[izpack-users] Regex checking and staring passwords on userInputSpec.xml

Matt_nz matthewd at datacom.co.nz
Fri Aug 17 01:29:11 CEST 2007

First I would like to say thanks for all the hardwork that has gone into

I have got the installer all working to my liking, and now I am going back
and fixing a few issues that have arisen.
I'm using Izpack ver 3.10.2.

The following code works fine and does the regex checking I require.
	<panel order="0">
		<field type="title" txt="Administrator credentials" align="left"/>
		<field type="staticText" align="center" txt="Please Enter a username.
Username must be between 5-15 alpha numeric characters and can include - and
_" />

		<field type="rule" variable="USERNAME">
			<spec txt="Username:" layout="AN:15:15" resultFormat="displayFormat" />
				txt="Invalid username entered, username must be between 5-15 alpha
numeric characters">

		<field type="space" align="center"/> 
		<field type="staticText" align="left" txt="Please Enter a password.
Password must be between 8-15 characters" />

		<field type="rule" variable="PASSWORD">
			<spec txt="Password:" layout="O:15:15"
				resultFormat="displayFormat" />
				txt="Invalid password entered, Password must be between 8-15

Now the problem is trying to star the Password input field I've tried
combinations of: 

	<field type="password" variable="PASSWORD">
				<pwd txt="Password:" size="15" id="pwd.label"/>
And then attaching my validator where indicated, this doesn't work.  I've
also tried having the <pwd txt input above the rule input and passing the
value of $PASSWORD to the rule as a hidden input.

Is what I'm trying to do possible with userinputSpec in its current form? 
It appears to be the case that field type="password" cannot use the
RegualrExpressionValidator, if so any other ways to do this?  I want to star
a password and restrict its length to 8-15 characters (I can be more
leanient on valid characters if necessary).

Thanks for your help.

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Regex-checking-and-staring-passwords-on-userInputSpec.xml-tf4270007.html#a12153194
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