[izpack-users] Running a process and using the results

Miraodb miraodb at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 29 10:48:38 CEST 2006

Hi Laurent,

This is possible indeed and quite straightforward.
In userinputpanel, there's field for passwords.

Here are the steps needed.

First of all, you need to build the password jar (encryption and encoding):

go to the folder izpack-src\src\lib and run
createPWD pwd.jar

This will create a  jar containing the needed classes to encrypt and encode
the password as it's being typed.

Copy this jar into your root installation folder (where you have

Then in install.xml add the jar as follows:

 <jar src="pwd.jar" stage="install" />

And finally in userinputspecs.xml:

<field type="password" variable="PWD">
   <description align="left" txt="" id="description11.text"/>
    <pwd txt="-> Type the password for the connection:" id="pwd.label"
size="10" set=""/>
    <pwd txt="-> Retype the password for the connection:" id="pwd.label2"
size="10" set=""/>
   <validator class="com.izforge.izpack.sample.PWDValidator" txt="Both
versions of the password must match" id="error.label"/>
   <processor class="com.izforge.izpack.sample.PWDEncryptor"/>

This will provide you:

1. A validation on fields: the two password fields MUST match !
2. Encrytion of the password

Hope that helps,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Laurent Duperval" <lduperval at gmail.com>
To: "izpack-users" <izpack-users at lists.berlios.de>
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 10:53 PM
Subject: [izpack-users] Running a process and using the results

> Hi,
> I need to encryp passwords for my application, according to what is
> specified here:
> http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=EncryptingDataSourcePasswords
> How can I take a clear text password, change it to the encoded value
> specified above and use the encoded value in a parsable file?
> Is this possible?
> L
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