[izpack-users] jvm detection 32bit vs. 64bit

David Ferrero david.ferrero at zion.com
Wed Jun 7 22:14:28 CEST 2006

After much searching I have determined that currently the best way to  
detect if a JVM is 32-bit or 64-bit is by querying a java proprietary  
system property. This probably doesn't work in other JVMs such as  
IBMs, however it could be useful for others so I'll post it.

> Seems Sun has a Java System property to determine the bitness of  
> the JVM: 32 or 64:
> sun.arch.data.model=32   // 32 bit JVM
> sun.arch.data.model=64  // 64 bit JVM
> As with any proprietary System property, it may only work on Sun's  
> JVM (ie: not IBM's). It may disappear in the future...

I would like to determine a simple way to add a file restriction  
based on the 32-bit /  64-bit nature of the underlying JVM. Any  
izpack developers want to suggest a simple izpack update?

This update would work well with the Java Wrapper Service open source  
software. They have a Windows Service and Unix Daemon launcher / jvm  
monitor project that works very well.

Ideally, I would like to install only the 64-bit wrapper binary if  
I'm installing to a 64-bit JVM and 32-bit otherwise. Presently there  
is no way to easily restrict izpack to support this...

Comments / Suggestions?

- David

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