[izpack-users] batchfile not invoked after installation

Bartz, Klaus Klaus.Bartz at coi.de
Tue Aug 22 09:11:30 CEST 2006

Hi Mika,
>The paths are valid!
Really? Also from an exec started from java?

May be the cmd created by the installation has an other current
dir as a cmd where you go into the dir and call then the batch.
To test it, write
dir/w > c:\temp\myTest.log
in your batch and look where you are with the batch.

In my batch and shell scripts I use an absolute path using
IzPack variables which I declare as parseable; e.g.


for you may be it should be

Attention: then you need three entries for the file:

in a file or fileset to install
parseable to revise variables
executeable to execute

If you start the installation from a cmd and define
before -jar like

java -DTRACE=TRUE -jar install.jar

you get some trace informations mainly for executable.



>-----Original Message-----
>From: izpack-users-bounces at lists.berlios.de
>[mailto:izpack-users-bounces at lists.berlios.de]On Behalf Of mika
>Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 8:11 AM
>To: izpack-users at lists.berlios.de
>Subject: Re: [izpack-users] batchfile not invoked after installation
>I'll post some additional information.
>The TAR.GZ is intended to be extracted via the javatar-2.5 
>package, which contains a tar.jar. This tar.jar is used to 
>extract these tar.gz file.
>Therefor I've created a batch file with following content:
>@echo off
>set JAVA_HOME=..\..\..\shared\jdk\jre
>java com.ice.tar.tar -xzf asa.tar.gz
>As you can see, the javatar-2.5 content is in an subfolder 
>"native" which contains two more folders "jars" and "classes". 
>In the classes directory are the class files and in the jars 
>directory the jars :-).
>The paths are valid!
>As written before the tar.gz is being extracted when I invoke 
>the batch file myself. But not after installation has finished...
>Thanks, mika
>> Good morning,
>> there is a problem in invoking a batch file after the 
>installation has
>> finished.
>> In one pack-section is an executable-tag but this is not 
>being invoked
>> after the installation has finished.
>> Or is there another way, because this batch file should be executed
>> before the shortcuts are being created. The batch file is used to
>> extract an tar.gz-archive. In the extracted archive are some 
>more batch
>> files.
>> For one of these batch files a shortcut has to be created...
>> While installing an prompt "continue" with options yes/no 
>occurs. I've
>> clicked on "yes" but nothing happened. The paths are also 
>exact, because > if I invoke the batch after installation has 
>finished, it does its
>> work...
>> Is there another way for invoking this file?
>> Thanks,
>> mika
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