[izpack-users] 3.8.1: Custom Actions - Ant: Nativedlls not available in java library path

René Krell rkrell at gk-software.com
Tue Jun 27 08:58:01 CEST 2006

Hello Klaus,
Thanks for your hints. Some notes below.

On Monday 19 June 2006 10:29, Bartz, Klaus wrote:
> Hi René,
> natives with an installation are not so easy as natives in a
> well installed environment.
> One rule of IzPack is to clean up all things which are used only
> by the installation.
> An other rule is to put all needed into one jar file.
> Therefore dlls are stored in the jar and written out with a
> temp name as needed. Because this the mimik via Librarian;
> it triggers the outloading. But with some ant tasks
> (if you allow fork because you need a java compiler from
> tools.jar) you are in an other process where Librarian not
> exist.
> What is the path of "win32jni.dll"? If you use ant after install
> you can declare a variable for ant where the path of win32jni.dll
> is stored and load the dll with path. How to do it you can see
> in Librarian.java.

Since I declared win32jni with the native tag in my install.xml:
  <native type="3rdparty" name="win32jni.dll"/>
  <jar src="lib/apache-ant/1.6.5/ant.jar" stage="both"/>
  <jar src="lib/apache-ant/1.6.5/ant-launcher.jar" stage="both"/>
  <jar src="lib/apache-ant/1.6.5/ant-nodeps.jar" stage="both"/>
  <jar src="lib/lib_using_win32jni.jar" stage="both"/>
the file win32jni.dll resides in bin/native/3rdparty/ of my installation 
source root following the documentation.

> One "trick" is to use System.load instead of System.loadLibrary
> where you can use the full path.
> Additional AntActionInstallerListener should be a workable
> example for an InstallerListener. Not less, but also not more.
> I have spend many time to made it passably generic. In the moment
> I have not the time to add native support in a generic way to it.
> Will be nice if you can do it. But only in the Listener and its
> dependants, not in the common IzPack part.
> May be the best will be you write a "base" ant class for it
> which makes the load.

I'd very likely provide some patch to make this common. At the moment, I reuse 
the Librarian native library loader from IZPack, which works in my 
environment. As soon as I get some spare time for it... :-(

> [..]
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: izpack-users-admin at berlios.de
> >[mailto:izpack-users-admin at berlios.de]On Behalf Of René Krell
> >Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 2:23 PM
> >To: izpack-users at berlios.de
> >Subject: ***SPAM*** Re: [izpack-users] 3.8.1: Custom Actions - Ant:
> >Nativedlls not available in java library path
> >
> >
> >I solved the problem by my own according to the recommendations at
> >http://openfacts.berlios.de/index-en.phtml?title=IzPack/Undocum
> >entedFeatures:
> >---
> >Native libraries
> >If you add some jar that used custom code, and use the
> ><native> tag, don't use
> >System.load or System.loadLibrary in order to load the native
> >library. Use
> >instead this:
> >  Librarian.getInstance().loadLibrary(
> >	"myNativeLibWithoutExtension",
> >	nativeLibraryClient)
> >where:
> >com.izforge.izpack.util.Librarian is a class supplied with IzPack.
> >nativeLibraryClient is an object belonging to a class implementing the
> >NativeLibraryClient interface.
> >---
> >
> >The problem was that System.loadLibrary does not work during
> >custom Ant
> >actions in own Ant tasks (due to a missing system property
> >java.library.path
> >or environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH).
> >The Librarian refers to a System.load which requires an
> >absolute path to the
> >native library instead.
> >
> >Nevertheless, this is a workaround and in future it would be
> >nice to have
> >System.loadLibrary working for custom Ant actions in own Ant
> >tasks, too, as
> >long as the <native> tag is declared and the referred file is
> >provided. At
> >least there could be overgiven some system property
> >java.library.path or so
> >when calling Ant(?).
> >Otherwise I'd always have to add izpack jars to their
> >classpath to use the
> >Librarian and all depending classes.
> >
> >René
> >
> >On Tuesday 13 June 2006 15:32, René Krell wrote:
> >> On launching my self compiled installation jar, I get
> >> an "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no win32jni in
> >
> >java.library.path" (see:
> >> stacktrace.log) when launching a custom Ant install action,
> >
> >even though I
> >
> >> declared the appropriate DLL in my install.xml:
> >>
> >>   <native type="3rdparty" name="win32jni.dll"/>
> >>
> >> Questions:
> >> 1. Is it possible to use links to native libraries from
> >
> >custom Ant actions
> >
> >> at all?
> >> 2a. Where is the right place to declare them (if I need them only at
> >> install time)?
> >> 3b. or ... How can I set the according properties probably
> >
> >needed for this
> >
> >> and given to the Ant launcher as -Djava.library.path (and
> >
> >user variables,
> >
> >> as LD_LIBRARY_PATH)? Are they set automatically by the installer?
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> René

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