[izpack-users] Language-dependent pack preselection

Gernot Stenz stenzg at in.tum.de
Wed Jun 20 17:00:27 CEST 2007

Hello out there!

I have yet another problem with my multilingual installer: In the meanwhile I
can guide the preselection of packs by preselecting all and unselecting the
unwanted ones by pack conditions. I can also mark packs to be mutually
exclusive using the excludeGroups attribute.

But can I do both? I want to do the following: As I mentioned before, I want
to install a version of Open Office. I want to offer both the German and the
English version but only allow one of them installed. Yet I want to base the
preselection of both packages on the language choice for the installer. Is
this possible? Preselecting both will generate a compiler error: Packs
OpenOffice.org (Englisch) and OpenOffice.org (Deutsch) belong to the same
excludeGroup anyOneLanguage and are both preselected. This is not allowed.

Thanks, Gernot

    __o  Gernot Stenz  e-mail:stenzg at informatik.tu-muenchen.de        /\
   -\<,          WWW:  http://www4.in.tum.de/~stenzg               /\/--\
_(_)/(_)_London - Paris: 3547 km__________________________________/      \

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