[izpack-devel] patch: use intance number to customize strings

Stefan Wachter stefan.wachter at gmx.de
Thu Nov 16 14:52:40 CET 2006

Hi all,

I have several UserInputPanels that should have different headlines. I looked into the code and 
recognized that only a single headline can be configured that is used for all UserInputPanels. 
Therefore I patched the getI18nStringForClass(String subkey) method in the IzPanel class to consider 
instance numbers and added the method getInstanceNumber() with a default implementation that returns -1:

// start code

public String getI18nStringForClass(String subkey)
     String retval = null;
     Class clazz = this.getClass();
     while (retval == null && !clazz.getName().endsWith(".IzPanel"))
         int instanceNumber = getInstanceNumber();
         if (instanceNumber != -1) {
             retval = getI18nStringForClass(clazz.getName(), subkey + "." + instanceNumber, null);
             if (retval != null) return retval;
         retval = getI18nStringForClass(clazz.getName(), subkey, null);
         clazz = clazz.getSuperclass();
     return (retval);

protected int getInstanceNumber() { return -1; }

// end code

In order to make use of this new flexibility, I overloaded the getInstanceNumber() method in the 
UserInputPanel class returning the instance number of the UserInputPanel:

// start code

protected int getInstanceNumber() { return instanceNumber; }

// end code

Now different headlines can be configured for the various UserInputPanels. For example:

   <str id="UserInputPanel.headline.0" txt="Rechnername und Port"/>
   <str id="UserInputPanel.headline.1" txt="Shortcuts"/>
   <str id="UserInputPanel.headline.2" txt="PolFHa-Server starten"/>

Is this code of public interest? Will someone integrate it into IzPack?


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