[izpack-users] Hybrid installer [web + standard]

Jo Vark jo_vark at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 30 23:52:27 CET 2006

I went through the documentation and mailing lists,
but could not find any information about creting
hybrid installers.
For eg, I would like to create an installer with some
packages that I developed and also would like my
installer to be able to access the JDK/JRE package, in
case the user does not have the required version
installed on his/her machine. However, the JDK/JRE
pack can be about >35MB and for an application that is
about 12Mb a large installer wouldn't make sense.
I was wondering if one could list out all the packs in
the Packs panel and provide, for eg, an optionable
Java Pack, but all my packs would be in the installer,
but the java pack will be downloaded from a url. 
Is this possible at all with the current installer?
Also if not (maybe I should address this to the dev
group) I think a nice feature would be to be able to
tell within the <pack> tags whether the pack is
available on the web or within the installer.
Thanks in advance.

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