[izpack-devel] Custom Actions NPE, patch

Scott Plante splante at insightsys.com
Thu Mar 8 10:45:51 CET 2007

Klaus wrote:
> ?? What is the listener name?? Do you mean the name of the jar file?
Well, yes, the jar file too, but I was talking about the name you put in 
the compiler or installer attribute in the izpack.xml file, and the name 
attribute to the build-installer-listener  tag in the izpack build.xml 
> Yes this have to be the same. This is not only for the listener else
> also for panels. It is something since many years (never seen IzPack
> other), therefore we do not remember it at the first step.
> May be about that I have not verified this in the compiler code.
> To do it is a good way to reduce errors, therefor I will put it 
> into trunk.
> Cheers
> Klaus
Thanks Klaus!

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