[izpack-users] executing scripts/java from ProcessPanel ?

Kevin Hartig kevin.hartig at gmail.com
Sat Jun 17 00:00:51 CEST 2006

I am having trouble getting execution of scripts working after installation.
I am using version Izpack 3.8.1.
JDK 1.5.0_06

I have tried using

<executable os="windows" keep="true" failure="warn" stage="postinstall" 

inside the main installation xml file. The script file is installed 
properly but it is never executed. There is no output showing that it 
failed anywhere that I can tell.

I also tried using the processing panel with a res id = 
ProcessPanel.Spec.xml set to the xml file which contains

    <job name="doit">
        <os family="windows" />
        <executefile name="$INSTALL_PATH/script.bat">

The process panel spec appears to be loaded ok. The Process Panel is 
displayed when running the complied installation scripts. The log file 
is created in the $INSTALL_PATH directory but it is empty even if the 
script is supposed to write to stdout.

I am also running the install.jar from the command line using
java -cp . -DTRACE=true -DSTACKTRACE=true -jar install.jar
no errors show up in the console window either.

Anyone have any ideas what I am doing wrong, other things I could try or 
things to look at??


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