[izpack-devel] Documentation patches &

Markus Schlegel schlm3 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 26 09:30:52 CEST 2007

I also would welcome, that everyone could at least add comments to the
official documentation directly.
I really like the way  Wikipedia and similar projects work, I vote for
an open way to edit at least the documentation.
This would free resources of the "commit"-members and I am sure it would
increase documentation quality.

Maybe it would already be ok, if the Documentation-branch of the SVN would
be writable for all.


2007/4/25, Scott Plante <splante at insightsys.com>:
> Hi All,
> I made the mistake of updating the XML files before being told they're
> no longer being used, and that the HTML files are the ones to update.
> Doesn't it make sense to go ahead and 'svn rm' the unused XML help files?
> On the wiki subject, I don't know if that would help much if you still
> limit the people who can update it as you do with the svn. You could
> just update the web from the svn automatically on a regular basis. If
> you did do the wiki, perhaps it would make sense to do as PostgreSQL
> does with their web docs: some can update the actual docs, but all can
> add comments at the bottom of each page. They post each version's docs
> and you can view them online with or without comments, or download a
> PDF. I've added comments before, but I don't know how they do their main
> updates. I'd guess they use some open source system, but it's not
> immediately obvious what that is. It seems like a good system, but I
> don't know how difficult it is to set up.
> By the way, I submitted the attached patch to node9.html a couple of
> months ago and it doesn't look like it ever got applied. If it got
> overlooked, I understand how that can happen. If there's a problem with
> it, I'd like to get some feedback as to why it wasn't correct or suitable.
> Scott
> See: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/manuals/
> P.S. Patch created with 'svn diff -r HEAD node9.html
> >/tmp/node9.html.patch'
> Please let me know if that isn't the best way to submit them.
> P.S.S. Thanks for the new izpack.org domain--it's a great thing for the
> community.
> --
> Scott Plante, CTO
> Insight Systems, Inc.
> (+1) 404 873 0058 x104
> splante at insightsys.com
> http://zyross.com
> Loic wrote:
> > Hi Klaus (& list),
> >
> > As promised, attached are the patches for the documentation, related
> > to my patch on shortcutspecs posted yesterday.
> > I am no expert in docbook so I updated both xml and html files. Maybe
> > you'll want to use the xml file to regenereate the html one instead of
> > patching it ?
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Loïc
> > P.S. : switching this thread to izpack-devel as the patches seem to be
> > best suited here than on izpack-users. Sorry for cross-posting the
> > patch to both lists yesterday, but I felt I needed to close my
> > question from the day before there.
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