[izpack-changes] r2002 - izpack-src/trunk/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/util

noreply at berlios.de noreply at berlios.de
Thu Jan 24 20:16:53 CET 2008

Author: jgordon
Date: 2008-01-24 20:16:48 +0100 (Thu, 24 Jan 2008)
New Revision: 2002

Validates keystore and/or key access using password field

Added: izpack-src/trunk/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/util/PasswordKeystoreValidator.java
--- izpack-src/trunk/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/util/PasswordKeystoreValidator.java	2008-01-24 19:14:29 UTC (rev 2001)
+++ izpack-src/trunk/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/util/PasswordKeystoreValidator.java	2008-01-24 19:16:48 UTC (rev 2002)
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+ * IzPack - Copyright 2001-2007 Julien Ponge, All Rights Reserved.
+ * 
+ * https://izpack.github.io/
+ * http://developer.berlios.de/projects/izpack/
+ * 
+ * Copyright 2003 Elmar Grom
+ * 
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *     
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package com.izforge.izpack.util;
+import com.izforge.izpack.installer.InstallData;
+import com.izforge.izpack.panels.PasswordGroup;
+import com.izforge.izpack.panels.ProcessingClient;
+import com.izforge.izpack.panels.Validator;
+import java.io.FileInputStream;
+import java.security.KeyStore;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Map;
+ * This class based on a simple validator for passwords to demonstrate
+ * the implementation of a password validator that cooperates with the
+ * password field in the <code>UserInputPanel</code>. Additional validation may
+ * be done by utilizing the params added to the password field.
+ *
+ * @author   Elmar Grom
+ * @author   Jeff Gordon
+ */
+public class PasswordKeystoreValidator implements Validator {
+  /**PasswordKeystoreValidator
+   * Validates the ability to open a keystore based on the password and 
+   * parameters provided. Must specify parameter 'keystoreFile', and optionally
+   * 'keystoreType' (defaults to JKS), 'keystoreAlias' (to check for existence of a key),
+   * and 'aliasPassword' (for trying to retrieve the key).
+   * An additional parameter 'skipValidation' can be set to 'true' in a checkbox and
+   * allow the validator framework to run, but not actually do the validation.
+   * 
+   * Optionally checking the key password of multiple keys within a keystore
+   * requires the keystore password (if different from the key password) be set
+   * in the keystorePassword parameter.
+   * 
+   * @param     client   the client object using the services of this validator.
+   *
+   * @return    <code>true</code> if the validation passes, otherwise <code>false</code>.
+   */
+  public boolean validate(ProcessingClient client) {
+    boolean returnValue = false;
+    String keystorePassword = null;
+    String keystoreFile = null;
+    String keystoreType = "JKS";
+    String skipValidation = null;
+    String alias = null;
+    String aliasPassword = null;
+    Map params = getParams(client);
+    try {
+      if (params!=null) {
+        // Don't try and open the keystore if skipValidation is true
+        skipValidation = (String)params.get("skipValidation");
+        System.out.println("skipValidation = "+skipValidation);
+        if (skipValidation!=null && skipValidation.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
+          System.out.println("Not validating keystore");
+          return true;
+        }
+        // See if keystore password is passed in or is passed through the validator
+        keystorePassword = (String)params.get("keystorePassword");
+        if (keystorePassword==null) {
+          keystorePassword = getPassword(client);
+          System.out.println("keystorePassword parameter null, using validator password for keystore");
+        } else if (keystorePassword.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
+          keystorePassword = getPassword(client);
+          System.out.println("keystorePassword parameter empty, using validator password for keystore");
+        }
+        // See if alias (key) password is passed in or is passed through the validator
+        aliasPassword = (String)params.get("aliasPassword");
+        if (aliasPassword==null) {
+          aliasPassword = getPassword(client);
+          System.out.println("aliasPassword parameter null, using validator password for key");
+        } else if (aliasPassword.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
+          aliasPassword = getPassword(client);
+          System.out.println("aliasPassword parameter empty, using validator password for key");
+        }
+        // Get keystore type from parameters or use default
+        keystoreType = (String)params.get("keystoreType");
+        if (keystoreFile==null) {
+          keystoreType = "JKS";
+          System.out.println("keystoreType parameter null, using default of JKS");
+        } else if (keystorePassword.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
+          keystoreType = "JKS";
+          System.out.println("keystoreType parameter empty, using default of JKS");
+        }
+        // Get keystore location from params
+        keystoreFile = (String)params.get("keystoreFile");
+        if (keystoreFile!=null) {
+          System.out.println("Attempting to open keystore: "+keystoreFile);
+          KeyStore ks = getKeyStore(keystoreFile, keystoreType, keystorePassword.toCharArray());
+          if (ks!=null) {
+            returnValue = true;
+            System.out.println("keystore password validated");
+            // check alias if provided
+            alias = (String)params.get("keystoreAlias");
+            if (alias!=null) {
+              returnValue = ks.containsAlias(alias);
+              if (returnValue) {
+                System.out.println("keystore alias '"+alias+"' found, trying to retrieve");
+                try {
+                  ks.getKey(alias, aliasPassword.toCharArray());
+                  System.out.println("keystore alias '"+alias+"' validated");
+                } catch (Exception e) {
+                  System.out.println("keystore alias validation failed: "+e);
+                  returnValue = false;
+                }
+              } else {
+                System.out.println("keystore alias '"+alias+"' not found");
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        } else {
+          System.out.println("keystoreFile param not provided");
+        }
+      } else {
+        System.out.println("params not provided");
+      }
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+      System.out.println("validate() Failed: "+e);
+    }
+    return (returnValue);
+  }
+  private Map getParams(ProcessingClient client) {
+    Map returnValue = null;
+    PasswordGroup group = null;
+    InstallData idata = getIdata(client);
+    VariableSubstitutor vs = new VariableSubstitutor(idata.getVariables());
+    try {
+      group = (PasswordGroup)client;
+      if (group.hasParams()) {
+        Map params = group.getValidatorParams();
+        returnValue = new HashMap();
+        Iterator keys = params.keySet().iterator();
+        while (keys.hasNext()) {
+          String key = (String)keys.next();
+          // Feed parameter values through vs
+          String value = vs.substitute((String)params.get(key), null);
+          // System.out.println("Adding local parameter: "+key+"="+value);
+          returnValue.put(key, value);
+        }
+      }
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+      System.out.println("getParams() Failed: "+e);
+    }
+    return returnValue;
+  }
+  private InstallData getIdata(ProcessingClient client) {
+    PasswordGroup group = null;
+    InstallData idata = null;
+    try {
+      group = (PasswordGroup)client;
+      idata = group.getIdata();
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+      System.out.println("getIdata() Failed: "+e);
+    }
+    return idata;
+  }
+  private String getPassword(ProcessingClient client) {
+    // ----------------------------------------------------
+    // We assume that if there is more than one field an equality validation
+    // was already performed.
+    // ----------------------------------------------------
+    return client.getFieldContents(0);
+  }
+  public static KeyStore getKeyStore(String fileName, String type, char[] password) {
+    KeyStore ks = null;
+    try {
+      ks = KeyStore.getInstance(type);
+      ks.load(new FileInputStream(fileName), password);
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+      System.out.println("getKeyStore() Failed: "+e);
+      ks = null;
+    }
+    return ks;
+  }

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