[izpack-users] Linux Path Problem for JAR Execution

Loïc lbndev at yahoo.fr
Wed Aug 29 07:19:43 CEST 2007


Starting with some obvious stuff :

    * Have you tried without the line <osfamily="windows"/> ?
    * Have you checked that the file name capitalization is right (Linux
      is case-sensitive, windows isn't) ?

If your problem persists please post the full installation XML file.

Good luck,


yj a écrit :
> Hi All,
>     I have built an installer using IzPack which executes a JAR file 
> using the ProcessPanel. The JAR file is successfully executed on Windows 
> but cannot be located on Linux. I have tried this of Fedora Core 7 and 
> Ubuntu Fesity Fawn but with no success.
> My ProcessPanelSpec.xml is as follows:
> <processing>
>     <job name="DS Install">
>         <logfiledir>"$INSTALL_PATH/log"</logfiledir>
>         <osfamily="windows"/>
>         <executefile name="java">
>             <arg>-jar</arg>
>             <arg>"$INSTALL_PATH/utils/DataSourceInstaller.jar"</arg>
>             <arg>$INSTALL_PATH</arg>
>         </executefile>
>     </job>
> </processing>
> Can anyone help me out with this problem.
> Loads of Thanx
> Regards,

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