[izpack-devel] fix: Required packages are not in grey in the package selection page (Linux) (Ignore the previous patch)

Vladimir Ralev vralev at redhat.com
Wed Jan 3 16:57:58 CET 2007

I modified the code a bit more so the icons now look more like windows 
checkbox icons (still not the same). I think these more windows-like 
icons would be better. The code also eliminates a small flick effect in 
Linux. And screenshot attached. Let me know.

Vladimir Ralev wrote:
> Another Linux-specific problem. The default Look and Feel in most 
> linux distros doesn't grey out the checkbox icons with 
> setEnabled(false). Only the associated text is grey, but we don't have 
> any, so there is no way to tell, which is enabled or disabled.
> You can see a screenshot here: 
> http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBINSTALL-168
> I added owner-draw checkboxes, they are not as cool as the windows xp 
> checkboxes, but are similar and will work fine. Let me know what you 
> think. You can see a screenshot of the new LookAndFeel-independent 
> checkboxes in the attached newcheckboxes.JPG. They look identical on 
> all platforms.

Vladimir Ralev, JBoss/RedHat

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