[izpack-users] Getting value of env variable

Hans Aikema aikebah at aikebah.net
Sat Apr 29 14:49:35 CEST 2006


As JAVA_HOME is supposed to be used to determine where your Java 
Installation directory resides I'm fairly sure that you should not have 
an application installation which writes files to that location UNLESS 
you're installing a Java runtime environment (in which case your 
installation folder should be the JAVA_HOME). So you might want to 
reconsider trying to do this since you're putting your application files 
in a directory which is meant to only contain your Java Runtime environment.

However, you can use environment variables in your installer. Refer to 
the Izpack documentation installed with Izpack 
(doc/izpack/xhtml/index.html in your Izpack installation folder).

Hans Aikema

Wiktor Gwara wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am new to using the IzPack installer but it seems like a great tool. 
> I am wondering whether it is possible to get a value of one of the 
> environment variables say e.g. JAVA_HOME. If it is possible does it 
> work in the same way for Unix and Windows?
> I need to copy a file to this location during installation in order 
> for the application to work.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Wiktor

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