[izpack-users] Is it possible to stop a service via the install.xml?

Yossi Baram yossiba at eldat.com
Thu Jan 12 08:24:25 CET 2006

Hi guys,
After installation I have mysql service and jboss(service I have
created) running.
During uninstall I need to stop those services in order to delete mysql
and jboss llibrary.
Trying to use the following in mysql.xml:
       <target name="uninstall_target">
                <exec executable="c:\winnt\system32\net">
                        <arg value="STOP"/>
                        <arg value="mysql"/>
                <deltree dir="${MYSQL_ADMINISTRATOR_FOLDER}"/>
                <deltree dir="${MYSQL_FOLDER}"/>     
                <delete file="${MY.INI}"/>    
                <deltree dir="${MYSQL_LOG_FILE}"/>  
Doesnt stop mysql service and an error is raised - cannot delete file
mysqld-max-nt.exe because it may be in use.
It happens because the service wasnt stoped and trying to delete mysql
library cannot take place.
How can I make mysql service to stop?
Can I do it in mysql.xml? or better in install.xml file?
Thanks guys

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