[izpack-users] Detecting an upgrade

Klaus Bartz bartzkau at gmx.net
Mon Jun 4 11:46:21 CEST 2007

Hi Dirk,

IzPack do not support real maintenance like MSI. But it
is possible to detect an already installed program. See
CheckedHelloPanel. For the different handling of files etc.
there exist no class, but you are free to write your own
panels and custom actions. One big problem is, that a secound
installation will overwrite the first uninstaller. I prefer to
uninstall first and install a new version secound.

2) Look into your registry. Are there an entry for IzPack :-)
If you add the RegistryInstallerListener it will be done automatically
or you can extend the entry with some informations like your web page.
This is used in IzPack self.
See the installation description file of IzPack



Am 04.06.2007, 11:05 Uhr, schrieb <Dirk.Moebius at dorma.com>:

> Hi,
> I'm currently evaluating IzPack for a new software product. Looks great  
> so
> far! Still two questions I couldn't answer myself by looking at the
> documentation:
> 1) Is it possible to detect a "re-install"? Ie. detect that the software
> has already been installed (by looking at the registry or some other
> well-known location). In this case I want the installer to behave
> differently. E.g. the installer should provide options to re-install the
> software or to uninstall it. Ideally it should also detect "upgrades",
> that is the case if the previously installed software has a lower version
> number than the one to be installed.
> 2) I see that IzPack optionally generates an uninstaller. On Windows,  
> will
> those uninstallers automatically be registered in the Software registry?
> Thanks, in advance, for your answers,
> Dirk Moebius

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