[izpack-users] Control buttons on various panels.

Hal Vaughan hal at thresholddigital.com
Tue May 2 14:43:53 CEST 2006

On Tuesday 02 May 2006 08:26, Michael 'buk' Scherer wrote:
> Hi.
> I have a few "issues" with the buttons.
> For example the "Back/Zurueck"-Button is enabled on the
> ShortcutPanel, which comes right after the InstallationPanel, which
> is unwanted.
> Besides that I searched (without luck) for more information on
> controlling the buttons of the panels, is there anything I missed or
> do I "simply" need to hack the code so the panels match my needs?
> Thanks for the help,
>  Greetings, Michael

There are no configuration files for the Back/Next buttons, if that is 
what you mean.  Whenever possible, panels have an active Back button, 
but in ones where going back would cause problems, Back is deactivated.

I'm not a developer, so I don't have an official answer, but in my work 
with IzPack (which includes working on a few features and adding 4-7 
panels or so, some of which have already been submitted), the only way 
I can see to control the Back button is hacking the code.


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