[izpack-devel] Patch 2/6: "loose"-function to work with relative paths

Markus Schlegel markus.schlegel at pulinco.com
Thu Dec 7 19:23:29 CET 2006

The "loose"-Option of Packs worked with absolute file path's, while the
Dokumentation stated, that one should take care of the relative file
path's. I have now included a fix, that stores only the relative
filepath in the serialized data and which restores the filepath at
Installationtime based on the location of the jar-file (and if that
fails the current working directory) and the provided relative path of
the PackFile. With this fix, I am now able to define a privately bundled
JRE as "loose" and provide it with the installer-executable (Launch4j)
on a CD. Clients without a preinstalled JRE use this bundled JRE to
start the installer and the Installer will then copy the JRE into the
I can hardly imagine a usecase, where the absolute path to the file at
packaging time should also be used at installation time. So I guess the
old behavior is just a bug. If not, we should discuss how the
"loose"-feature should work.
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