[izpack-users] Doubt -- UserInputPanel

Hal Vaughan hal at thresholddigital.com
Fri Jan 13 06:27:50 CET 2006

Check the line I point out below and the .xml file name:

On Friday 13 January 2006 12:13 am, Friend wrote:
> Hi Friends,
>   On trying to using the user input feature to my installer am getting the
> message --
>   "The Specification for the user input panel could not be found. Please
> contact the packager"
>   here is the install.xml for resources
>   <resources>
>    <res id="userInputSpec.xml" src="userInputSpec.xml"/>

Here, you specify the source is "userInputSpec.xml", but below, you say, "And 
the userInput.spec.xml".  The source, or src="filename", must match the exact 
filename.  In install.xml, you specify "userInputSpec.xml", but it looks like 
your filename is "userInput.spec.xml".  I'll put them one over the other (I 
have a learning disability and always have to check for things like this, and 
the only I way I can catch many of them is by doing that, so it's a habit!):


If you are using the exact name of the file, then you need to have:


Try that and see if it fixes it.


>   </resources>
>   <panels>
>    <panel classname="LicencePanel"/>
>    <panel classname="UserInputPanel"/>
>    <panel classname="TargetPanel"/>
>   </panels>
>   <packs>
>    <pack name="Trial" required="yes">
>     <description>Trial Base</description>
>     <file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="userInputSpec.xml"/>
>    </pack>
>   </packs>
>   And the userInput.spec.xml:
>   <userInput>
>    <panel order="0">
>     <field type="text" variable="myFirstVariable">
>      <description align="left" txt="A Description" id="description 1"/>
>      <spec txt="SampleText:" id="input.sampletext" size="6" set=""/>
>     </field>
>    </panel>
>   </userInput>
>   Please help to find the bugs,
>   regards,
>   Se.
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