[izpack-devel] I have a problem in executing a *.bat file

Klaus Bartz bartzkau at gmx.net
Tue Dec 19 20:49:52 CET 2006

Hi Vali (?)
normaly the simplest way is to use <executable> with
$INSTALL_PATH. You have done it. May be something is wrong in
the dclaration, serfore please send your installatn description file
(often called install.xml)



Am 18.12.2006, 17:32 Uhr, schrieb vali254 <vali254 at yahoo.com>:

> Hi!
> I am new at IzPack (3.9.0 version ) and I would appriciate if you could  
> help
> me in the following problem.
> I want to execute a *.bat file postinstall. The *.bat file contains
> different variables, wich after the parsing they are all correctly  
> replaced.
> But when the installer tries to execute the *.bat file I receive an error
> (process execution failed).
> The problem I observed is that when I try to execute the file from where  
> it
> was installed, there is no error, it runs corectly. But the installer is
> trying to execute the file from the path where is the installer.
> For example, the instaler is placed in D:\INSTALLER and the installed
> program is placed in C:\TEST.
> Well the *.bat is executed like:
> D:\INSTALLER> java –classpath C:\TEST\something.jar; name_of_java_file  
> var1
> var2 …. varn
> I have tried to execute the file using the <executable> command from
> install.xml ( <executable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH\name_of_bat_file.bat"
> failure="warn" stage="postinstall"/>) and the <executefile> command form
> ProcessPanel.Spec.xml (<executefile
> name="$INSTALL_PATH\name_of_bat_file.bat"/>), but neither of the chioces
> worked. In both cases I receive the same error.
> So this is my problem and it seems I am doing something wrong, but I  
> can't
> see where. If you think you would need more details don’t hesitate to  
> tell
> me and thank you for your time and help.

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