[izpack-users] Add files to pack without installing them?

Darren Govoni darren at ontrenet.com
Tue Jan 31 16:33:54 CET 2006

Mmmm, not exactly.

Let me try to re-phrase.

Suppose you have two separate directories, but only ONE needs to get 
installed. When the installer is built,
you're not sure which one to include because you need more information, 
so both will need to be bundled.
Thus, I would like to use a variable (environment, userinput, etc.) to 
_select_ the correct directory from the
installer to actually install.

My thought was that I could do something like this (can't really, but 
this is my hypothetical solution).

<!-- This would include both directories in the installer, but not 
install them -->

<file src="path/to/one"/>     <!-- notice no targetdir attribute. this 
would simply embed the files. -->
<file src="path/to/two"/>

<!-- This directive would take the variable $DIRECTORY and perform an 
installation from the
files located in path/to/$DIRECTORY in the installer e.g. path/to/one -->

<file src="path/to/$DIRECTORY" targetdir="$INSTALL_DIR"/>

The easy workaround is to make them separate packs I guess, but I cannot 
use a variable
in the src="" attribute I think.


Hal Vaughan wrote:
> On Tuesday 31 January 2006 09:05, Darren Govoni wrote:
>> Hi,
>>    Is it possible to add files to a pack while compiling the installer
>> that do not have a target dir?
>> I would then want to select certain files to install based on user
>> input. For example, lets say
>> I have 2 sub directories files/one, files/two (both compiled into the
>> installer).
>> I want to only install one directory using a variable, like
>> file="files/$CHOICE" targetdir="files/" . Is this possible?
> I'm not 100% clear on what you want, but ti seems you want most of the files 
> to be installed in the target directory, but some other files to be installed 
> elsewhere.
> If that's so, you could use the ProcessPanel and create a script (usually I 
> have 2, one .bat for Windows and one .sh for *nix) and have the script move 
> the files where you want them after they're copied over to the target 
> directory.
> Will that do what you need?
> Hal
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