[izpack-users] field type search and validator

Thilo Schwarz (News) news at s-th.de
Sat Jul 8 16:52:04 CEST 2006

Hi to all!

Can someone tell me, if I need a hit on my head or if I've found a 
bug? ;-)
I try to use a NotEmptyValidator with a search field in that way:

<field type="search" variable="backup_dir">
	<description id="panelprob.backupdir.description" />
	<spec id="panelprob.backupdir.label"	type="directory" 
result="directory" />
	<validator class="com.izforge.izpack.util.NotEmptyValidator"
				txt="Backup directory is mandatory!" />

But it doesn't work. Did I forgot something?

Any hints are welcome.

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