[izpack-users] Can't execute scripts sequentially

Roberts, Keith (EDS) Keith.Roberts at va.gov
Tue May 30 17:58:30 CEST 2006

Thank you for your response

I solved this by adding the code to the package that adds all files
needed for the ear file. Then all those files were parsed, modifying all
necessary files, then fired an executable script that builds the ear
file from the changed files.

A bit more work than I had hoped, since my ant build creates the ear
file also. But it works... 

-----Original Message-----
From: izpack-users-admin at berlios.de
[mailto:izpack-users-admin at berlios.de] On Behalf Of Bartz, Klaus
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2006 4:21 AM
To: izpack-users at berlios.de
Subject: RE: [izpack-users] Can't execute scripts sequentially

Hi Keith,
the sequence will be:
For each package which should be installed
    unpack all files with the declared path
    parse all files which are declared for it
    execute all files which are declared for it

Most panels (like the ProcessPanel) are singletons; you can only use

That's what you have seen, but not needed. 

I have had an equal problem and solved it with the
AntActionInstallerListener. There you can declare multiple tasks which
has dependencies. The basic features like jar, unjar or replace are
There are some lines in the docu for it.



>-----Original Message-----
>From: izpack-users-admin at berlios.de
>[mailto:izpack-users-admin at berlios.de]On Behalf Of Roberts, Keith (EDS)
>Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 7:22 PM
>To: izpack-users at lists.berlios.de
>Subject: [izpack-users] Can't execute scripts sequentially
>I'm trying to implement an installation that performs user input 
>substitution to a file contained in an ear file.
>I assumed that the executable and parsable entries are executed in the 
>sequence that they are defined in the pack tag; but that doesn't seem 
>to be the case.
>In order for this to work, the executable must run to extract the 
>contents of the ear and ejb jar files. This works fine. The parsable 
>must execute after the completion of the executable so that the 
>variables in the ejb descriptor can be substituted by user input. Then 
>the final executable should run to repackage the ear file.
>This approach doesn't work because the parsable runs before the first 
>executable completes.
>I tried using the ProcessPanel to perform the jar extraction; but that 
>doesn't work either. I placed it before and after the pack panel.
>How should this problem be solved?
>Thanks in advance
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>izpack-users at lists.berlios.de
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