[izpack-devel] Patch for embedding panel configuration in the single install.xml

Sylvain RIBEYRON sylvain at alveole-studio.com
Sun Aug 20 11:11:39 CEST 2006

Hi all.

As I'm not a submitter, I send you this patch to enable IzPack to easily 
contain Panel configurations in the single Install.xml.

As an example, users will now be able to directly declare all fields of 
their UserInput panels, just inside the <panel> tag, in their single 
install.xml file. For example, here is an extract of my install.xml:

        <panel classname="InfoPanel"/>
        <panel classname="LicencePanel"/>
        <panel classname="TargetPanel"/>
        <panel classname="PacksPanel"/>
        <panel classname="UserInputPanel">
            <field type="title" txt="My panel title"/>
            <field type="divider"/>
            <field type="text" variable="a_field">
                <description align="left" txt="A field to fill"/>
                <spec txt="Field" size="50"/>

Changes are simple:
- Panel class now contains an XMLElement named panelConfiguation. This 
XMLElement is the <panel> tag that declares the panel in the install.xml 
- All IzPanel constructors now need a third argument: the panel. This 
third argument is stored in IsPanel as "panel" member. It may be used by 
any sub-class to read specific configuration.
- All methods of interface AutomatedInstaller also need a Panel argument.

I also changed UserInputPanel so that it checks if configuration is 
available as embeded, or as a resource file.

Here is a patch, based upon a 3.8.1 version of IzPack.

I home my contribution will help.


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