[izpack-devel] Problems with VM 1.5

Bartz, Klaus Klaus.Bartz at coi.de
Fri Jun 23 08:45:25 CEST 2006

Hi Elmar, hi all,
>there is nothing attached, I suppose the mailing list strips off
there was no attach at my last EMail :-)
I would wait until tests are ended. But now the sources of it attached.>

>The fact that it does not just crash always or never, but just sometimes it
>really strange. I wonder if it might have something to do with the dead

A year ago I have also made some tests. At that time I played with waiting
a little bit more on the free thread. But also crashes. Therefore I have
used an other way now. There is also a wait in the child process. This
is critical, I know. But as Chat has written in his code, how to determine the exit
of the parent process? 

>Perhaps a more realistic test would be to implement the test 
>loop in a batch
>file, so that the VM actually exits before you start the next test.
Of course. That's what I have done.

>If all else fails we still have the option of not deleting the DLL. That's a
>bit dirty and I don't really like it, which is why I spent so much time back
>then to come up with a solution for this problem. 

I agree. Really nice trick what you have implemented.

>Still, it is much better
>than crashing and it would not be any worse than many other applications
>that clog up the temp directory with their garbage (though I did not want to
>be part of that crowd).


My test results are:

On my box ( Windows 2k, 2 GHz, 1.5 GB RAM) it crashes with
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_06-b05 mixed mode, sharing)
100% (1000 of 1000)
with Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_01-b08 mixed mode)
~4% (39 of 1000)

Tests with a changed handling of the native part in IzPack (removes the dll
in a child process after waiting some time that the parent process can exit;
Librarien.java rev. 1448 and LibraryRemover.java rev. 1449)
where made 1000 * with each VM:
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_06-b05 mixed mode, sharing)
0% (0 of 1000)
with Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_01-b08 mixed mode)
0% (0 of 1000)



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