[izpack-users] no shortcuts created using automated installscript

Marc Eppelmann marc.eppelmann at gmx.de
Thu Aug 24 21:04:41 CEST 2006

Hi Mika,
I'm sorry, but it seems that the new Linux shortcuts and some other related 
stuff are not implemented in the Automated Installation.

There are some old fragments in the auto.install.xml but these will never be 
handled related to the current features.

The only thing, what I see, is that the "old" win32-shortcuts - may be - can 
be created successfully. 

So my Questions are: 

- Does your Automated Shortcut creation run properly on the Win32 Platform? 
And is this enough at this time? Or?
- Is it +very+ important to support Linux Shortcuts with the automated 
installation for your izpack-setup?

If your answer to the second question is *Yes*, I will try to spend many time 
this weekend to implement a solution for this issue to the coming 3.9 version 
of izpack.

otherwise I will relax this weekend ;-)

Let me know

Cheers Marc

Am Montag, 7. August 2006 08:47 schrieb mika:
> Hello,
> after last post from Klaus, the shortcuts are created like wished. Thanks
> to Klaus and to all other people! :-)
> But if I let the installer create an automated install script the shortcuts
> are not being created.
> My workflow:
> 1. install the application and create "autoinstall.script"
> 2. move "autoinstall.script" to another directory
> 3. uninstall application
> 4. invoke install.jar with parameter "autoinstall.script"
> The results are like the expected, only the shortcuts are missing.
> While traversing the "autoinstall.script" I detected a part with
> shortcuts...
> Why are they not being created?
> Thanks,
> mika

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