[izpack-users] Execute Java Class

macke maier at isys.uni-klu.ac.at
Tue Nov 7 20:05:15 CET 2006


ok, in ProcessPanel.Spec.xml make sure it is ..
<job name="any">
	<os family="windows"/>
	<executeclass name="src.Property.TestWrite"/>	

it's NOT <executableclass> 
and you have to specify the right path. So if you have the TestWrite.class
in the package src.Property, as I see in your code, you have to write:
<executeclass name="src.Property.TestWrite"/>


Mandeep wrote:
> Hi Macke,
> Thankyou very much for the help but it hasn't solved my problem. I have 
> a feeling that I am wrong somewhere in specifying the paths. I am 
> sending you my complete files with the attachment so that you can have a 
> clear Idea of what I am doing.
> I have also tried with the following path in the ProcessPanel.Spec.xml:
> <executeclass name="com.izforge.izpack.util.TestWrite">
> Thankyou again for ur kind help.
> Regards
> Mandeep
> macke wrote:
>> Hi!
>> First you have to specify in your install.xml, that you want to use the
>> ProcessPanel: 
>> <panels>
>> ...
>> <panel classname="ProcessPanel"/>
>> ...
>> </panels>
>> In the resources section of install.xml you have to tell where the xml
>> for
>> it is:
>>     	<resources>
>>                 .....
>> 		<!-- what has the ProcessPanel to do -->
>> 		<res id="ProcessPanel.Spec.xml" src="PATH/TO/ProcessPanel.Spec.xml"/>
>>     	</resources>
>> And you have to include your class. Easiest way is to generate a JAR file
>> including your class. In the install.xml you have then to add the line,
>> e.g.
>> <jar src="PATH/TO/WriteProperties.jar"/>
>> In the ProcessPanel.Spec.xml you have to write:
>> <processing>
>> <job name="name of teh job">
>> <os family="windows" />
>> <executeclass name="com.izforge.izpack.util.WriteProperties"> <!-- this
>> is
>> an example! as you see you have to write the package path to your class.
>> If
>> you don't use packages, only write WriteProperties  -->
>> <arg>arg1</arg>
>> ...
>> </executeclass>
>> </processing>
>> Hope this helps. 
>> regards,
>> Macke
>> Mandeep wrote:
>>>I want to execute (during or after the installation process) java class
>>>which creates a properties file . I am trying to do this with
>>>and writing the following ProcessPanel.Spec.xml for the same:
>>><job name="any">
>>>	<os family="windows"/>
>>>	<executableclass name="$INSTALL_PATH/src/WriteProperties.class"/>	
>>>is this the right way to do it...or should I so something else? Please
>>>suggest me.....I am new to IzPack.
> <processing>
> <job name="any">
> 	<os family="windows"/>
> 	<executableclass name="$INSTALL_PATH/src/Property/TestWrite"/>	
> </job>
> </processing>
> package src.Property;
> import java.io.File;
> import java.io.FileInputStream;
> import java.io.OutputStream;
> import java.util.Properties;
> public class TestWrite extends java.util.Properties 
> {
> 	public TestWrite()
> 	{
> 		super();
> 	}
> 	public void setDefault(Properties defProp)
>     {
>         defaults = defProp;
>     } 
> 	public static void main(String[] args) 
> 	{
> 		 TestWrite prop = new TestWrite();
> 		 OutputStream out=null;		 
> 		 prop.put("HEIGHT","300");
> 		 prop.put("WIDTH","300");
> 		 String propFileName = "Y:/IzPack/src/lib/prop.prp";
> 		 String comment = "APP SETTINGS, //date will be different for you of
> course"; 
> 		 File outFile = new java.io.File(propFileName);
> 		 try
> 		 {
> 			  out = new java.io.FileOutputStream(outFile);
> 		      prop.store(out, comment);
> 		 }
> 		 catch(java.io.IOException ioe)
> 		 {
> 			 System.out.print(ioe);
> 		 }
> 		 finally
> 		 {
> 		     try{
> 		     out.flush();
> 		     out.close();}
> 		     catch(Exception e)
> 		     {
> 		    	 System.out.print(e);
> 		     }
> 		     out = null;
> 		 } 
> 	}
> }
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes" ?>
> <installation version="1.0">
>     <!-- 
>         The info section.
>         The meaning of the tags should be natural ...
>     -->
>     <info>
>         <appname>Sample Installation</appname>
>         <appversion>1.4 beta 666</appversion>
>         <authors>
>             <author name="JPz" email="jpz at superman.org"/>
>             <author name="Hidden Man" email="hidden at hisdomain.com"/>
>         </authors>
>         <url>http://www.anotherworld-inspace-website.net/</url>
>     </info>
>     <!-- 
>         The gui preferences indication.
>         Sets the installer window to 640x480. It will not be able to
> change the size.
>     -->
>     <guiprefs width="640" height="480" resizable="no"/>
>     <!-- 
>         The locale section.
>         Asks here to include the English and French langpacks.
>     -->
>     <locale>
>         <langpack iso3="eng"/>
>         <langpack iso3="fra"/>
>     </locale>
> 	<jar src="Y:/IzPack/src/lib/src/Property/TestWrite.jar"/>
> 	<variables>
> 		<variable name="Any" value="something"/>
> 		<variable name="any2" value="again something"/>
> 	</variables>
>     <!-- 
>         The resources section.
>         The ids must be these ones if you want to use the LicencePanel
> and/or the InfoPanel.
>     -->
>     <resources>
>         <res id="LicencePanel.licence"
> src="Y:/IzPack/src/lib/Licence.txt"/>
>         <res id="InfoPanel.info" src="Y:/IzPack/src/lib/Readme.txt"/>
> 		<res id="userInputSpec.xml" src="Y:/IzPack/src/lib/userInputSpec.xml"/>
> 		<res id="ProcessPanel.Spec.xml"
> src="Y:/IzPack/src/lib/ProcessPanel.Spec.xml"/>
>     </resources>
>     <!-- 
>         The panels section.
>         We indicate here which panels we want to use. The order will be
> respected.
>     -->
>     <panels>
>         <panel classname="HelloPanel"/>
>         <panel classname="InfoPanel"/>	
>         <panel classname="LicencePanel"/>
> 		<panel classname="UserInputPanel"/> 
> 		<panel classname="TargetPanel"/> 
> 		<panel classname="ProcessPanel"/>        
>         <panel classname="PacksPanel"/>	  	
>         <panel classname="InstallPanel"/>
>         <panel classname="FinishPanel"/>
>     </panels>
>     <!-- 
>         The packs section.
>         We specify here our packs.
>     -->
>     <packs>
>         <pack name="Base" required="yes">
>             <description>The base files</description>
>             <file src="Y:/IzPack/src/lib/Readme.txt"
> targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH"/>
>             <file src="Y:/IzPack/src/lib/Licence.txt"
> targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH"/>
>             <file src="Y:/IzPack/src/lib/script.bat"
> targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH"/>
>             <parsable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/script.bat"/> <!-- The
> file will be parsed -->
>         </pack>
>         <pack name="Docs" required="no">
>             <description>The documentation</description>
>             <file src="Y:/IzPack/src/lib/doc" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH"/>
> <!-- Reccursive adding -->			
>         </pack>
>         <pack name="Sources" required="no">
>             <description>The sources</description>
>             <file src="Y:/IzPack/src/lib/src" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH"/>			
>         </pack>
>     </packs>
> </installation>
> _______________________________________________
> izpack-users mailing list
> izpack-users at lists.berlios.de
> https://lists.berlios.de/mailman/listinfo/izpack-users

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