[izpack-devel] Re : Re : Re : [izpack-users] Re : Tr : Localizingshortcuts

Julien Ponge julien.ponge at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 00:22:23 CEST 2007

Hi Loic,

> I noted that the "shortcut localization" patch we had set up with Klaus at
> the end of april (see messages below) doesn't seem to have been included in
> the release (though Klaus had checked it into the trunk two weeks before the
> release, and that it stills appear correctly in the SVN version - and works
> as expected if I compile my own standalone-comipler.jar).

What you have in a release is just an export from SVN, so if Klaus had
commited it, it must be in the code.

> I also noted that the documentation in the release hasn't been updated
> either (which is coherent with the patch not being included), but the svn
> documentation has not been updated either. Maybe you'll want to commit the
> patch I sent you so that the feature is properly documented.

I am in the (lengthy) process of converting the documentation to a
nicer format. As soon as it is finished, I will call for reviews to
rework and fix the documentation which is clearly outdated on many

> Is 3.10.3 planned already ?

I'm not feeling like releasing such a maintainance release because of
time (I have started writing my phd thesis). The next one will rather
be a 3.11.0. October may be a good time for the release.

For the patch that was not added, you should see with Fabrice, but I
guess he is very busy as well ;-)


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