[izpack-devel] Compilation Error Found

Miraodb miraodb at hotmail.com
Mon May 15 12:18:32 CEST 2006

Hi guyz,

I have a question, i checked the versions and found out that
compilerconfig.java changed as follows:

if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("-HOME"))
                stdArgsIndex = 2;
                home = args[1];
                stdArgsIndex = 0;
                String izHome = System.getProperty("IZPACK_HOME");
                if (izHome != null) home = izHome;

String izHome = System.getProperty("IZPACK_HOME");
      if (izHome != null) home = izHome;

now, my question is, is there a reason for that ? Was that part of the IDEA
automatic changes ?
I can't recall anything done like that in a long time.

Please any ideas on that are welcome before i start refactoring the code.


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