[izpack-devel] condition aware UserInputPanel

Dennis Reil Dennis.Reil at reddot.de
Tue Nov 28 14:26:45 CET 2006

> can you please show how conditions.xml must be declared in the resources section.
Documentation will follow soon. For now:

Define a resource
<res id="conditions.xml" src="<PATH TO CONDITIONS-SPECIFICATION>" />		

in the xml, you have to specify the conditions like the following:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
	<condition type="variable" id="warfilesetup">
	<condition type="not" id="notwarfilesetup">
		<condition type="ref" refid="warfilesetup" />	
	<condition type="not" id="notrdbsetup">
		<condition type="variable">

Additionally, add some panelconditions after the condition-elements:
<panelcondition panelid="installdirpanel"
	<panelcondition panelid="jvmpanel" conditionid="notwarfilesetup"/>

To use the conditions in UserInputpanel, you just have to use the
attribute conditionid of a field-element in the spec for userinput
panels. The conditionid is just a reference to the id of a condition

Is this enough as an answer to your question?


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