[izpack-users] izpack variable issue

Carmel Morrissey CMorrissey at espatial.com
Wed Dec 20 18:38:47 CET 2006

Hi Mandeep

The update of the RULE_FIELD does not work within UserInputPanel
updateUIElements method asI would have expected.  The value is not getting
updated within the RuleInputField.  There is no setText() method or similar
with the RuleInputField class.  I would have expected similar processing as
the TEXT_FIELD functionality.

		else if (TEXT_FIELD.equals(element[POS_TYPE]))
                // update TextField
                JTextField textf = (JTextField) element[POS_FIELD];

                // System.out.println("Textfield: " + value);
                if (value == null)
                    value = textf.getText();
                textf.setText(vs.substitute(value, null));
                element[POS_FIELD] = textf;
		else if (RULE_FIELD.equals(element[POS_TYPE]))

                RuleInputField rulef = (RuleInputField) element[POS_FIELD];
                // System.out.println("RuleInputField: " + value);
                if (value == null)
                    value = rulef.getText();

Is there any easy way of updating the text within the RuleInputField?

In particular I want to update NODE 'set' within ELEMENT 'spec' (see sample
excerpt from userInputSpec.xml.  I want to update the default port 8888 to a
value set at runtime.

<field type="rule" variable="AppServerPort">
  <description align="left" txt="" id="description1.text"/>
  <spec txt="Enter web site port:" layout="N:15:5" set="0:8888"/>
  validator class="com.izforge.izpack.util.NotEmptyValidator" txt="Please
enter a valid port number"/>

Any ideas?


-----Original Message-----
From: Mandeep Saini [mailto:Mandeep.Saini at dante.org.uk] 
Sent: 20 December 2006 15:54
To: izpack-users at lists.berlios.de
Subject: Re: [izpack-users] izpack variable issue

Hi Carmel,

Try to checkout the recent IzPack from SVN repository on 
http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/izpack/izpack-src/trunk/. You will 
get the latest code here.


Carmel Morrissey wrote:
> Hi Mandeep
> I have downloaded the latest source code from IzPack and the
> class does not contain any updateUIElements method.  Would it be possible
> get a copy of the code?  I am trying to update default values on the
> UserInputPanel at runtime.
> Regards
> Carmel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mandeep Saini [mailto:Mandeep.Saini at dante.org.uk] 
> Sent: 20 December 2006 11:43
> To: izpack-users at lists.berlios.de
> Subject: Re: [izpack-users] izpack variable issue
> Hi Sonal,
> In IzPack graphical interface is build only once and it happens in the 
> very beginning so if you are setting a field with the value of a 
> variable which you are taking as input from user will not be displayed 
> in the field because the graphical interface was already build at that 
> time and will not be able to show the recent value.
> But if you checkout the recent IzPack from the trunk then its possible. 
> Because a new method updateUIElements has been added in the 
> UserInputPanel class which  updates the UI elements. Although it has not 
> been implemented completely  . It updates the rule field, text field but 
> doesn't do it for search field and other fields. But you can write your 
> own code to update Search field inside this method.
> Hope this will help you.
> Regards
> Mandeep
> sonal.deshpande at tcs.com wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to use a variable for file tag in search field in
>> e.g:
>> <field filename=VAR type="search" variable="db2_home">
>> where VAR is variable set in some radiobutton control.
>> Is it possible and how?
>> Regards
>> Sonal B Deshpande
>> Tata Consultancy Services
>> Mailto: sonal.deshpande at tcs.com
>> Website: http://www.tcs.com
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