[izpack-users] Variable substitution not possible within the installer.xml file?

Przemek Skoskiewicz pskoskiewicz at nyc.rr.com
Sat Feb 11 23:31:28 CET 2006


Am I correct that there is no way to specify a local variable and then use  
it throughout the installer XML file? I was thinking about specifying a  
variable like my product version;

     <variable name="ProductVersion" value="XYZ" />

and then using this variable later on in other elements, like info for  


When poking around the net I have glimpsed somebody's install.xml that  
seemed to have used variables, but I've lost that link now. I've tried  
every variable reference variation I could think of to no avail. Is it  
just not possible, or is it so obvious that I'm blind to it? There seems  
to be a few places where files and filesets are repeated throughout an  
IzPack installation file (resources and packs definitions, for example)  
and capturing some of the common elements of the pathnames seems like a  
perfect task for a local variable. Thanks...

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