[izpack-devel] Additions to executefile element and ProcessPanel panel

donald donaldm at tricom.co.za
Wed Jan 4 12:24:34 CET 2006

Tino Schwarze wrote:

>> 1] stdin element in executefile
>> Description:
>> Added an stdin element to the executefile element to allow input from a 
>> user or from a named pipe.

> So, does the user see the question he's asked?

If the question is output to stdout (or stderr) then it should appear in the existing output text area.

>> Description:
>> Added a env element similar to the arg element for executefile that 
>> allows the user to specify environment variables when executing the 
>> specified application.
>> Example
>> <executefile name="/bin/bash" pwd="/" >
>>  <env>LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./
>>  </env>

> I'd use a pure XML syntax here:
> <env name="CC" value="..." />
> or maybe support
> <env name="CC">gcc-3.4</env> 
> too.

Good idea, thanks. The 2nd format fits in with the existing arg element format.

> Cool stuff, should be very useful, so please add the patches.

Thanks, I'll make the changes for the env and then add them.


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