[izpack-devel] Implementation for conditions in izpack

Bartz, Klaus Klaus.Bartz at coi.de
Thu Nov 9 15:15:02 CET 2006

Hi Dennis,
welcome in the IzPack team.
I hope we can have some good discussion about IzPack in the
I think conditions can be a good thing. Hope it do not 
interfere with the stuff Fabrice has announced some time ago.

The right branch for it is trunk, not 3.9 I think. Do you agree?
I am enquiring about the implementation. 
Hope it is baseline at IzPanel level and will therefore also work
with custom panels without impl anything. 
May be I can it also use (and impl) for custom actions.

Will be nice if a DTD exist in %IZ_HOME%\src\dtd. 
Also an adapted docu :-)
But first things first...



>-----Original Message-----
>From: izpack-devel-bounces at lists.berlios.de
>[mailto:izpack-devel-bounces at lists.berlios.de]On Behalf Of Dennis Reil
>Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 8:49 AM
>To: izpack-devel at lists.berlios.de
>Subject: [izpack-devel] Implementation for conditions in izpack
>As mentioned, some time ago, I implemented an extension which adds the
>possibility of defining conditions for the izpack installer. These
>conditions can be used e.g. to only show panels for which 
>conditions are
>met. Conditions can be currently defined based on pack selections,
>variables and Java field values. The boolean conditions and, 
>or, xor and
>not are also possible to create more complex conditions.
>These conditions can be used to specify which panel are shown, which
>packs can be installed and which variables should be set. I also
>extended UserInputPanel so that conditions could be used to show fields
>on a panel.
>Conditions are currently defined in a resource file. An example
>conditions.xml could look like:
><?xml version="1.0" ?>
>	<condition type="variable" id="notwarfilesetup">
>		<name>izpack.setuptype</name>
>		<value>standard</value>
>	</condition>
>        <condition type="packselection" id="demoprojectsselected">
>                <packid>pack.demo.projects</packid>
>        </condition>
>        <panelcondition panelid="jvmpanel"  
>                  conditionid="notwarfilesetup"/>
>        <panelcondition panelid="projects.settings"
>                  conditionid="demoprojectsselected" />
>	<packcondition packid="pack.appserver.tomcat"
>                 conditionid="notwarfilesetup" />
>This spec has two conditions, one based on a variable value
>(notwarfilesetup) and one based on a pack selection. Based on this
>conditions two panelconditions and one packcondition is defined. This
>means, that jvmpanel is only shown if notwarfilesetup validates true
>which means, that the variable with name izpack.setuptype has to be
>standard. The pack (pack.appserver.tomcat) will only be available for
>installation if condition notwarfilesetup validates true.
>If you find this useful, I would create the appropriate patches to
>integrate it in izpack. New types of conditions can easily be added by
>subclassing an abstract condition base class. As the rules engine loads
>conditions by reflections, a new type can easily be used in the spec
>For sure, there are many more places in izpack, where conditions can be
>useful (e.g. pack definition, executables, parsables).
>Do you find this useful?
>   Dennis
>izpack-devel mailing list
>izpack-devel at lists.berlios.de

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