[izpack-users] Feature Request - Scripting Languages for custom actions

Matthew Inger mattinger at gmail.com
Sun Jan 13 04:51:05 CET 2008

1.  That's controlled by izpack itself, and I believe that it does not
bundle listeners and/or panels
     into the installer unless they're specifically referenced in the the
installer.xml file.

2.  Which exceptions in particular?  The script exceptions?  I'll take a
look at my exception
     handling.  As i had said, this is initial code, and it's working for me
for what i'm doing here.
     I'm deploying tomcat apps, and i'm using the script to backup the
existing files before
     they're replaced, and to remove the exploded webapp and the appropriate
work directory
     within tomcat.

I'll work on a subversion patch after i address the exceptions.  I also want
to decide whether I
want to go with BSF 2.x, which is the approach I have, or to use BSF
3.0(which is still beta),
so I can use the Invocable interface.  This has implications on how the
scripts are defined.
With bsf 2.x, the beforePacks is defined (in groovy) as:
     beforePacks = {
           // code, which assumes that certain symbols like idata, npacks,
and handler are defined

With bsf 3.0, it would be:
     void beforePacks (InstallerData idata, Integer npacks,
UIProgressHandler hander) {
           // code.

The differences is that the first is a symbol which references an anonymous
function, while
the second is an actual method definition within the compiled class.

It's really the difference between using a C function pointer, and an actual
declared function.

On Jan 12, 2008 9:03 AM, Julien Ponge <julien.ponge at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Matthew,
> I have had a look at your initial code proposal (not tested though). I
> definitely looks promising, so here I'll go with some minor comments
> ;-)
> 1. Make sure that it does not get bundled into every possible
> installer (but I'm sure it doesn't anyway - just make the check).
> 2. The caught exceptions should at least print a stack trace unless
> there is a good reason to do so.
> Once you get something ready, please send us a patch against the
> latest trunk of our Subversion server.
> Keep up the good work
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