[izpack-devel] Regular vs. Registry Enabled

Andy Gombos agombos at alltel.net
Wed Mar 8 02:01:44 CET 2006

At least under XP, sc.exe will allow you to manage, query, etc. services.
Wrapped up in a little parsing class that could handle whatever *nix does (I
don't know if there's a defined central registry for stuff like that across
distributions or types of *nix) and services/daemons could be cross platform
without any native code.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: izpack-devel-admin at berlios.de 
> [mailto:izpack-devel-admin at berlios.de] On Behalf Of miraodb
> Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 5:22 PM
> To: izpack-devel at berlios.de
> Subject: Re: [izpack-devel] Regular vs. Registry Enabled
> Hi klaus,
> >More dynamic can be the ussage of the class 
> RegistryDefaultHandler; an 
> >example  in CheckedHelloPanel.
> Right, tried that one and worked perfectly.
> > It is possible to manage NT Services via the registry, but 
> it is not 
> > the best way.
> > The NT Service Control Manager uses the registry as data base. But 
> > changes will be valid only after reboot.
> > The documented way is via NT Service Control Manager e.g. 
> > OpenSCManager, CreateService and so on. The problem is, that a C 
> > program (or a JNI DLL) will be needed.
> > If you use the registry, e.g. one question is how to delete 
> a running 
> > service at uninstall time?
> Once again, this is so true !
> I did try many times to work around those services issues but 
> couldn't end up with anything else good than a C++ program. I 
> did create an exe for that matter as well as one for killing 
> processes depending on their children and parents.
> I can tell you one thing though, that wasn't the most 
> enjoyable thing to do ! I simply hate that microsoft service api...
> Anyhow, just a matter of taste....
> BTW, it's good to se you again ! Wishing you the best man !
> Cheers,
> fabrice
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