[izpack-devel] Discussion about logging continued

Marc Eppelmann marc.eppelmann at gmx.de
Mon Aug 28 20:52:54 CEST 2006

Ok, let me resume:

At first: There are too different conceivabilities about to write our own or 
which logging framework should be used.
So it must be userdefined configurable. Any ideas?

The Second: The reason to embedd logging is simple. The IzPack Install User 
wants to see what has been done by the Installer. And if there is an 
unexpected error or a strange behavior he/she can look in the logfile and 
should find the reason and maybe the solution. i.e. Wrong or too old JVM. Or 
to less diskspace during installation - if there is another diskspace-eating 
process running on the same machine and so on...

To be more precise. 
I have implemented an island solution for our IzPack-Branch with Log4J which 
is embedded in our IzPack-Setup, which logs the performed steps. Here is a 
extract: A sample shows more than lengthy explanations...

2006-08-23 22:35:02,078 INFO  [main] installer.info        - load installation 
2006-08-23 22:35:02,546 INFO  [main] installer.info        - set default 
installation path
2006-08-23 22:35:02,546 INFO  [main] installer.info        - default: 'C:
\Program Files\FIT\WCM'
2006-08-23 22:35:02,546 INFO  [main] installer.info        - verbose:false
2006-08-23 22:35:02,546 INFO  [main] installer.info        - debug:false
2006-08-23 22:35:02,546 INFO  [main] installer.info        - Used Environment:
{ minjava=1.4.2, SERVER_HOST=vmmepw2k3eeng, XInfo.AppendPackNames=yes, 
TOMCAT_HOME=tomcat, SetupUserName=Administrator, 
SelectFolderPanel.skipPack=Tomcat, FILE_SEPARATOR=\,  currentyear=2006, 
appbuild=, SetupOsArch=x86, TargetPanel.skipPack=Tomcat, debug=false, 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\j2re1.4.2_12\bin;.;C:
, appversion=3.1,... }
2006-08-23 22:35:02,546 INFO  [main] installer.info        - done( load 
installation data )
2006-08-23 22:35:02,562 INFO  [main] installer.info        - Sets up the GUI 
2006-08-23 22:35:03,062 INFO  [main] installer.info        - done( Sets up the 
2006-08-23 22:35:14,156 INFO  [main] installer.info        - done( 
InstallerFrame.Builds the GUI )
2006-08-23 22:35:14,156 INFO  [main] installer.info        - 
InstallerFrame.show the frame
2006-08-23 22:35:14,250 INFO  [main] installer.info        - done( 
InstallerFrame.show the frame )
2006-08-23 22:35:14,250 INFO  [main] installer.info        - done( launch the 
installer GUI)
2006-08-23 22:39:01,093 INFO  [IzPack - Unpacker thread] 
installer.info        - unpack Pack No: 1 (Tomcat)
2006-08-23 22:39:01,203 INFO  [IzPack - Unpacker thread] 
installer.info        - wrote 11558 Bytes of File: C:\Program Files 
2006-08-23 22:39:01,203 INFO  [IzPack - Unpacker thread] 
installer.info        - wrote 516 Bytes of File: C:\Program Files 
2006-08-23 23:22:11,875 INFO  [AWT-EventQueue-0] installer.info        - 
InstallerFrame.exit(0): successfully installed

Any Comments ?


Am Montag, 28. August 2006 18:17 schrieb Elmar Grom:
> Hi folks,
> generally it is not a bad idea to use 3rd party libraries, particularly if
> the issue to be solved would require a large amount of work. However, in my
> experience one should exercises some caution and aim to strike a balance.
> If there are too many dependencies on other libraries, that can become a
> problem in itself.
> I am not quite sure what we want to log, but I cannot imagine that a
> logging facility is a big project. At least not if it doesn't have to be
> general purpose. Not seeing the big gain, my vote goes toward implementing
> our own solution.
> 	Elmar

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