[izpack-devel] Need a bit of info on the Mac

Aaron Mulder ammulder at alumni.princeton.edu
Tue Jan 10 21:51:23 CET 2006

On Mac OS X, if you try to install a program that writes to system
directories or whatever, you get a prompt to enter your password (like
a sudo, effectively).  I don't know whether the OS manages that any
time an installer tries to do something that requires higher privs, or
whether the installer needs to preemtively make some calls to prompt
the user and elevate privs before attempting to do the protected


On 1/10/06, Hal Vaughan <hal at thresholddigital.com> wrote:
> For you Mac users out there, I have a question:
> On Linux and Windows I know there are some programs you can't install unless
> you are root or Administrator.  What is the Mac equivalent of this?  I know
> the Mac root account in OSX is disabled by default.  Can any user install any
> program?
> I also know that for other flavors of *nix, it would be root, but are there
> any other OSes out there that IzPack works on with a different name for the
> equivalent of the root account?
> Hal
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