breite by65536
+ \advance\d at envb by-\@wholewidth
+ \c at hsize=\d at envb  \divide\c at hsize by65536%
+ \d at envdp=\dp\env at box  \advance\d at envdp by\ht\env at box%
+ \advance\d at envdp by2\fboxsep%
+ \advance\d at envdp by\@wholewidth
+ \d at hoehe=\d at envdp   \advance\d at hoehe by2\@wholewidth
+ \c at hoehe=\d at hoehe   \divide\c at hoehe by65536
+ \c at envdp=\d at envdp   \divide\c at envdp by65536%
+ \c at dash=\d at dash     \divide\c at dash  by65536%
+ \c at whole=\@wholewidth  \divide\c at whole by65536
+ \c at half=\@halfwidth  \divide\c at half by 65536
+ \noindent\unitlength 1pt
+ \begin{picture}(\c at breite,\c at hoehe)(0,0)
+   \put(\c at half,\c at whole){\dashbox{\c at dash}(\c at hsize,\c at envdp){\box\env at box}}
+ \end{picture}%
+\long\def\ovalenv{\@ifnextchar [{\@ovalenv}{\@ovalenv[\textwidth]}}%
+ \hsiz@=\textwidth  \textwidth=#1  \d at envb=#1
+ \advance\textwidth by-4\fboxsep
+ \hsize=\textwidth   \linewidth=\textwidth
+ \setbox\env at box=\vbox\bgroup}%
+ \egroup
+ \hsize=\hsiz@  \textwidth=\hsiz@  \linewidth=\hsiz@
+ \@wholewidth=0.4pt
+ \c at breite=\d at envb   \divide\c at breite by65536
+ \advance\d at envb by-2\@wholewidth
+ \c at hsize=\d at envb  \divide\c at hsize by65536%
+ \d at envdp=\dp\env at box  \advance\d at envdp by\ht\env at box%
+ \advance\d at envdp by4\fboxsep%
+ \c at envdp=\d at envdp   \divide\c at envdp by65536%
+ \d at hoehe=\d at envdp   \advance\d at hoehe by2\@wholewidth
+ \c at hoehe=\d at hoehe   \divide\c at hoehe by65536
+ \c at tmpa=\c at hsize   \divide\c at tmpa by2%
+ \c at tmpb=\c at envdp   \divide\c at tmpb by2%
+ \d at tmpa=2\fboxsep   \advance\d at tmpa by\@wholewidth
+ \c at xoff=\d at tmpa     \divide\c at xoff  by65536%
+ \advance\d at tmpa by\dp\env at box
+ \c at yoff=\d at tmpa     \divide\c at yoff  by65536%
+ \unitlength 1pt\noindent
+ \begin{picture}(\c at breite,\c at hoehe)(0,0)
+   \put(\c at tmpa,\c at tmpb){\oval(\c at hsize,\c at envdp)}
+   \put(\c at xoff,\c at yoff){\box\env at box}%
+ \end{picture}%

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