[izpack-users] Using ProcessPanel and Log4J

Marius Hugo marius.hugo at traderoot.com
Fri Apr 20 09:05:34 CEST 2007

Hi, I'm new to IzPack and I'm having a bit of trouble with the
I have to merge files based on versioning and a license that I must
parse.  I have written my own code to
handle this and included it in a ProcessPanel.  I loaded the jars
necessary using the <jar> tag (these tags are in my install.xml).
When I  get to running the panel, it simply tells me that there has been
an exception using 
my class and there is no actual indication that the correct action
was taken or that my class was even run (I also have no clue what the
exception is, it doesn't specify)
My class uses log4j and that has to read a file for its config.
Normally I would just say the following:
java  -Dlog4j.configuration=log4j.properties com.bla bla bla.MyClass
How would I get this right in the process panel?  Cause I need to see
the logs so that I can know what's going on.
Also, I attempted to enable the ProcessPanel logging, but the file never
gets created in $INSTALL_PATH.
My ProcessPanel config looks a little something like this:
 <job name="InstallArtifacts">
              <arg value="$trtLicense"/>
              <arg value="$INSTALL_PATH/TradeRoot/Installations/"/>
              <arg value="$INSTALL_PATH/TradeRoot/Repositories"/>
              <arg value="Stack"/>
$trtLicense -> location of license that i captured in a UserInput
I understand that all these values are passed in the specified order to
the main method of the class
that I specified.
thanks guys
<blocked::outbind://14-00000000252186820D911343AE88222B11A81FAFE41D3600/> 	MARIUS HUGO


	+27 72 237 4083
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	TRADEROOT TECHNOLOGIES (Pty)Ltd. Reg. No. 2000/005984/07.
www.traderoot.com Directors E von Engelhardt, J Ludik, B Dungan, W
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