[izpack-users] list box in a custom panel

Hal Vaughan hal at thresholddigital.com
Fri Jan 6 02:10:28 CET 2006

On Thursday 05 January 2006 05:52 pm, Klaus Bartz wrote:
> Hi Yossi,
> a panel which should be shown in IzPack has to be inherited from
> IzPanel. Not less, not more. There is no IzPack specific list box,
> you can use the normal swing classes. May be the PacksPanel
> family can help you as example, but it is more complex because there
> is not only GUI in it else some computing.

Yossi -- I missed your original post, so I'm responding here.

I just wrote a custom panel (yep, the dolt who, a week ago, couldn't even get 
his install.xml file working wrote a custom panel) today to select printers.  
It works fine.  I already sent it in to see if it will be included in future 
releases (I don't know enough about CVS yet to download or upload code!).  I 
used a JComboBox for the drop down list and it worked perfectly.  I'll be 
glad to send you the code, if you like (and the line I added to eng.xml for 
the English language version of the text).


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