[izpack-users] Cannot find ressource packsLang.xml for language deu

Dennis Reil Dennis.Reil at reddot.de
Thu Sep 21 12:12:03 CEST 2006

> thanks for your advice, it works nearly perfect :-).
> But after doing this there occurs a message like this:
> "No custom langpack available."
> How do I supress this message?

Define a custom langpack ;-)
That's not the packs langpack which you just defined. With a custom
langpack, you can overwrite the strings in izpack default langpacks.

Look at the undocumented features section in izPack-wiki for information
about how to define a custom langpack.


> Thanks,
> mika
> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 11:35:10 +0200
> Von: Dennis Reil <Dennis.Reil at reddot.de>
> An: izpack-users at lists.berlios.de
> Betreff: Re: [izpack-users] Cannot find ressource packsLang.xml for	language	deu
> > Hi Mika,
> > 
> > > how can I make the mentioned error go away?
> > > Where do I have to place this xml and what is the content of it?
> > > 
> > > The documentation sais that there must be a packsLang.xml_deu in the
> > $IZPACK_HOME/install/langpacks/installer directory for the german language.
> > But this directory does not exist!
> > You just have to define a resource, which name is packsLang.xml_deu,
> > like this one here:
> > <res id="packsLang.xml_deu"
> > src="conf/langpack/packslangpack.deu.xml"/>		
> > 
> > This means that the compiler looks for a packslangpack in the directory
> > specified by the src-attribute.
> > 
> > 
> > Regards
> > 
> >         Dennis
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