[izpack-users] <executable ...> doesn't work

Hans-Georg Michna hans-georg at michna.com
Wed Oct 25 17:17:51 CEST 2006

On Wed, 25 Oct 2006 12:37:44 +0200, Bartz, Klaus wrote:

>interpret I right that the main point for this email thread
>has end in smoke? If so, nice...

Hello Klaus,

no, sorry, I wasn't clear enough about this. The log shows that
the first executable ran OK, but the next thing is the error
message, and then the log ends. But I have several more
executables, which are not executed and not listed in the log.

So I concluded that the error killed the installer execution,
that the installer stopped working after that error message, and
I didn't make that clear enough in my previous message. Sorry.

The rest of the log before the first executable is probably not
relevant to the problem, and the first executable ran fine, so I
think I posted the only interesting part of the log.

Any ideas on this problem?

I like IzPack, otherwise I wouldn't try to help finding errors
and spend time on it. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't write any
messages here. I only have the current problem that it doesn't
start those executables, and when I can't solve this problem,
I'll be forced to drop it, even against my will.

I actually have the go from my boss to buy install4j, which with
one year of support and upgrades costs €1479, but if IzPack does
the job, I'll stick to it. (That sentence should be good
advertizing for IzPack. I don't reserve any copyright. :-)


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