[izpack-users] SplashScreen when installing big data from CD

Albert Kam moonblade.wolf at gmail.com
Thu Oct 4 05:39:35 CEST 2007

Hi izpack people !

I hope you guys and girls can help me with this issue, as i've googled soo
much and havent found a solution yet.

I made an installation CD, with izpack, with a simple autorun.inf, running a
batch file that does 'java -jar myinstall.jar' thing.
When i tried inserting the disc, the autorun runs fine, a command prompt
appears, the java runs, but, the first panel (the info panel, in my case),
takes quite a time to load. It seems that the java takes some time to read
all the installation jar from the CD. As a user who installs this, i can be
left wondering what is going on .. Not a good user interface practise,
leaving the user without any information while waiting.

So i think it'll be nice to show a splash screen or an infinite progress bar
window before the first installation panel appears. I was looking into one
of the devel old mailing list :

There it says that i just need to use

<res id="SplashScreen" src="installer/resources/InstallerSplash.png"/>

But it didnt work, and i've searched the source files, it seems that this
feature is not available anymore.
So, is there a feature that i can use to achieve this in izpack libraries,
or do i create my own splash screen, and if so, could you suggest me where
to put it ?

Thank you !

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