[izpack-devel] Null pointer exception when using custom action

Dennis Reil Dennis.Reil at reddot.de
Mon Sep 4 15:39:14 CEST 2006


I just discovered a null pointer exception in Unpacker. I created a
custom action which tries to detect in beforePacks()-method if all
selected packs have to be installed. If there's an already installed
pack, the custom action removes it from the list. This causes a null
pointer in the for-loop in Unpacker.run() cause the variables packs and
npack are initialized just before calling informListener()-method and
are never updated before using them after informListener().

To fix the problem, the following lines 

packs = idata.selectedPacks;
npacks = packs.size();

have to be added after:
List packs = idata.selectedPacks;
int npacks = packs.size();
handler.startAction("Unpacking", npacks);
udata = UninstallData.getInstance();
// Custom action listener stuff --- load listeners ----
List[] customActions = getCustomActions();
// Custom action listener stuff --- beforePacks ----
informListeners(customActions, InstallerListener.BEFORE_PACKS, idata,
new Integer(npacks), handler);

Attached, you'll find a patch file which does this.


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