[izpack-changes] r1983 - izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST

noreply at berlios.de noreply at berlios.de
Sun Jan 13 14:59:19 CET 2008

Author: jponge
Date: 2008-01-13 14:59:16 +0100 (Sun, 13 Jan 2008)
New Revision: 1983

'Split of the installer descriptor documentation and the available panels documentation'

Modified: izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/index.txt
--- izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/index.txt	2008-01-13 13:37:46 UTC (rev 1982)
+++ izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/index.txt	2008-01-13 13:59:16 UTC (rev 1983)
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 - introduction_
 - getting-started_
 - installation-files_
+- panels_
 - advanced-features_
 - desktop-shortcuts_
 - creating-panels_
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
 .. _introduction: introduction.html
 .. _getting-started: getting-started.html
 .. _installation-files: installation-files.html
+.. _panels: panels.html
 .. _advanced-features: advanced-features.html
 .. _desktop-shortcuts: desktop-shortcuts.html
 .. _creating-panels: creating-panels.html

Modified: izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/installation-files.txt
--- izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/installation-files.txt	2008-01-13 13:37:46 UTC (rev 1982)
+++ izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/installation-files.txt	2008-01-13 13:59:16 UTC (rev 1983)
@@ -1148,537 +1148,3 @@
-The Available Panels
-In this section i will introduce the various panels available in IzPack. The
-usage for most is pretty simple and described right here. The more elaborate
-ones are explained in more detail in the *Advanced Features* chapter or in
-their own chapter. The panels are listed by their class name. This is the
-name that must be used with the ``classname`` attribute. Please be aware that
-the classname is Case-Sensitive, meaning that if the case from the
-install.xml and the founded class file differs the installation will break.
-In this last case, the installer will Throw an IllegalArgumentException in
-the compiler if the declared class name in the xml file differs in case from
-the founded class file.
-This panel welcomes the user by displaying the project name, the version, the
-URL as well as the authors.
-This panel welcomes the user also by displaying the project name, the
-version, the URL as well as the authors.
-Additonal on windows the registry will be scanned for an entry which
-determines that the product is already installed. If so, a dialog will be
-shown which ask whether to install a second version of the product or not. If
-you use this panel do not forget to add the `registry feature` into your
-InfoPanel and HTMLInfoPanel
-This is a kind of 'README' panel. It presents text of any length. The text is
-specified by the ``(HTML)InfoPanel.info`` resource. Starting from IzPack
-3.7.0, variables substitution is allowed.
-To add an image to the HTMLInfoPanel you simply need to add a ressource to
-your install.xml with an ID decided by you, then you can call this image by
-refering it by this same ID.
-In install.xml:
-    <resources>
-      <res src="logo.jpg" id="GHGHGH"/>
-      .....
-and in file.html:
-    <img src="GHGHGH" />
-LicencePanel and HTMLLicencePanel
-Note:* There is a mistake in the name - it should be LicensePanel. In France
-the word is Licence ... and one of my diploma is a 'Licence' so ...:* -)
-Adding images to HTMLLicencePanel works exactly the same way as with
-These panels can prompt the user to acknowledge a license agreement. They
-block unless the user selects the 'agree' option. To specify the license
-agreement text you have to use the `` (HTML)LicencePanel.licence`` resource.
-Allows the user to select the packs he wants to install.
-This is the same as above, but for each pack a different picture is shown to
-the user. The pictures are specified using the packImgId attribute for each
-pack in the installer XML. The initial image will be the image of the first
-pack that has a packImgId. The image is updated each time the user
-(de)selects a pack that has a packImgId. Of course it's up to you to specify
-an image for each pack in your installation with a unique packImgId. For
-instance if you have 2 packs ``core`` and ``documentation`` (in this order),
-and you assign both packs a packImgId that is identical to the pack's name
-then the resource for ``core`` will be ``core`` and the resource for
-``documentation`` will be ``documentation``. The initially shown image will
-be the resource ``core``. The supported image formats depend on what your
-client's JVM supports, but starting from J2SE 1.3, *GIF*, *JPEG* and *PNG*
-are supported.
-This panel allows the user to select the installation path. It can be
-customized with the following resources (they are text files containing the
-path) :
--   ``TargetPanel.dir.f`` where f stands for the family (``mac, macosx,
-    windows, unix``)
--   ``TargetPanel.dir`` : the directory name, instead of the software to
-    install name
--   ``TargetPanel.dir.d`` where d is a "dynamic" name, as returned by the
-    JavaTM virtual machine. You should write the name in lowercase and
-    replace the spaces with underscores. For instance, you might want a
-    different setting for Solaris and GNU/Linux which are both Unix-like
-    systems. The resources would be ``TargetPanel.dir.sunos,
-    TargetPanel.dir.linux``. You should have a Unix-resource in case it
-    wouldn't work though.
-You should always have this one as it launches the installation process !
-A panel showing text parsed by the variable substitutor. The text can be
-specified through the ``XInfoPanel.info`` resource. This panel can be useful
-when you have to show information after the installation process is completed
-(for instance if the text contains the target path).
-A ending panel, able to write automated installer information. For details
-see the chapter on 'Advanced Features'.
-Same as ``FinishPanel``, but without the automated installer features. It is
-aimed at making the life easier for end-users who will never encounter the
-automated installer extra feature.
-This panel is used to create desktop shortcuts. For details on using the
-ShortcutPanel see the chapter 'Desktop Shortcuts'.
-This panel allows you to prompt the user for data. What the user is prompted
-for is specified using an XML file which is included as a resource to the
-This panel allows you to compile just installed Java sourcecode. The details
-for the compilation are specified using the resource
-``CompilePanel.Spec.xml``. The XML file has the following format:
-    <compilation>
-      <global>
-        <compiler>
-          <choice value="$JAVA_HOME/bin/javac" />
-          <choice value="jikes" />
-        </compiler>
-        <arguments>
-          <choice value="-O -g:none" />
-          <choice value="-O" />
-          <choice value="-g" />
-          <choice value="" />
-        </arguments>
-      </global>
-      <jobs>
-        <classpath add="$INSTALL_PATH/src/classes/" />
-        <job name="optional name">
-          <directory name="$INSTALL_PATH/src/classes/xyz" />
-        </job>
-        <job name="another job">
-          <packdepency name="some package name" />
-          <classpath sub="$INSTALL_PATH/" />
-          <directory name="$INSTALL_PATH/src/classes/abc" />
-          <file name="$INSTALL_PATH/some/file.java" />
-        </job>
-      </jobs>
-    </compilation>
-In theory, jobs can be nested but this has not been tested at all. A change
-to the classpath within a job only affects this job and nested jobs. The
-classpath should be specified before any files or directories.
-The user can change the compiler to use and choose from some default
-compilation options before compilation is started.
-.. image:: ./compilePanel.png
-    :alt: CompilePanel
-This panel allows you to execute arbitrary files after installation. The
-details for the compilation are specified using the resource
-The XML file has the following format:
-    <processing>
-      <job name="do xyz">
-        <os family="windows" />
-        <executefile name="$INSTALL_PATH/scripts/xyz.bat">
-          <arg>doit</arg><arg>$variable</arg>
-        </executefile>
-      </job>
-      <job name="do xyz">
-        <os family="unix" />
-        <executefile name="$INSTALL_PATH/scripts/xyz.sh">
-          <arg>doit</arg><arg>$variable</arg>
-        </executefile>
-      </job>
-    </processing>
-Each job may have an ``<os>`` attribute.
-``<executeclass>`` - Execute Java Classes
-It is also possible to execute Java classes from this panel. Here's what this
-feature author (Alex Bradley) says:
-> i've been able to work around my requirements by extending the
-``ProcessPanelWorker`` functionality to run user-specified classes. i've
-extended the DTD of the `` ProcessPanel.Spec.xml`` to include a new element:
-    <executeclass name="classname">
-    <args..../>
-    </executeclass>
-> i've also added a new sub-class of ``Processable`` called ``executeclass``.
-This will run a user-specified class in the context of the installer JVM with
-a single method :
-    run( AbstractUIProcessHandler handler, String[] args]);
-> It can do everything i need and more. In particular, it allows me to write
-a process extension and still be able to provide feedback to the user through
-the feedback panel, and to add new functionality to the installer, after its
-been built.
-To use the executeclass facility, you will need to create a jar file with
-your class and then add it to the installer with the `The Jar Merging
-``<executeForPack>`` - Only execute the job for certain packs
-This can be be used to run the job only if the pack is enabled. For example,
-the batch file will if either the ``Sources`` or ``Executables`` packs are
-selected at install time.
-    <processing>
-     <job name="List files">
-      <executeForPack name="Sources"/>
-      <executeForPack name="Executables"/>
-      <os family="windows" />
-      <executefile name="$INSTALL_PATH\batch\ListFiles.bat" />
-     </job>
-    </processing>
-``<logfiledir>`` - Output of the processPanel saved to a log
-New with version 3.7 is the possibility to tee output that is written to the
-ProcessPanel's textarea into an optional logfile. Using this feature is
-pretty much straightforward, you only have to add a line in
-``ProcessPanel.Spec.xml`` that will tell IzPack the location, where the
-logfile should be stored.
-Variable substitution is performed, so you can use ``$INSTALL_PATH`` as
-The name of the logfile is not (yet) configurable but should fit in most
-cases. It will be named
-    Install_V<$APP_VER>_<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>_<hh>-<mm>-<ss>_<RandomId>.log
-Here's an example:
-    <processing>
-      <logfiledir>$INSTALL_PATH</logfiledir>
-      <job name="do xyz">
-        <os family="windows" />
-        <executefile name="$INSTALL_PATH/scripts/xyz.bat">
-          <arg>doit</arg><arg>$variable</arg>
-        </executefile>
-    </processing>
-This will generate a logfile named e.g.
-``Install_V1.3_2004-11-08_19-22-20_43423.log`` located in ``$INSTALL_PATH``.
-``ProcessPanelWorker`` will write all output that is directed to ``stdout``
-and ``stderr`` to this file if ``ProcessPanel.Spec.xml`` contains the
-``logfiledir`` entry.
-Please note that this one file is used for storing the complete output of all
-jobs and not a file for each job that is run.
-This panel allows the user to select a JDK path. The variable JAVA_HOME does
-not point to a JDK, else to a JRE also the environment variable points to a
-JDK. This is not a bug, this is the behavior of the VM. But some products
-needs a JDK, for that this panel can be used. There is not only a selection
-of the path else a validation. The validation will be done with the file
-JDKPath/lib/tools.jar. If JAVA_HOME points to the VM which is placed in the
-JDK, the directory will be used as default (JAVA_HOME/..). If there is the
-    JDKPathPanel.skipIfValid
-defined with the value "yes", the panel will be skiped if the path is valid.
-Additional it is possible to make a version control. If one or both variables
-    JDKPathPanel.minVersion
-    JDKPathPanel.maxVersion
-are defined, only a JDK will be accepted which has a version in the range of
-it. The detection is a little bit pragmatically, therefor it is possible,
-that the detection can fail at some VMs. The values in the install.xml should
-be like
-    <variables>
-      <variable name="JDKPathPanel.minVersion" value="1.4.1" />
-      <variable name="JDKPathPanel.maxVersion" value="1.4.99" />
-      <variable name="JDKPathPanel.skipIfValid" value="yes" />
-    </variables>
-If all is valid, the panels isValidated method sets the variable
-    JDKPath
-to the chosen path. Be aware, this variable exist not until the JDKPanel was
-quitted once. At a secound activation, the default will be the last
-This panel will look at the local printers installed and propose a list box
-with all of them. Once chosen, the variable $SELECTED_PRINTER is set to the
-user choice.
-DataCheckPanel is not for inclusion in an actuall install, but is a debugging
-resource for developers writing custom panels or code to be included in
-It creates a list of all the variables in InstallData, their values and a
-list of all packs, indicating which are selected.
-This list is printed to the console and appears in a scrollable text area on
-the panel.
-Put the panel in wherever you want to see any variables in InstallData or a
-listing of the packs with a line like this in the <panels> section of
-<panel classname="DataCheckPanel" />
-It will automatically give you a full list of all the variables and packs
-whenever the panel is made active.
-This panel gives a summary of all shown panels. The best place for it is just
-infront of the InstallPanel. Normaly it contains a warning that this is the
-last panel before installation. The panel contains a scrollable HTML text
-area to display the summary. The informations are collected from each panel
-by calling the methods ``getSummaryCaption`` and ``getSummaryBody``.
-``getSummaryCaption`` is implemented in ``IzPanel`` with a panel name default
-text. ``getSummaryBody`` has to be implemented in all panels which should be
-presented in the summary. If the secound method is not implemented, no
-summary of this panel will be shown.
-Additional it is possible to `log the contents` of the summary panel into a
-HTML file.
-This Panel groups the pack together. A panel which displays the available
-*installGroups* found on the packs to allow the user to select a subset of
-the packs based on the pack *installGroups* attribute. This panel will be
-skipped if there are no pack elements with an *installGroups* attribute. For
-example ::
-        <installation version="1.0">
-           (...)
-            <panels>
-                (...)
-                <panel classname="InstallationGroupPanel"/>
-                <panel classname="PacksPanel"/>
-                (...)
-            </panels>
-            <packs>
-                <pack name="Base"
-                    installGroups="Group1"
-                    required="yes">
-                    (...)
-                </pack>
-                <pack name="Docs"
-                    installGroups="Group1,Group2"
-                    required="no">
-                    (...)
-                </pack>
-                <pack name="Sources"
-                    installGroups="Group3,Group2"
-                    required="no">
-                    (...)
-                </pack>
-            </packs>
-        </installation>
-In above example when InstallationGroupPanel is displayed,
-it contains three radios named Group1, Group2 and Group3. Depending
-on what user selects, the respective Packs will be displayed in
-PacksPanel. InstallationGroupPanel will look for a description
-corresponding to the key
-"InstallationGroupPanel.description.Group2" etc in installation
-langpacks and variables and displays this description for each of
-the Group_i.
-You may also define a sortKey in the variables section of the installer.xml
-to define an alternative sorting. The default sorting is based on the Group
-Here is an example for alternative sorting of groups: ::
-        (...)
-        <variables>
-           (...)
-            <variable
-            name="InstallationGroupPanel.sortKey.Group2" value="A"/>
-            <variable
-            name="InstallationGroupPanel.sortKey.Group1" value="B"/>
-            <variable
-            name="InstallationGroupPanel.sortKey.Group3" value="C"/>
-        </variables>
-        (...)
-By default, your group name (and description) are displayed as-is in the
-installer. If you want them to be localized, add localized names to your
-``packsLang.xml`` resources. The string ID has to be 
-Here is an example to localize groups into French (these lines have to be put
-in your ``packsLang.xml_fra`` resource) :
-<str id="InstallationGroupPanel.group.Core" txt="Noyau de l'application" />
-<str id="InstallationGroupPanel.description.Core" txt="Fichiers principaux, indispensables au fonctionnement de l'application" />
-<str id="InstallationGroupPanel.group.Samples" txt="Fichiers d'exemple" />
-<str id="InstallationGroupPanel.description.Samples" txt="Fichiers d'exemples" />
-If you want to add html markup to those strings, add ``.html`` at the end
-of the string id (after the group name).

Added: izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/panels.txt
--- izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/panels.txt	2008-01-13 13:37:46 UTC (rev 1982)
+++ izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/panels.txt	2008-01-13 13:59:16 UTC (rev 1983)
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+The Available Panels
+In this section I will introduce the various panels available in IzPack. The
+usage for most is pretty simple and described right here. The more elaborate
+ones are explained in more detail in the *Advanced Features* chapter or in
+their own chapter. The panels are listed by their class name. This is the
+name that must be used with the ``classname`` attribute. Please be aware that
+the classname is Case-Sensitive, meaning that if the case from the
+install.xml and the founded class file differs the installation will break.
+In this last case, the installer will Throw an IllegalArgumentException in
+the compiler if the declared class name in the xml file differs in case from
+the founded class file.
+This panel welcomes the user by displaying the project name, the version, the
+URL as well as the authors.
+This panel welcomes the user also by displaying the project name, the
+version, the URL as well as the authors.
+Additonal on windows the registry will be scanned for an entry which
+determines that the product is already installed. If so, a dialog will be
+shown which ask whether to install a second version of the product or not. If
+you use this panel do not forget to add the `registry feature` into your
+InfoPanel and HTMLInfoPanel
+This is a kind of 'README' panel. It presents text of any length. The text is
+specified by the ``(HTML)InfoPanel.info`` resource. Starting from IzPack
+3.7.0, variables substitution is allowed.
+To add an image to the HTMLInfoPanel you simply need to add a ressource to
+your install.xml with an ID decided by you, then you can call this image by
+refering it by this same ID.
+In install.xml:
+    <resources>
+      <res src="logo.jpg" id="GHGHGH"/>
+      .....
+and in file.html:
+    <img src="GHGHGH" />
+LicencePanel and HTMLLicencePanel
+Note:* There is a mistake in the name - it should be LicensePanel. In France
+the word is Licence ... and one of my diploma is a 'Licence' so ...:* -)
+Adding images to HTMLLicencePanel works exactly the same way as with
+These panels can prompt the user to acknowledge a license agreement. They
+block unless the user selects the 'agree' option. To specify the license
+agreement text you have to use the `` (HTML)LicencePanel.licence`` resource.
+Allows the user to select the packs he wants to install.
+This is the same as above, but for each pack a different picture is shown to
+the user. The pictures are specified using the packImgId attribute for each
+pack in the installer XML. The initial image will be the image of the first
+pack that has a packImgId. The image is updated each time the user
+(de)selects a pack that has a packImgId. Of course it's up to you to specify
+an image for each pack in your installation with a unique packImgId. For
+instance if you have 2 packs ``core`` and ``documentation`` (in this order),
+and you assign both packs a packImgId that is identical to the pack's name
+then the resource for ``core`` will be ``core`` and the resource for
+``documentation`` will be ``documentation``. The initially shown image will
+be the resource ``core``. The supported image formats depend on what your
+client's JVM supports, but starting from J2SE 1.3, *GIF*, *JPEG* and *PNG*
+are supported.
+This panel allows the user to select the installation path. It can be
+customized with the following resources (they are text files containing the
+path) :
+-   ``TargetPanel.dir.f`` where f stands for the family (``mac, macosx,
+    windows, unix``)
+-   ``TargetPanel.dir`` : the directory name, instead of the software to
+    install name
+-   ``TargetPanel.dir.d`` where d is a "dynamic" name, as returned by the
+    JavaTM virtual machine. You should write the name in lowercase and
+    replace the spaces with underscores. For instance, you might want a
+    different setting for Solaris and GNU/Linux which are both Unix-like
+    systems. The resources would be ``TargetPanel.dir.sunos,
+    TargetPanel.dir.linux``. You should have a Unix-resource in case it
+    wouldn't work though.
+You should always have this one as it launches the installation process !
+A panel showing text parsed by the variable substitutor. The text can be
+specified through the ``XInfoPanel.info`` resource. This panel can be useful
+when you have to show information after the installation process is completed
+(for instance if the text contains the target path).
+A ending panel, able to write automated installer information. For details
+see the chapter on 'Advanced Features'.
+Same as ``FinishPanel``, but without the automated installer features. It is
+aimed at making the life easier for end-users who will never encounter the
+automated installer extra feature.
+This panel is used to create desktop shortcuts. For details on using the
+ShortcutPanel see the chapter 'Desktop Shortcuts'.
+This panel allows you to prompt the user for data. What the user is prompted
+for is specified using an XML file which is included as a resource to the
+This panel allows you to compile just installed Java sourcecode. The details
+for the compilation are specified using the resource
+``CompilePanel.Spec.xml``. The XML file has the following format:
+    <compilation>
+      <global>
+        <compiler>
+          <choice value="$JAVA_HOME/bin/javac" />
+          <choice value="jikes" />
+        </compiler>
+        <arguments>
+          <choice value="-O -g:none" />
+          <choice value="-O" />
+          <choice value="-g" />
+          <choice value="" />
+        </arguments>
+      </global>
+      <jobs>
+        <classpath add="$INSTALL_PATH/src/classes/" />
+        <job name="optional name">
+          <directory name="$INSTALL_PATH/src/classes/xyz" />
+        </job>
+        <job name="another job">
+          <packdepency name="some package name" />
+          <classpath sub="$INSTALL_PATH/" />
+          <directory name="$INSTALL_PATH/src/classes/abc" />
+          <file name="$INSTALL_PATH/some/file.java" />
+        </job>
+      </jobs>
+    </compilation>
+In theory, jobs can be nested but this has not been tested at all. A change
+to the classpath within a job only affects this job and nested jobs. The
+classpath should be specified before any files or directories.
+The user can change the compiler to use and choose from some default
+compilation options before compilation is started.
+.. image:: ./compilePanel.png
+    :alt: CompilePanel
+This panel allows you to execute arbitrary files after installation. The
+details for the compilation are specified using the resource
+The XML file has the following format:
+    <processing>
+      <job name="do xyz">
+        <os family="windows" />
+        <executefile name="$INSTALL_PATH/scripts/xyz.bat">
+          <arg>doit</arg><arg>$variable</arg>
+        </executefile>
+      </job>
+      <job name="do xyz">
+        <os family="unix" />
+        <executefile name="$INSTALL_PATH/scripts/xyz.sh">
+          <arg>doit</arg><arg>$variable</arg>
+        </executefile>
+      </job>
+    </processing>
+Each job may have an ``<os>`` attribute.
+``<executeclass>`` - Execute Java Classes
+It is also possible to execute Java classes from this panel. Here's what this
+feature author (Alex Bradley) says:
+> i've been able to work around my requirements by extending the
+``ProcessPanelWorker`` functionality to run user-specified classes. i've
+extended the DTD of the `` ProcessPanel.Spec.xml`` to include a new element:
+    <executeclass name="classname">
+    <args..../>
+    </executeclass>
+> i've also added a new sub-class of ``Processable`` called ``executeclass``.
+This will run a user-specified class in the context of the installer JVM with
+a single method :
+    run( AbstractUIProcessHandler handler, String[] args]);
+> It can do everything i need and more. In particular, it allows me to write
+a process extension and still be able to provide feedback to the user through
+the feedback panel, and to add new functionality to the installer, after its
+been built.
+To use the executeclass facility, you will need to create a jar file with
+your class and then add it to the installer with the `The Jar Merging
+``<executeForPack>`` - Only execute the job for certain packs
+This can be be used to run the job only if the pack is enabled. For example,
+the batch file will if either the ``Sources`` or ``Executables`` packs are
+selected at install time.
+    <processing>
+     <job name="List files">
+      <executeForPack name="Sources"/>
+      <executeForPack name="Executables"/>
+      <os family="windows" />
+      <executefile name="$INSTALL_PATH\batch\ListFiles.bat" />
+     </job>
+    </processing>
+``<logfiledir>`` - Output of the processPanel saved to a log
+New with version 3.7 is the possibility to tee output that is written to the
+ProcessPanel's textarea into an optional logfile. Using this feature is
+pretty much straightforward, you only have to add a line in
+``ProcessPanel.Spec.xml`` that will tell IzPack the location, where the
+logfile should be stored.
+Variable substitution is performed, so you can use ``$INSTALL_PATH`` as
+The name of the logfile is not (yet) configurable but should fit in most
+cases. It will be named
+    Install_V<$APP_VER>_<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>_<hh>-<mm>-<ss>_<RandomId>.log
+Here's an example:
+    <processing>
+      <logfiledir>$INSTALL_PATH</logfiledir>
+      <job name="do xyz">
+        <os family="windows" />
+        <executefile name="$INSTALL_PATH/scripts/xyz.bat">
+          <arg>doit</arg><arg>$variable</arg>
+        </executefile>
+    </processing>
+This will generate a logfile named e.g.
+``Install_V1.3_2004-11-08_19-22-20_43423.log`` located in ``$INSTALL_PATH``.
+``ProcessPanelWorker`` will write all output that is directed to ``stdout``
+and ``stderr`` to this file if ``ProcessPanel.Spec.xml`` contains the
+``logfiledir`` entry.
+Please note that this one file is used for storing the complete output of all
+jobs and not a file for each job that is run.
+This panel allows the user to select a JDK path. The variable JAVA_HOME does
+not point to a JDK, else to a JRE also the environment variable points to a
+JDK. This is not a bug, this is the behavior of the VM. But some products
+needs a JDK, for that this panel can be used. There is not only a selection
+of the path else a validation. The validation will be done with the file
+JDKPath/lib/tools.jar. If JAVA_HOME points to the VM which is placed in the
+JDK, the directory will be used as default (JAVA_HOME/..). If there is the
+    JDKPathPanel.skipIfValid
+defined with the value "yes", the panel will be skiped if the path is valid.
+Additional it is possible to make a version control. If one or both variables
+    JDKPathPanel.minVersion
+    JDKPathPanel.maxVersion
+are defined, only a JDK will be accepted which has a version in the range of
+it. The detection is a little bit pragmatically, therefor it is possible,
+that the detection can fail at some VMs. The values in the install.xml should
+be like
+    <variables>
+      <variable name="JDKPathPanel.minVersion" value="1.4.1" />
+      <variable name="JDKPathPanel.maxVersion" value="1.4.99" />
+      <variable name="JDKPathPanel.skipIfValid" value="yes" />
+    </variables>
+If all is valid, the panels isValidated method sets the variable
+    JDKPath
+to the chosen path. Be aware, this variable exist not until the JDKPanel was
+quitted once. At a secound activation, the default will be the last
+This panel will look at the local printers installed and propose a list box
+with all of them. Once chosen, the variable $SELECTED_PRINTER is set to the
+user choice.
+DataCheckPanel is not for inclusion in an actuall install, but is a debugging
+resource for developers writing custom panels or code to be included in
+It creates a list of all the variables in InstallData, their values and a
+list of all packs, indicating which are selected.
+This list is printed to the console and appears in a scrollable text area on
+the panel.
+Put the panel in wherever you want to see any variables in InstallData or a
+listing of the packs with a line like this in the <panels> section of
+<panel classname="DataCheckPanel" />
+It will automatically give you a full list of all the variables and packs
+whenever the panel is made active.
+This panel gives a summary of all shown panels. The best place for it is just
+infront of the InstallPanel. Normaly it contains a warning that this is the
+last panel before installation. The panel contains a scrollable HTML text
+area to display the summary. The informations are collected from each panel
+by calling the methods ``getSummaryCaption`` and ``getSummaryBody``.
+``getSummaryCaption`` is implemented in ``IzPanel`` with a panel name default
+text. ``getSummaryBody`` has to be implemented in all panels which should be
+presented in the summary. If the secound method is not implemented, no
+summary of this panel will be shown.
+Additional it is possible to `log the contents` of the summary panel into a
+HTML file.
+This Panel groups the pack together. A panel which displays the available
+*installGroups* found on the packs to allow the user to select a subset of
+the packs based on the pack *installGroups* attribute. This panel will be
+skipped if there are no pack elements with an *installGroups* attribute. For
+example ::
+        <installation version="1.0">
+           (...)
+            <panels>
+                (...)
+                <panel classname="InstallationGroupPanel"/>
+                <panel classname="PacksPanel"/>
+                (...)
+            </panels>
+            <packs>
+                <pack name="Base"
+                    installGroups="Group1"
+                    required="yes">
+                    (...)
+                </pack>
+                <pack name="Docs"
+                    installGroups="Group1,Group2"
+                    required="no">
+                    (...)
+                </pack>
+                <pack name="Sources"
+                    installGroups="Group3,Group2"
+                    required="no">
+                    (...)
+                </pack>
+            </packs>
+        </installation>
+In above example when InstallationGroupPanel is displayed,
+it contains three radios named Group1, Group2 and Group3. Depending
+on what user selects, the respective Packs will be displayed in
+PacksPanel. InstallationGroupPanel will look for a description
+corresponding to the key
+"InstallationGroupPanel.description.Group2" etc in installation
+langpacks and variables and displays this description for each of
+the Group_i.
+You may also define a sortKey in the variables section of the installer.xml
+to define an alternative sorting. The default sorting is based on the Group
+Here is an example for alternative sorting of groups: ::
+        (...)
+        <variables>
+           (...)
+            <variable
+            name="InstallationGroupPanel.sortKey.Group2" value="A"/>
+            <variable
+            name="InstallationGroupPanel.sortKey.Group1" value="B"/>
+            <variable
+            name="InstallationGroupPanel.sortKey.Group3" value="C"/>
+        </variables>
+        (...)
+By default, your group name (and description) are displayed as-is in the
+installer. If you want them to be localized, add localized names to your
+``packsLang.xml`` resources. The string ID has to be 
+Here is an example to localize groups into French (these lines have to be put
+in your ``packsLang.xml_fra`` resource) :
+<str id="InstallationGroupPanel.group.Core" txt="Noyau de l'application" />
+<str id="InstallationGroupPanel.description.Core" txt="Fichiers principaux, indispensables au fonctionnement de l'application" />
+<str id="InstallationGroupPanel.group.Samples" txt="Fichiers d'exemple" />
+<str id="InstallationGroupPanel.description.Samples" txt="Fichiers d'exemples" />
+If you want to add html markup to those strings, add ``.html`` at the end
+of the string id (after the group name).

Modified: izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/pdf-version.txt
--- izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/pdf-version.txt	2008-01-13 13:37:46 UTC (rev 1982)
+++ izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/pdf-version.txt	2008-01-13 13:59:16 UTC (rev 1983)
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 .. include:: introduction.txt
 .. include:: getting-started.txt
 .. include:: installation-files.txt
+.. include:: panels.txt
 .. include:: advanced-features.txt
 .. include:: desktop-shortcuts.txt
 .. include:: creating-panels.txt

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