[izpack-users] Unusual problem !

Friend follow_from at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Jan 2 06:06:33 CET 2006

Hi Friends,
  New Year Greetings to all here ;-)
  Need a work around.
  Am installing a product into a Sun Java System Application Server 8.1. the problem is there if I want to install the product I need a domain to be present in that apps server prior to my install, until this time am doing this with a installer script which will creat that domain and then install my product into that newly created domain successfuly.
  Here what I would like to ask is - How could I have that script functionality through our IzPack installer.
  ie Need to create a domain in the apps server and then install the product.
  Please direct me friends. Am very new to this IzPack.

  Play Santa's Celebrity Xmas Party, an exclusive game from Yahoo! 
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