[izpack-users] IzPack 3.11.0-beta2

Pascal Quesseveur quesseveur at abaksystemes.fr
Thu Jan 3 19:51:42 CET 2008

>"JP" == Julien Ponge <julien.ponge at gmail.com> writes:

  JP> Hi everyone,
  JP> I am pleased to announce the release of IzPack 3.11.0-beta2 that can
  JP> be downloaded from https://izpack.github.io/
  JP>   * a new subproject called 'izpack-utils' has been created - at the
  JP> moment it provides 'izpack2exe' and 'izpack2app' to wrap IzPack
  JP> installers inside Windows executables and Mac OS X application bundles


*Great*. Congratulations for all your work.

I have just tried to build a Windows exe and installed it on a Vista
Professional System localized in french with UAC
activated. Installation worked as expected. First the exe asked for
the admin password and then it ran the installation with
administrative rights. The program was installed in C:\Program Files
(which is displayed as C:\Progammes in the explorer). The program is
correctly registered in the Windows registry. *Bravo!*

Here are some remarks.

  - The Windows dialog which is dispalyed for entering the
    administrative password says the program is from an unidentified
    editor. I wonder if it would be possible to put something more
    valuable information.

  - The uninstallation must be ran under an administrative account.

  - I understand that building the Windows exe only works on a Windows
    system. Am I right? Is it the same for Mac OsX App?

  - I tried to pass a jar file in UNC to the --file option, someting
    like --file \\host\...\install.jar. No error was detected during
    the construction of exe, but then I was unable to run the
    installation on the target computer. An error panel told the file
    \\host\...\install.jar doesn't exist.

Pascal Quesseveur
pascal.quesseveur at free.fr

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